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curable /ˈkjʊərəbl; US / adj. (used about a disease) that can be made better AIDS is still not curable. ▶ uleczalny OPPOSITE incurable
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curator /kjʊəˈreɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] a person whose job is to look after the things that are kept in a museum ▶ kustosz/ka
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curb1 /kɜ: b; US / verb [transitive] to limit or control sth, especially sth bad He needs to learn to curb his anger. ▶ hamować ograniczać
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curb2 /kɜ: b; US / noun [countable] 1a curb (on sth) a control or limit on sth a curb on local government spending ▶ hamulec ograniczenie
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curdle /ˈkɜ: dl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (used about liquids) to turn sour or to separate into different parts; to make sth do this I’ve curdled the sauce. The scream made her blood curdle (ściął jej krew w żyłach). warzyć się zsiadać się
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The plumber cured (rozwiązał) the problem with the central heating. ▶ wyleczyć 3 to make certain types of food last longer by drying them, or treating them with smoke or salt cured ham ▶ konserwować 1cure sb (of sth) The treatment cured him of cancer. The doctors couldn’t cure her. ▶ wyleczyć uzdrawiać 2 to make an illness, injury, etc. end or disappear It is still not possible to cure the common cold. • (figurative)
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2 a return to good health; the process of being cured The new drug brought about a miraculous cure. ▶ wyleczenie uzdrowienie cure2 /kjʊə(r); US / noun [countable] a cure (for sth) 1 a medicine or treatment that can cure an illness, etc. There is no cure for this illness. ▶ lek lekarstwo
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2 (US) a time when children must arrive home in the evening She has a 10 o’clock curfew. ▶ obowiązkowa godzina powrotu dzieci do domu curfew /ˈkɜ: fju:; US / noun [countable] 1 a time after which people are not allowed to go outside their homes, for example during a war The government imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew. ▶ godzina policyjna
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2[countable] an unusual and interesting person or thing The museum was full of historical curiosities. ▶ osobliwość ciekawostka 1[uncountable] a desire to know or learn I was full of curiosity about their plans. Out of curiosity, he opened her letter. ▶ ciekawość zaciekawienie
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2 unusual or strange As I was walking home, a curious thing happened. It was curious that she didn’t tell anyone about the incident. ▶ dziwny osobliwy niezwykły 1 curious (about sth); curious (to do sth) wanting to know or learn sth They were very curious about the people who lived upstairs. He was curious to know how the machine worked. ▶ ciekawy zaciekawiony
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□ curiously /; US / adv. Curiously enough, we discovered that we had exactly the same name. Curiously enough (co ciekawe), we discovered that we had exactly the same name. ▶ dziwnie osobliwie niezwykle
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2 [intransitive] to move round in a curve The snake curled around his arm. Smoke curled up into the sky. Spirala dymu unosiła się ku niebu. ▶ wić się 1 [intransitive, transitive] to form or to make sth form into a curved or round shape Does your hair curl naturally? The pages had curled with age. She curled her hair for the party. ▶ kręcić (się) zawijać (się)
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curl2 /kɜ: l; US / noun [countable] 1 a piece of hair that curves round Her hair fell in curls round her face. ▶ lok pukiel 2 a thing that has a curved round shape a curl (kłąb) of blue smoke ▶ zwój spirala kłębek
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curler /ˈkɜ: lə(r); US / noun [countable] a small plastic or metal tube that you roll your hair around in order to make it curly ▶ lokówka papilot
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curly /ˈkɜ: li; US / adj. (curlier; curliest) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW full of curls; shaped like a curl curly hair ▶ kręcony wijący się OPPOSITE straight
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currant /ˈkʌrənt; US ˈkɜ: r- / noun [countable] 1 a very small dried grape used to make cakes, etc. ▶ rodzynek 2[in compounds] one of several types of small soft fruit blackcurrants ▶ porzeczka
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2[uncountable] the state of being believed, accepted or used by many people The new ideas soon gained currency (szybko się przyjęły). ▶ powszechny użytek obieg currency /ˈkʌrənsi; US ˈkɜ: r- / noun (pl. currencies) 1 [countable, uncountable] the system or type of money that a particular country uses foreign currency a weak/strong/stable currency a major source of foreign currency (dewiz) ▶ waluta
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current1 /ˈkʌrənt; US ˈkɜ: r- / adj. 1 [only before a noun] of the present time; happening now current fashions/events ▶ aktualny bieżący 2 generally accepted; in common use Is this word still current? ▶ powszechnie używany obiegowy
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2 [countable, uncountable] the flow of electricity through a wire, etc. Turn off the current before cleaning the machine. ▶ prąd (elektryczny) 1 [countable] a continuous flowing movement of water, air, etc. to swim against/with the current You shouldn’t swim in the river. There are dangerous currents. • (figurative) a current (fala) of anti-government feeling ▶ prąd nurt
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currently /ˈkʌrəntli; US ˈkɜ: r- / adv. at present; at the moment He is currently working in Spain. ▶ obecnie aktualnie ⇨ note at actually
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□ curried /; US / adj. curried chicken ▶ przyrządzony w sosie curry curry /ˈkʌri; US ˈkɜ: ri / noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. curries) an Indian dish of meat, vegetables, etc. containing a lot of spices and usually served with rice chicken/beef/vegetable curry a hot/mild curry ▶ (potrawa) curry
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3 something that causes great harm the curse of drug addiction ▶ przekleństwo klątwa curse1 /kɜ: s; US / noun [countable] ▶ przekleństwo 2 a word or words expressing a wish that sth terrible will happen to sb The witch put a curse on him. The family seemed to be under a curse (przeklęta). ▶ klątwa urok
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2[transitive] to use a magic word or phrase against sb because you wish them harm She cursed his family. ▶ przeklinać rzucać klątwę (na kogoś/coś) 1 [intransitive, transitive] curse (sb/sth) (for sth) to swear at sb/sth; to use rude language to express your anger He dropped the box, cursing himself for his clumsiness. They cursed the traffic, realizing they would be late. ▶ kląć przeklinać
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cursor /ˈkɜ: sə(r); US / noun [countable] a small sign on a computer screen that shows the position you are at ▶ kursor
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1 (US also drape) a piece of cloth that you can move to cover a window, etc. Could you draw the curtains (zasunąć/odsłonić zasłony), please? lace curtains firanki The curtain (kurtyna) goes up at 7pm. ▶ zasłona kotara
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curve1 /kɜ: v; US / noun [countable] a line that bends round a curve on a graph ▶ krzywa łuk
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curve1 /kɜ: v; US / noun [countable] a line that bends round a curve on a graph ▶ krzywa łuk
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2 something that acts or is shaped like a cushion A hovercraft rides on a cushion of air (na poduszce powietrznej). ▶ poduszka 1 a bag filled with soft material, for example feathers, which you put on a chair, etc. to make it more comfortable She sat back in the armchair with a cushion behind her head. ▶ poduszka (ozdobna) poduszeczka Poduszka do spania to pillow.
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2 to reduce the unpleasant effect of sth She spent her childhood on a farm, cushioned from the effects of the war. ▶ osłaniać chronić cushion2 /ˈkʊʃn; US / verb [transitive] 1 to make a fall, hit, etc. less painful The snow cushioned his fall. ▶ amortyzować
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2 the state of being guarded, or kept in prison temporarily, especially by the police The man was kept in custody until his trial. ▶ areszt 1 the legal right or duty to take care of sb/sth After the divorce, the mother had custody of the children. ▶ opieka prawo do opieki kuratela piecza
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2[sing.] (formal) something that a person does regularly It’s my custom to drink tea in the afternoon. They were walking through the park, as was their custom (jak mieli w zwyczaju), when a large dog attacked them. ▶ zwyczaj 1[countable, uncountable] a way of behaving which a particular group or society has had for a long time It’s the custom in Britain for a bride to throw her bouquet to the wedding guests. according to local custom ▶ obyczaj zwyczaj ⇨ note at habit
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2[after certain adjectives] (informal) a person a tough/an awkward/an odd customer ▶ facet gość customer /ˈkʌstəmə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a person who buys goods or services in a shop, restaurant, etc. a regular customer The shop assistant was serving a customer. a regular (stały) customer ▶ klient/ka ⇨ note at client
dostosowywać do indywidualnych potrzeb użytownika/klienta itp. começar a aprender
□ customized /; US / adj. a customized car ▶ dostosowany do indywidualnych potrzeb użytkownika/klienta itp. customize (also customise) /ˈkʌstəmaɪz; US / verb [transitive] to make or change sth to suit the needs of the owner You can customize the software in several ways. ▶ dostosowywać do indywidualnych potrzeb użytownika/klienta itp.
zaprojektowany lub wykonany na indywidualne zamówienie começar a aprender
ˌcustom-ˈmade adj. designed and made for a particular person ▶ zaprojektowany lub wykonany na indywidualne zamówienie
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to go through customs and passport control a customs officer celnik ▶ odprawa celna ⇨ look at excise customs (also Customs) /ˈkʌstəmz; US / noun [pl.] the place at an airport, etc. where government officials check your luggage to make sure you are not bringing goods into the country illegally
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cut sth (from sth) to remove sth or a part of sth, using a knife, etc. She cut two slices of bread. kroić 3[transitive] cut sth (in/into sth) to divide sth into pieces with a knife She cut the cake into eight pcs. He cut the rope in two. rozcinać 1[intransitive, transitive] Be careful not to cut yourself on that broken glass! This knife doesn’t cut very well. I cut my finger (skaleczyłem się w palec) with a vegetable knife. ▶ ciąć kaleczyć (się)
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2 an act of cutting to have a cut and blow-dry ▶ strzyżenie cięcie 3a cut (in sth) a reduction in size, amount, etc. a cut in government spending a power cut wyłączenie prądu ▶ cięcie redukcja oszczędność 1 an injury or opening in the skin made with a knife, etc. He had a deep cut on his forehead. ▶ rana (cięta) cięcie
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cutback /ˈkʌtbæk; US / noun [countable] a reduction in amount or number The management were forced to make cutbacks in staff (zredukować personel). ▶ cięcie redukcja oszczędność
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cute /kju: t; US / adj. attractive; pretty Your little girl is so cute! a cute (słodki) smile ▶ śliczny ładniutki miły
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cutlery /ˈkʌtləri; US / (US silverware) noun [uncountable] the knives, forks and spoons that you use for eating food Where do you keep your cutlery? ▶ sztućce
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cutlet /ˈkʌtlət; US / noun [countable] a small, thick piece of meat, often with bone in it, that is cooked lamb cutlets ▶ kotlet (zwł. z kością) ⇨ look at rissole
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ˈcut-off noun [countable] the level or time at which sth stops The cut-off date is (ostateczny termin upływa) 12 May. After that we’ll end the offer. ▶ ostateczny/końcowy termin górna/dolna granica (np. wieku)
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ˈcut-price (US ˈcut-rate) adj. [only before a noun] sold at a reduced price; selling goods at low prices cut-price offers a cut-price store sklep z przecenionym towarem ▶ przeceniony
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cutters /ˈkʌtəz; US / noun [pl.] a tool that you use for cutting through sth, for example metal a pair of wire cutters ▶ przecinak nożyce
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ˈcut-throat adj. caring only about success and not worried about hurting anyone cut-throat business practices ▶ bezwzględny zmierzający do celu po trupach bezlitosny
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cutting1 /ˈkʌtɪŋ; US / noun [countable] 1(US clipping /ˈklɪpɪŋ; US /) a piece cut out from a newspaper, etc. press cuttings ▶ wycinek (prasowy) 2 a piece cut off from a plant that you use for growing a new plant ▶ sadzonka
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cutting2 /ˈkʌtɪŋ; US / adj. 1 (used about sth you say) unkind; meant to hurt sb’s feelings a cutting remark ▶ uszczypliwy 2 (used about the wind, etc.) cold, strong and unpleasant ▶ ostry przejmujący
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2 an aspect of sth that gives it an advantage We’re relying on him to give the team a cutting edge. ▶ przewaga ˌcutting ˈedge noun [sing.] 1the cutting edge (of sth) the newest, most advanced stage in the development of sth working at the cutting edge of computer technology ▶ front czołówka
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cyanide /ˈsaɪənaɪd; US / noun [uncountable] a poisonous chemical ▶ cyjanek
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cyberspace /ˈsaɪbəspeɪs; US / noun [uncountable] a place that is not real, where electronic messages exist while they are being sent from one computer to another ▶ przestrzeń internetowa przestrzeń wirtualna cyberprzestrzeń
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1 a bicycle or motorbike a cycle shop ▶ rower motocykl SYNONYM bike 2 a series of events, etc. that happen again and again in the same order the life cycle of a frog ▶ cykl okres
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cycle2 /ˈsaɪkl; US / verb [intransitive] to ride a bicycle He usually cycles to school. ▶ jeździć na rowerze Go cycling powszechnie używa się, mówiąc o jeździe rowerem dla rekreacji: We like to go cycling at weekends. cycle2 /ˈsaɪkl; US / verb [intransitive] to ride a bicycle He usually cycles to school. ▶ jeździć na rowerze Go cycling powszechnie używa się, mówiąc o jeździe rowerem dla rekreacji: We like to go cycling at weekends.
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cyclic /ˈsaɪklɪk; US / (also cyclical /ˈsɪklɪkl; US /) adj. following a repeated pattern ▶ cykliczny okresowy
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cyclist /ˈsaɪklɪst; US / noun [countable] a person who rides a bicycle ▶ rowerzyst(k)a kolarz
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cyclone /ˈsaɪkləʊn; US / noun [countable] a large, violent storm in which strong winds move in a circle ▶ cyklon ⇨ note at storm
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2 a part of an engine shaped like a tube, for example in a car a five-cylinder engine ▶ cylinder □ cylindrical /səˈlɪndrɪkl; US / adj. ▶ walcowaty cylindryczny cylinder /ˈsɪlɪndə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 an object shaped like a tube ▶ walec
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□ cynical /-kl; US / adj. a cynical remark She takes a cynical view of politics. ▶ cyniczny cynic /ˈsɪnɪk; US / noun [countable] a person who believes that people only do things for themselves, rather than to help others Don’t be such a cynic. He did it to help us, not for the money. ▶ cynik
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—cynically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ cynicznie — cynicism /ˈsɪnɪsɪzem; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ cynizm
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cyst /sɪst; US / noun [countable] a swelling or a lump filled with liquid in the body or under the skin ▶ cysta torbiel