questão |
resposta |
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começar a aprender
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
więcej niż potrzebujesz lub chcesz começar a aprender
more than you need or want
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Policzalne i niepoliczalne, zdania twierdzące começar a aprender
They have a lot of / lots of money. / She has a lot of / lots of friends.
Policzalne i niepoliczalne, bez rzeczownika começar a aprender
Policzalne, zdania przeczące i pytające começar a aprender
There aren't many cafes near here.
Niepoliczalne, zdania przeczące i pytające começar a aprender
Policzalne i niepoliczalne, zdania twierdzące começar a aprender
Don't run. We have plenty of time.
Niepoliczalne começar a aprender
Do you want some ice-cream? Just a little.
Policzalne começar a aprender
The town only has w few cinemas.
Niepoliczalne, nie wystarczająca ilość começar a aprender
Hurry up. We have little time.
Policzalne, nie wystarczająca ilość começar a aprender
I havew very few close friends.
Niepoliczalne, nie wystarczająca ilość começar a aprender
Hurry up. We have very little time.
Policzalne, nie wystarczająca ilość começar a aprender
I havew very few close friends.
Przeczenia i pytania, policzalne i nie policzalne começar a aprender
There isn't any room in the car.
Twierdzenia, policzalne i nie policzalne começar a aprender
There is no room in the car.
Krótkie odpowiedzi (bez rzeczownika) começar a aprender
How much money do you have? None.
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It's too big. / There's too much traffic. / There are too many tourists.
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There aren't enough parks. / The buses aren't frequent enough.
Policzalne i niepoliczalne, zdania twierdzące começar a aprender
He's got some money. / There is some cheese. / There are some potatoes. / Would you like some tea? / Can I have some water, please?
Zdania twierdzące, 2 formy começar a aprender
There is somebody in the garden. / There is someone in the garden.
Zdania twierdzące começar a aprender
There is something in the garden.
Zdania twierdzące começar a aprender
He is somewhere in the garden.
Zdania przeczące i pytające, 2 formy começar a aprender
Is there anybody in the garden? / Is there anyone in the garden? / There isn’t anybody in the garden. / There isn’t anyone in the garden.
Zdania przeczące i pytające começar a aprender
Is there anything in the garden? / There isn’t anyone in the garden.
Zdania przeczące i pytające começar a aprender
Is he anywhere in the garden? / He isn’t anywhere in the garden.
Zdania twierdzące, 2 formy começar a aprender
There is nobody in the garden. / There is no one in the garden.
Zdania twierdzące começar a aprender
There is nothing in the garden.
Zdania twierdzące começar a aprender
He is nowhere in the garden.
Zdania twierdzące, 2 formy começar a aprender
Come to me any time. / You can call me any time you want.
Zdania twierdzące começar a aprender
Send anyone to the garden. / Send anybody to the garden. / Anyone can go to the shop. / Anybody can go to the shop.
Zdania twierdzące começar a aprender
Take me anything sharp. / You can ask me anything you want.
Zdania twierdzące começar a aprender
Let’s go anywhere. / We can go anywhere you wish.
começar a aprender
Every student in the USA knows english. / Does every student in the USA know english? / Doesn’t every student in the USA know english.
2 formy começar a aprender
Everybody is here. / Everyone is here. / Is everybody here? / Is everyone here? / Everybody isn’t here. / Everyone isn’t here.
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Everything you need is on the desk. / Is everything you need on the desk? / Everything you need isn’t on the desk.
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We were everything in the USA. / Were we everything in the USA? / We weren’t everything in the USA.
começar a aprender
Do we have very little time? / Hurry up. We have very little time. / We don’t have very little time. / I have very few close friends. / She has got very few apples. / He has got very little money. / I like you very much.
começar a aprender
We have so much time. / We have so many apples. / I like you so much.
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