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If you ate so much, and excreted so much, what exactly happened to the balance?
a piece of equipment or machinery that looks funny, strange, and unlikely to work well começar a aprender
an amazing contraption of a weighted chair suspended from a steelyard scale.
Pol. waga pozioma z przesuwanym ciężarkiem começar a aprender
very careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctly Pol. drobiazgowy, skrupulatny começar a aprender
he weighed himself, his food and his drink meticulously.
the written abbreviation of 'pound' (Latin: libra) começar a aprender
man might lose 50oz in perspiration as he slept, or 5lbs a day
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careful not to have too much food, drink começar a aprender
abstemious diets and lifestyles
a woman who is _____ has large breasts and a soft curved body começar a aprender
Rubens was delighted in painting voluptuous women.
a British unit for measuring weight, equal to 14 pounds or 6.35 kilograms começar a aprender
Few of his models would weigh less than 15 stone.
to weigh a particular amount, used especially of someone who will be taking part in a sports competition começar a aprender
the Rokeby Venus would certainly have tipped the scales at 16 stone.
to honour or respect someone or something because they are old, holy, or connected with the past começar a aprender
Yet those paintings are venerated as some of the most beautiful in the world.
a state in which something becomes bad or does not work as well as it should, nonsense começar a aprender
The rot started 100 years ago
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men began to make lace-up whalebone corsets
a man who spends a lot of time and money on his clothes and appearance começar a aprender
The London dandy reduced his weight from 12 stone to 10 stone 13 lbs.
a person who makes excessive profits, esp. by charging exorbitant prices for goods in short supply começar a aprender
Science, or rather pseudo-science in the hands of profiteers
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ozonotherapy which involved subcutaneous injections
to have a strong bad smell [= stink] começar a aprender
hot baths reeking with the beneficial and radiated ozone
literary a drink intended to have a special or magical effect on the person who drinks it, or which is intended to poison them começar a aprender
there have been countless ‘magic’ pills and potions
the condition of being mentally healthy, good sense or soundness of judgement começar a aprender
Then sanity arrived in the unlikely form of the Women’s League for Health and Beauty.
a sudden feeling of pain, sadness começar a aprender
Dieting is difficult when hunger pangs nag and your self-esteem is low
a solution to a problem that can be done quickly, but is not a good or permanent solution começar a aprender
the quick-fix promise of instant weight-loss is still just a quick-rich confidence trick.
a dishonest trick played on sb in order to get their money [= con] começar a aprender
the quick-fix promise of instant weight-loss is still just a quick-rich confidence trick.
to cause someone to suddenly take action, especially by shocking or exciting them in some way: começar a aprender
Another therapist advocated electric shocks to galvanise muscles into activity
a... is also the amount of something that you have left after you have spent or used up the rest: começar a aprender
If you ate so much, and excreted so much, what exactly happened to the balance?
to criticize or complain often in an annoying way, especially in order to try and make someone do something: começar a aprender
Dieting is difficult when hunger pangs nag