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Easy to find; easy to understand
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Accessibility Opp: inaccessibility
Sth that can be easily reached/entered/obtained/used
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Accessible opp: inaccessible
How correct or exact sth is
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Accuracy Opp: inaccuracy
Precise / correct
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Accurate opp: inaccurate
Act of obeying a set of rules or principles
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Say or show you’re sorry for doing sth
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Debatable, may be questioned
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Quarrelsome; always ready to disagree
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Sth clear, understandable
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Coherence Opp: incoherence
Well-planned, clear and sensible
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Coherent Opp: incoherent
Polite and showing respect
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Polite and showing respect inglês
Able to make quick decisions in a difficult situation
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Decisive Opp: Indecisive
Zdecydowanie, stanowczość
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Decisiveness opp: indecision
Careful in order to avoid embarrassing of offending sb
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Discreet Opp: indiscreet
Dyskrecja, takt
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Discretion Opp: indiscretion
Intended to be used only once and then thrown away
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More or higher than is necessary or reasonable
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Perfect and with no mistakes
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An engine in which the process of the burning of fuel takes place within the engine's cylinders
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Internal combustion engine
It can be argued that...
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It’s not arguable that...
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The quality of being clear enough to read; Opp: illegibility
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Clear enough to read
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Legible Opp: illegible
Reasonable, sensible
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Logical Opp: illogical
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Loyal Opp: disloyal
The quality of being loyal
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Loyalty Opp: disloyalty
Usual, ordinary
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Normal Opp: abnormal
The condition of being normal
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Normality Opp: abnormality
The quality of being willing to do what you are told to do
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Obedience Opp: disobedience
Sb who does what they are told to do
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Obedient Opp: disobedient
Approved by sb in authority
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Official Opp: unofficial
Accepted or used by most people
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Orthodox Opp: unorthodox
Dominujący pogląd lub kierunek
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Orthodoxy Opp: unorthodoxy
Whether or not sth could be true
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Plausibility Opp: implausibility
Likely to be true; valid
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Plausible Opp: implausible
With good manners, courteous
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Polite Opp: impolite
Behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people
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Politeness Opp: impoliteness
Down-to-earth (for people); effective/likely to be successful
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Practical Opp: impractical
The possibility that sth can be done successfully; how suitable or useful sth is for a situation that may involve some difficulty
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Practicality Opp: impracticality
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Precise Opp: imprecise
The quality of being very exact and accurate
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Precision Opp: imprecision
(to be) Treated better than other people
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Preferential treatment
Sb who repeatedly argues with other people.
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Replaceable Opp: irreplaceable
Sth that it is your job or duty to deal with
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Responsibility Opp: irresponsibility
Behaving sensibly and properly
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Responsible Opp: irresponsible
Fully grown, ready to eat (fruit, grain)
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Ripe Opp: unripe
Become ripe, or make sth become ripe
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Maturity (mostly about fruits)
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Ripeness Opp: unripeness
Belief that sth is wrong which stops you from doing that thing; skrupuły
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Sb who takes great care to do what is fair, honest or morally right
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Scrupulous Opp: unscrupulous
Never having happened before
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