Shopping for clothes

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twice a year
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dwa razy w roku
I sometimes buy shoes on the Internet.
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Czasami kupuję buty w Internecie.
I seldom go to the market in Nowy Targ
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Rzadko chodzę na targ w Nowym Targu
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pasować (rozmiarem)
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pasować (dobrze wygląda)
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try on
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Can I try it on?
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Czy mogę przymierzyć?
Would you like to try it on?
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Czy chce Pan przymierzyć?
it's in the sale
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jest na wyprzedaży
Is it in the sale?
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Czy to jest na wyprzedaży?
When does the sale finish?
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Kiedy kończy się sprzedaż?
How much do the shoes cost?
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Ile kosztują the buty?
How much do you spend on food?
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Ile wydajesz na jedzenie?
How much does he spend on food?
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Ile on wydaje na jedzenie?
How much does the jacket cost?
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Ile kosztuje ta kurtka?
What size is this shirt?
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Jaki jest rozmiar tej koszuli?
What's the normal price?
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Jaka jest normalna cena?
How much does this cost in the sale?
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Ile to kosztuje na wyprzedaży?
pure wool
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czysta wełna
too big
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za duże
too expensive
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za drogi
only for you
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tylko dla Ciebie
cash only
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tylko gotówka
a bargain
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here you are
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Proszę (przy dawaniu)
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130 quid
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130 funciaków
the normal price is 300 quid
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normalna cena to 300 funciakówa littl
a little expensive
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trochę drogi
a little too big
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trochę za duży

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Shopping for clothes pt. 2

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