SEW group 1 Lesson 5

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questão resposta
This meeting was very fruitful.
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To spotkanie było bardzo owocne.
This year summer is beautiful.
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Tego roku lato jest piękne.
My assistant is very helpful.
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Mój asystent jest bardzo pomocny.
English is useful.
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Angielski jest użyteczny.
I would be very grateful
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wdzięczna / wdzięczny
I am grateful for this.
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jestem wdzięczna za to
I don't feel like dancing. I don't feel like working.
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nie mam ochoty tańczyć, nie mam ochoty pracować
I feel like drinking coffee.
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mam ochotę napić się kawy
Shall I help you?
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Pomóc ci?
Shall I do it for you?
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„Mam to zrobić dla ciebie?”
Shall we dance? Pójdziemy do kina? Shall we go to the cimena?
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Shall we start?
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Shall I get you some coffee?
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Zrobić ci kawy?
What shall I do now?
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Co ja mam teraz zrobić?
I can always rely on you.
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mogę zawsze na tobie polegać
Shall we go to Starbucks? Shall we go for coffee?
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Idziemy do Starbucksa? Idziemy na kawę? (dla kawy?)

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