SAI A90, 06.10.2014

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questão resposta
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order inglês
in the field
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w terenie
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pytać, prosić
I asked my boss to start work at 7 am.
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Poprosiłam szefa, (żeby) zaczynać pracę o 7.
I have a question.
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Mam pytanie.
I have a company phone.
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Mam służbowy telefon.
I have time.
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Mam czas.
I have a cup of coffee.
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Mam filiżankę kawy.
I am busy, I have a lot of work.
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jestem zajęta, mam dużo pracy.
I have time for you.
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mam czas dla ciebie.
I don’t have time for you.
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nie mam czasu dla ciebie.
Do you have time for me?
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Masz czas dla mnie?
I would like to ask you for the email.
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Chciałbym cie prosić o maila.
I would like to arrange a meeting.
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chciałabym umówić spotkanie.
I would like a confirmation.
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Chciałbym potwierdzenie.
Can I have a confirmation, please?
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Czy mogę prosić potwierdzenie?
Can I have some coffee, please?
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Czy mogę prosić kawę?
Can I have a cup of coffee, please?
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Czy mogę prosić filiżankę kawy?
I want a pay rise.
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Chcę podwyżkę.
I want to meet you.
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chcę się spotkać (z) tobą.
I need information from you.
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potrzebuję informacji od ciebie.
I need a break.
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Potrzebuję przerwę.
For sure.
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Na pewno.

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