Rotten rulers

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rotten rulers
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shnilých vládců
putrid pork pie
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hnilobný vepřový koláč
their corpses trampled to mush
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jejich mrtvoly šlapaly do kaše
head case
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hlavní případ
he rode around, swishing his sword
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jel kolem a švihl mečem
he piddled in his pants
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piddloval v kalhotách
what a hunk
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jaký kus
she crumples it into a ball
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zmačká to do klubíčka
she blamed his death on piles - sore bottom
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obviňovala jeho smrt z hromádek - bolavého dna
he used to rouge his cheeks
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dřív si držel tváře
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he slipped bears into guests' bedrooms
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vklouzl medvědy na lůžko hostů
violet petals
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fialové lístky
gobble up
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partridge and thrush
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koroptev a drozd
scoop out the brains
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vybrat mozek
they enjoyed sow udders
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užívali si prasnice vemena
they lugged the corpse through the streers
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táhli mrtvolu skrz sypače
take shine
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vzít lesk
he picked on everyone
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vybral si všechny
christian VII used to skulk along the dark streets
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křesťan VII se dříve krčil po temných ulicích
the poor were chewing on scraps of stale bread
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chudí žvýkali kousky starého chleba
he was a great gready glutton
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byl to velký připravený nenasytník
making loud botty-burps
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dělat hlasité botty-
eel spleens
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úhoře sleziny
he used to pelt them at his servants
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mával je na své služebníky
a putrid prince
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hnilobný princ
top of the tots
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vrchol totů
she ranted and screamed
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křičela a křičela
he gashed his head horribly
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příšerně střelil hlavou
crackpot - someone who is slightly crazy
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crackpot - někdo, kdo je trochu blázen
so whisperers were whittled
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takže našeptávači byli drobní
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zasloužený trest
they squashed his naughty bits
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zmáčkli jeho nezbedné kousky
get to the back of the cue
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dostat se do zadní části tága
a mouldy monarch
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plesnivý monarcha
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turecká šavle
foul fibbers
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špinavá vlákna
oaf - noun old-fashioned [PERSON]
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oaf - podstatné jméno staromódní [OSOBA]
sucker punch
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they lost their wheels and smashed the spokes
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ztratili kola a rozbili paprsky
thrushes in bushes
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drozdi v křoví
stick sparrows in burrows
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píchnout vrabce do nor
i want crows stowed and wrens in pens
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Chci vrány uložené a stažené v kotcích
quaint quiz
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kuriózní kvíz
snot balls
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soplové koule
grubby hands
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špinavé ruce
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he used pig poo to shove up the nostrils
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použil prasečí hovínko k vystrčení nozder
i can have a snog
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můžu šmírovat
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the sparrows flew up in a flap
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vrabci vyletěli vzhůru klapkou
he killed his bruv
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zabil jeho bruv
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they stared aghast
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zděšeně zírali
eerie silence
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děsivé ticho
noble noddles
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ušlechtilé kývne
lop and plop
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lop a plop
smart pants
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chytré kalhoty

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