RK 19.03.2014

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questão resposta
Shall I / Shall we
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Może bym /Może byśmy...
Shall we start?
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Może zaczniemy?
Shall we sit?
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Shall we dance?
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Shall we have a drink?
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Napijemy się czegoś?
Shall we see the production line?
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Może obejrzymy linię produkcyjną?
Shall we go for coffee?
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Idziemy na kawę?
Shall I call you tomorrow?
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Zadzwonić do ciebie jutro?
Shall I send you our offer?
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Yes, please. / No, thank you.
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I call my boss every day.
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Dzwonię do mojego szefa każdego dnia.
Nice to meet you.
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miło cie poznać
I do business with the Japanese.
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Robię interesy z Japończykami.
coffee with milk
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kawa z mlekiem
I speak English very well.
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Mówię po angielsku bardzo dobrze.
very good job
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bardzo dobra robota
very well
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bardzo dobrze
Give me your email address, please.
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Daj mi twój adres mailowy.
Give me your phone number, please.
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Daj mi twój numer telefonu.
Take me to the production line.
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Zabierz mnie na linię produkcyjną.
Take the documents to the meeting.
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weź dokumenty na spotkanie
I have time.
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Mam czas.
I have a company car.
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Mam firmowe auto.
I know.
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I know about it.
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wiem o tym
Shall I make you a coffee?
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Zrobić ci kawy?
I need you.
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potrzebuję cię
I need documents of the project.
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Potrzebuję dokumenty projektu.
Bank of Scotland
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bank Szkocji
Queen of England
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królowa Anglii
I want more money.
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chcę więcej pieniędzy

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