questão |
resposta |
The number of people who applied for the course was 120 compared with an initial estimate of between 50 and 100. começar a aprender
The impact of the new legislation has been greatly overstated. começar a aprender
No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity. começar a aprender
We have a nanny, but she lives out. começar a aprender
mieszkać poza miejscem pracy
Your arguments are generally cogent, whether or not one agrees with them. começar a aprender
The milk overflowed when I poured it into the jug., The bin was overflowing with rubbish começar a aprender
The newspaper printed a retraction for their previous error. começar a aprender
wycofanie się, przyznanie do błędu
Insert the key in the lock. começar a aprender
Increasing the supply of weapons will only perpetuate the violence and the anarchy. começar a aprender
The government's overriding concern is to reduce inflation. começar a aprender
My attempts to improve the situation were of little avail. começar a aprender
I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies. começar a aprender
She's just got a commission to paint Sir Ellis Pike's wife. começar a aprender
Americans are spending more than they earn, drawing on savings and building up debt to do so., He has secured a loan for a new building by drawing upon the resources of two existing tenants. começar a aprender
Leaven is a substance that is added to a mixture of flour. começar a aprender
A foul smell of stale beer permeated the whole building. começar a aprender
This explosion bears/has all the hallmarks of (= is likely to have been) a terrorist attack. começar a aprender
wyróżniająca się cecha, coś charakterystycznego
However, after a point people realized that the pursuit of knowledge itself brought pleasure and thus started to pursue it as an end in itself. começar a aprender
He felt fettered by a nine-to-five office existence. começar a aprender
It is a brave and unflinching account of prison life. começar a aprender
It is a study of the social and cultural milieu in which Michelangelo lived and worked. começar a aprender
Freakish weather conditions have caused massive traffic jams in the area. começar a aprender
kapryśny, problematyczny i niespotykany
Their lack of affiliation to any particular bank allows them to give objective financial advice. começar a aprender
Everyone looked very solemn during the funeral of the Mayor. começar a aprender
We watched the last of the stragglers come in, three hours after the first runner. começar a aprender
I hope this appeal will not go unheeded. começar a aprender
Attacks by enemy aircraft forced the tanks to retreat (from the city). começar a aprender
Adam Smith was an exponent of free trade. começar a aprender
osoba popularyzująca jakąś teorię
divorce/bankruptcy/criminal proceedings; Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers. começar a aprender
The influence of Freud is pervasive in her books. começar a aprender
He was a very earnest young man. começar a aprender
We've embarked upon an exciting new project. começar a aprender
The military forces are poised to attack. começar a aprender
I have some crafty ideas for getting around the regulations. começar a aprender
The cartoon characters Snoopy and Charlie Brown were devised by Charles M. Schultz. começar a aprender
I wanted a simple black dress, nothing fancy. começar a aprender
fantazyjny, skomplikowany
I think he's a little weary after his long journey. começar a aprender
If you don't leave voluntarily then we will send you away. começar a aprender
I'm trying to foster an interest in classical music in my children. começar a aprender
His detractors claim that his fierce temper makes him unsutiable for leadership. começar a aprender
verb She gave her teacher a simpering smile. começar a aprender
A shepherd's task is to shepherd sheep and protect them. começar a aprender
a six-volume treatise on trademark law começar a aprender
Sea water percolates down through the rocks. começar a aprender
Through hard work and perseverance, he worked his way up to the top. começar a aprender
wytrwałość / niezmordowanie
The management's decision to ignore the safety warnings demonstrated a remarkable lapse of judgment. começar a aprender
Both parents were found guilty of neglect and their children were taken away from them. começar a aprender
For over a year David wrestled with a guilty conscience. começar a aprender
Jesus bade not to keep your light under the bushel to the disciples. começar a aprender
His voice resonated in the empty church. começar a aprender
rezonować (wypełnić dźwiękiem)
I wonder if Michael will condescend to visit us? começar a aprender
zniżać się, raczyć coś zrobić
começar a aprender
The state death penalty law was nullified in 1977. começar a aprender
There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is of paramount importance. começar a aprender
The president has failed to come to grips with the two most important social issues of our time. começar a aprender
She was very fond of horses. começar a aprender
Once the directors have given their assent to the proposal we can begin. começar a aprender
The accident merited only a small paragraph in the local paper., This plan merits careful attention. começar a aprender
começar a aprender
sublime beauty, The book has sublime descriptive passages. começar a aprender
This is such an arduous task!, an arduous climb começar a aprender
He is an ardent supporter of Machester United. começar a aprender
A recent study into the purported health benefits of the drink was not conclusive. começar a aprender
She has nothing but scorn for the new generation of politicians. começar a aprender
The tension in the room was palpable during the exam. começar a aprender
When the time came to approve the proposal, there were one or two voices of dissent. começar a aprender
rozłam, niezgoda/ nie zgadzać się
It was clear that they must have obtained the information by subterfuge. começar a aprender
Just follow the signs to Bradford - it's very straightforward. começar a aprender
I sprang out of bed to answer the door. começar a aprender
przemieścić się gdzieś szybko
He is a leading member of the Roman Catholic laity in England. começar a aprender
She kept him in suspense for several days before she said that she would marry him. começar a aprender
Her poems are well-wrought and intensely personal. começar a aprender
zrobiony, wykonany z precyzją
The documentary takes a lighthearted look at the world of filmmaking. começar a aprender
The listening device was concealed in a pen. começar a aprender
Take care when stripping away old paint. começar a aprender
odkryć/usunąć coś, co przykrywa coś innego
Inspector Malley ushered us into his office. começar a aprender
wprowadzić, zaprowadzić (kogoś gdzieś)
The embassy is walled off from the street. começar a aprender
Despite burglar alarms and window locks, homes are never impregnable against determined thieves. começar a aprender
After nightfall a strong flood tide would be setting up along shore to the Spanish anchorage. começar a aprender
Team Fortress is a famous game made by Valve. começar a aprender
She is a pious follower of the faith, never missing her prayers. começar a aprender
She gave a clear, factual account of the attack to the police. começar a aprender
using or consisting of facts:
The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff. começar a aprender
mogący się przewrócić, niestabilny
começar a aprender
an erroneous belief/impression começar a aprender
an incorrigible liar/rogue começar a aprender
nie do zmiany, 'niereformowalny'
Hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle. começar a aprender
Hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle. começar a aprender
The captain was forced to jettison the cargo and make an emergency landing. começar a aprender
wyrzucić (za burtę, z samolotu)
Their ostensible goal was to clean up government corruption, but their real aim was to unseat the government. começar a aprender
Her dress was tightly belted, accentuating the slimness of her waist. começar a aprender
He claimed that noetic experiences were real, influencing our health, our behaviour, and our lives. começar a aprender
The law stipulates that new cars must have seat belts for the driver and every passenger., State laws stipulate that public education be free. começar a aprender
Shortly before the crash the pilot had reported a malfunction of the aircraft's navigation system. começar a aprender
There are dangers inherent in almost every sport. começar a aprender
There is a subtle difference between these two plans. começar a aprender
She had done her best to comfort him, insofar as she was able. começar a aprender
Her smile is slightly skewed./ Maybe your worldview is a little skewed., começar a aprender
niewłaściwy/ przekrzywiony
He had a deep affection for his aunt. começar a aprender
miłość, umiłowanie, przywiązanie
The soldiers resisted for two days. começar a aprender
a trifold partnership between governement, employers and students. começar a aprender
The inquiry was begun at the instigation of Senator Hyde. começar a aprender
We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale fell through. começar a aprender
nie dojść do skutku/nie udawać się
Are you planning to go in for the 100 metres race? começar a aprender
I couldn’t make out what he was saying.; Can you make out a face here on the photograph? começar a aprender
to see, hear, or understand someone or something with difficulty
When I was touring Australia, my friend's sister put me up for a weekend in Melbourne. começar a aprender
He's always running himself down. começar a aprender
to criticize someone or something, often unfairly:
Miss Parker was ill so Mr Danvers stood in and gave the lecture. começar a aprender
We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood out from the rest.; The black lettering really stands out on that orange background. começar a aprender
The two dogs took to each other immediately and started to play.; She's taken to basketball like a duck to water (= she likes it and is good at it). começar a aprender
to start to like someone or something: