questão |
resposta |
poprawiać, korygować (np. sposób leczenia, umowę) ulepszać, usprawniać (np. zachowanie, styl życia) começar a aprender
to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document: MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster. Until the constitution is amended, the power to appoint ministers will remain with the president.
brutalny, okrutny, srogi (nieprzyjemny i niesprawiedliwy, np. los, kara, klimat começar a aprender
unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary This tree can grow in a harsh climate. There is no alternative," she said in a harsh voice.
poręczny, użyteczny, będący pod ręką akurat começar a aprender
useful or convenient a handy container/tool, First-time visitors to France will find this guide particularly handy. Don't throw those bottles away - they'll come in handy (= be useful) for the picnic next Sunday.
skurcz, hamować, zahamować (np. rozwój czegoś lub kogoś) começar a aprender
a sudden painful tightening in a muscle, often after a lot of exercise, that limits movement, cramping your wanderlust I've got cramp in my foot, stomach cramp
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a person who deceives other people by making them believe something false or making them give money away
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the central part of a country or area, the part of a country that is most important for a particular activity, or where a political party has the most support the heartland of Poland, the old industrial heartlands
przerabiać, poprawiać, ulepszać, odnawiać começar a aprender
to make changes to the form of something, to improve the appearance of something
zniszczony, w marnym stanie, wyczerpany, zmęczony começar a aprender
Throw out your run-down shoes. I'm run-down, I'm going to bed, rundown abandoned department store
kapryśny, cudawny, dziwaczny começar a aprender
Despite his kindly, sometimes whimsical air, he was a shrewd observer of people. whimsical tale
uciec, aby się pobrać potajemnie começar a aprender
They wanted to elope and wed. They still can do that.
złowieszczy, złowrogi, przerażający começar a aprender
suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen: There was an ominous silence when I asked whether my contract was going to be renewed.
odurzać, odurzyć (np. winem, narkotykami, oszołomić (np. sukcesem) começar a aprender
An intoxicating experience or idea makes you feel excited and emotional
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zagrać epizodyczną rolę, pojawić się na chwilę começar a aprender
unoszący się na falach, dryfujący (swobodnie płynący) zagubiony (nie posiadający celu w życiu) começar a aprender
horyzont, prospekt (sceneria za czymś, na co patrzymy), tło começar a aprender
He was so focused on the sign that he didn't notice a car approaching in the backdrop. It is a love story set against a backdrop of war.
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going through or stopping at a place on the way to another place: I will send you that file via e-mail, We flew from Dublin to Bangkok via London
bezpodstawne twierdzenie, insynuacja, zarzut, oskarżenie começar a aprender
A lot of allegations have been made against this report. No evidence could ever be found to support the allegations.
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strange; not seeming real; like a dream Driving through the total darkness was a slightly surreal experience, surreal judgment
bezładna mieszanina, bezładny stos, pomieszać, poplątać começar a aprender
an untidy and confused mixture of things, feelings, or ideas: a jumble of thoughts/ideas, Her clothes were all jumbled up/together in the suitcase.
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not remembering things clearly Even though the morning was hazy, it cleared up. I have only a hazy memory of the childhood birthday parties, hazy memories of childhood
zapowiedź, znak, przepowiednia começar a aprender
a sign that something bad is likely to happen in the future portent of doom, Is it true that cows lying down in a field are a portent of rain
wstrzymać się(np. od głosowania) começar a aprender
to not do something, especially something enjoyable that you think might be bad He took a vow to abstain from alcohol/smoking/sex.
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to answer someone quickly in an angry or funny way That doesn't concern you!" she retorted.
podejrzany (np. interes) nieprzyjemny, nieapetyczny, niesmaczny começar a aprender
unpleasant, or morally offensive: unsavory sexual practices
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a small evil spirit, a child that behaves badly, but in a way that is funny rather than serious Come here, you little imp!
nadawać (np. atmosfery), dodawać (np. smaku), przydawać (np. elegancji) udzielać (np. informacji), przekazywać (np. wiedzę começar a aprender
to give something a particular feeling, quality, or taste to impart the bad news, Preservatives can impart colour and flavour to a product. Basil imparts a delicious flavour to the sauce.
ciąć, cięcie, włamywać się, klawisz (strażnik), cios começar a aprender
to cut into pieces in a rough and violent way, often without aiming exactly We hacked a way through the forest, Three villagers were hacked to death in a savage attack. The article had been hacked about (= carelessly changed) so much that it was scarcely recognizable
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całościowy, holistyczny, całościowo começar a aprender
dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a part My doctor takes a holistic approach to disease. Ecological problems usually require holistic solutions. Nutrition is being viewed more holistically as a health issue
logiczny, spójny, koherentny (np. plan, argumentacja), zwarta(grupa), komunikatywny(człowiek) começar a aprender
In times of distress, it can be difficult to speak coherently. Your essay does not coherently focus or communicate your ideas. When she calmed down, she was more coherent
sznurek, struna, nawlekać, zawieszać, napinać começar a aprender
If you want to shoot with a bow, the bowstring has to be strung. He strung mushrooms on a thread to dry them. Can you help me string the chandelier
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a small, coloured, often round piece of plastic, wood, glass, etc. with a hole through it. It is usually put on a string with a lot of others to make jewellery She wore a necklace of brightly coloured wooden beads.
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We have a gourmet cuisine, Interests: opera, fine wine, gourmet dining, Your brother is not a gourmet - he has just eaten a rotten apple
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a person who enjoys eating large amounts of food
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to cook food in oil or fat over heat, usually until it is brown Sauté the onions for five minutes.
mało znaczący, niezwiązany bezpośrednio, styczna(maths) começar a aprender
(of a subject or activity) different from or not directly connected with the one you are talking about or doing, a tangential issue. Otherwise, the continuity of the tangential stress must be taken into account.
kluczowy fakt, kwestia, wniosek começar a aprender
a main message or piece of information that you learn from something you hear or read The takeaway from the conference was how competitive the tourism industry has become.
próba generalna começar a aprender
a time when all the people involved in a play, dance, etc. practise in order to prepare for a performance, dress rehearsal, They didn't have time for (a) rehearsal before the performance.
ćwiczyć (przemówienie), robić próbę, powtarzać (wielokrotnie wcześniej wyrażaną opinię começar a aprender
to practise a play, a piece of music, etc. in order to prepare it for public performance, When someone rehearses a story or an argument, they repeat it with all the detail The musicians rehearsed (the symphony) for the concert, On her way to her interview she silently rehearsed what she would say. These are arguments that I've heard rehearsed at meetings many times before.
Kryteria były spełnione przez wszystkich uczestników. começar a aprender
a standard by which you judge, decide about, or deal with something The criteria were met by all participants
czerpać (np. przyjemność), odnosić (korzyści, zyski, pochodzić, wywodzić się começar a aprender
to get something from something else He derives pleasure from helping others, Romance languages are derived from Latin. The institute derives all its money from foreign investments.
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a dirty or messy place, an enclosed area where pigs are kept
zbiór artykułów (na jakiś temat) começar a aprender
There is a symposium on that particular subject.
przekazać, umarzać (dług), odpuszczać, zmniejszać (karę), przekaz (pieniężny), przelew (bankowy), wpłata, sprawa (przydzielona komuś), kompetencja começar a aprender
to reduce a period of time that someone must spend in prison:, to send money to someone, to refer a matter to someone in authority to deal with: She remitted the case to a new tribunal for reconsideration, He worked as a builder in Chicago and remitted half his monthly wage to his family in the Philippines.
przypadek niż coś planowanego começar a aprender
more by accident than by design because of luck and because of skill or preparation The play was a success more by accident than design
wywołać przypływ szczęścia começar a aprender
to trigger a rush of happines Those little everyday deeds of ordinary folk trigger a rush of happines for me
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involving quiet and serious thought for a period of time People began to listen to music in contemplative silence.
konkurent(w procesie sądowym), zalotnik começar a aprender
a man who wants to marry a particular woman It's the story of a young woman who can't make up her mind which of her many suitors she should marry.
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an insect with wings that is similar to a butterfly, usually flies at night, and is attracted to light Some types of moth eat holes in clothes.
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any very serious infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people(stłumić, jak ogień) The report states that vandalism is a pestilence that must be stamped out.
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showing willingness to end a disagreement, or trying to make someone less angry a conciliatory gesture/remark/measure. The UK government was not in a conciliatory mood
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to end a disagreement or someone's anger by acting in a friendly way or slightly changing your opinions, or to satisfy someone who disagrees with you by acting in this way: These changes have been made in an attempt to conciliate critics of the plan.
uraz, gniew, niechęć, frustracja começar a aprender
There is some community resentment toward the school’s new policy. I could feel her resentment even though she didn't say anything. She felt a new wave of resentment towards Jacqueline
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the process of judging or calculating the quality, importance, amount, or value of something: Evaluation of this new treatment cannot take place until all the data has been collected. The professor explained to us the difference between evaluation and grading.
fraud - the crime of getting money by deceiving people começar a aprender
involvement in a crime or some activity that is wrong: She is suspected of complicity in the fraud.
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to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by making it difficult for that person to do it or by threatening bad results if they do it: These measures are designed to deter an enemy attack. High prices are deterring many young people from buying houses.
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information that proves who committed a crime: The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy.
wstąpić na tron, objąć urząd (królewski) começar a aprender
przenieść na kogos, przekazywać władze (niższym organom) começar a aprender
scholarship devolved without direct access to archives. To be a good manager, you must know how to devolve responsibility downwards.
studium (szczegółowa rozprawa na jakiś temat), prowadzenie nauczania começar a aprender
scholarship on Pius and Italy's complicity in the holocaust devolved without direct access to the archives
uniemożliwiać, wykluczać, começar a aprender
preclude researchers from requesting permission to use the Vatican's Apostolic Library
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the book argued Pius was complicit in Nazi crimes for his silence through-out the German occupation
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a building in which nuns (= members of a female religious order) live The pope provides funding for convents
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The Holy See is ruled by the pope.
być w sprzeczności, skonfliktowany começar a aprender
to disagree My boss is at odds with Mary. He was at odds with leeriness of Nazi's actions
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expressing welcome, approval, or pleasure in a way that shows very strong feeling They gave us such an effusive welcome it was quite embarrassing. Even his worst enemies praised him effusively for his handling of the crisis
żylasty, szczupły, ale umięśniony, druciany(o włosach) começar a aprender
thin but strong, and often able to bend easily: He is a wiry, effusively friendly 22-year-old.
zapchać, zapychać, zatkać, zatykać się, zablokowac się começar a aprender
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sloping in one direction
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a small separate part of a bulb of garlic (= a plant used in cooking This recipe takes four cloves of garlic, sweet spices such as ginger and clove
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They always engaged in the shopping spree during Christmas
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a company or person that makes or sells sweets or chocolate
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to act as a warning or sign of a future event The recent outbreak of violence was foreshadowed by isolated incidents in the city earlier this year. The strom foreshadowed a sudden change.
Goj, nie-żydowski, poganin começar a aprender
a person who is not Jewish The war memorial was dedicated to both Jews and Gentiles
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a state of confusion or a complicated and difficult situation or thing She stared at the instruction booklet in complete perplexity, the perplexities of life
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If you want to know more about our services, you can take a booklet
nieskazitelny, nienaganny começar a aprender
very neat, perfectly tidy an immaculate garden, The cemeteries of Gallipoli are immaculately kept.
leniwy, niebolesny(o ranie) of niechcenia começar a aprender
very lazy, showing no real interest or effort: an indolent wave of the hand, The parents sat indolently reading the papers while their children played.
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very strong, completely unwilling to change a decision, opinion, demand, Korea is unyielding in its demands for a new treaty. PERSISTENT, stubborn, tenacious, intractable
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to breathe in a very noisy way while you are sleeping Sometimes my husband snores so loudly, it keeps me awake at night
zakres(np. działania), mikroskop, przyglądać się, badać começar a aprender
What is the scope of your power My mom gave me a scope for Christmas., You stay in the car, while I go scope things out. scope of your validations
zaznaczenie, ptaszek, zaznaczać, tykanie, odchaczyć começar a aprender
a mark (✓) that shows that something is correct or has been done: Place a tick next to an appropriate answer. Just tick his name after you visit him.
nadrzędny, najważniejszy, najwyższy começar a aprender
more important than anything else There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is paramount/is of paramount importance.
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Your plan is out of the question.
issue- wydać começar a aprender
issue- wydać an official piece of news or an announcement, especially to the public or newspapers: The palace has issued a communiqué denying the rumour.
koparka do rowów, deska do krojenia começar a aprender
trencher/ cutting(chopping board) in the past, a flat, wooden dish used to serve food
biret (czapka noszona na uroczystościach uniwersyteckich) começar a aprender
mortarboard, square academic cap
odeprzeć(siły wroga), odpychać, odtrącać, wycofać się! começar a aprender
to push away or refuse something or someone unwanted, especially to successfully stop a physical attack against you: If something repulses you, it causes you to have a strong feeling of dislike, disapproval, or disgust The tourists were repulsed by the filthy conditions., The enemy attack was quickly repulsed
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always, staying the same and never changing The train is invariably late., Michael's invariable reaction was anger and a reluctance to try anything new.
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a large pipe, usually underground, that is used for carrying waste water and human waste away from buildings to a place where they can be safely got rid of: a sewer pipe A complicated system of sewers runs under the city.
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There are 10 substitute players in our team She substitutes for our math teacher.
pochodzić, wynikać(np. o problemie), tamować começar a aprender
to stop something unwanted from spreading or increasingto stop the flow of a liquid such as blood This problem stems from your lack of trust. stemming in part from the success of books
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The composer was ahead of his times. Ahead of the archives opening on March 2...
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The revision followed the opening of the Pius XI archives. alter change make over modify recast redo His helpfulness today has made me revise my original opinion/impression of him.
stanowisko (np. stanowisko polityka odnośnie pewnej sprawy, nastawienie, pozycja começar a aprender
The whole international community followed with a very similar stance, The increase in attacks against Christians requires a common stance on how to protect them., The wrestler assumed the defensive stance
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to keep people, especially a jury, together in a place so that they cannot be influenced by other people, by newspaper reports he did sequester thousands of Jews in religious institutions
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he held the post of the pope at that time
obfitujący w wydarzenia, ciekawy, burzliwy começar a aprender
full of interesting or important events Her time at college was the most eventful period of her life.
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suspenseful What a fraught film! The atmosphere in the office is fraugh, fraught period
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wisieć na włosku, ważyć się na szali começar a aprender
Jack's career is hanging in the balance while they consider what to do
uważnie, bacznie, skupiony, głęboki, zdeterminowany começar a aprender
giving all your attention to something He gazed at her intently. an intent stare, She had an intent look on her face. That guy is incessantly staring at you with the intent look
nominacja, mianowanie, określenie, tytuł começar a aprender
an official title or name, the act of designating a place or thing What's her official designation now she's been promoted? The area qualifies for designation as a site of special scientific interest.
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a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold (tin-cyna) Health is a social value, not a commercial commodity. The country's most valuable commodities include tin and diamonds.
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a country ruled by a prince, or from which a prince takes his title Monaco is a principality.
myśleć, sądzić, liczyć, rachować, kalkulować começar a aprender
to think or believe, to calculate The analyst reckoned that the sales value has increased by 7%. Do you reckon we'll leave tomorrow. THIS THE OPPONENT YOU HAVE TO RECKON WITH
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a calculation that you make: By my reckoning, we should arrive in ten minutes.
prawdopodobnie, dyskusyjne(sporny) começar a aprender
used when stating an opinion or belief that you think can be shown to be true. If something is arguable, there could be some disagreement about it: He is arguably the world's best football player. It is arguable which way is quicker.
być czujnym, trzymać rękę na pulsie começar a aprender
be on one's toes/ keep sb on on their toes He keeps changing the rules, just to keep us on our toes
szczegółowo badać, analizować, obserwować. przypatrywać się bacznie começar a aprender
to examine something very carefully in order to discover information She scrutinized the document and claimed that it was a fake. My father scrutinized my new girlfriend. He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying.
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the member of a family who earns the money that the family needs Men are often expected to be the breadwinner in a family.
plan, strategia, światłokopia, kod(genetyczny) começar a aprender
a photographic copy of an early plan for a building or machine. an early plan or design that explains how something might be achieved: China is merely following the globalist blueprint for the world. It doesn't seem to fit any known genetic blueprint.
przyprawiający o szybsze bicie serca, bicie serca começar a aprender
to hit or beat repeatedly with a lot of force, or to crush something by hitting it repeatedly I could feel my heart pounding as I went on stage to collect the prize. He pounded on the door demanding to be let in.
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pounded to rubble, flattened The city was pounded to rubble during the war.
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for a very long time I could sit here and argue with you till the cows come home, but it wouldn't solve anything.
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What's crazy when you talk to him he kind of has an air of indecisiveness but also sort of mysteriousness
przerażające poczucie upływającego czasu começar a aprender
terriyfing sense of the passage of time
uderzenie, uderzyć, krzesać, nawiedzać, godzić w coś, odkrycie começar a aprender
What struck me it's his indescribable lust for success.
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a word or phrase that is often used with another word or phrase, in a way that sounds correct to people who have spoken the language all their lives, but might not be expected from the meaning: In the phrase "a hard frost", "hard" is a collocation of "frost" and "strong" would not sound natural.
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nieśmiały, płochliwy, bojaźliwy começar a aprender
shy and nervous; without much confidence; easily frightened My dog is a little timid - especially around other dogs. Um, excuse me," he said timidly. People peered timidly from their windows to assess the damage.
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to shine by reflecting light from a wet or smooth surface The grass glistened in the early-morning dew. His eyes glistened with tears.
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to take goods illegally from a shop without paying for them A boy was caught shoplifting this afternoon
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the crime of intentionally starting a fire in order to damage or destroy something, especially a building A cinema was burned out in north London last night. Police suspect arson.
psiarnia, schronisko, Buda dla psa começar a aprender
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to laugh a lot, loudly You laughed your head off when I fell
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Miałem umówioną wizytę z moim lekarzem pierwszego kontaktu, ale bałem się wejść do gabinetu. I made an appointment with my GP, but I was too afraid to enter the surgery.
rześki, dziarski, energiczny, ożywić começar a aprender
I love brisk mornings. They wake me up. The pace of the group was brisk. She is a person who brisks the atmosphere
igła, szpilka, igła od kompasu começar a aprender
The needle in her sewing machine broke, so she needed to get a new one.
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to try to persuade someone to believe something that is not true, as a joke Is it really your car or are you pulling my leg?
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not easily satisfied, or having very high standards about particular things All my children were fussy eaters. He's so fussy about the house - everything has to be absolutely perfect. She was too fastidious to have a kabab for lunch.
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Every now and then my mom make an appointment at doctor's to our local surgery
wzniesienie się, wspinaczka, pięcie się w górę começar a aprender
the act of climbing or moving upwards. opposite: descent The ascent took them a day, but they reached the summit. She made her first successful ascent of Everest last year.
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a feeling of respect or admiration for someone or something This player has a lot of reverence for the game. She has/shows/feels great reverence for her professors.
gorączkowy, nerwowy, napięty começar a aprender
full of activity, or very busy and fast a hectic schedule. The area has become a haven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.
wytchnienie, ulga, ułaskawić, wstrzymać egzekucję, przynieść ulgę começar a aprender
an official order that stops or delays the punishment, especially by death, of a prisoner, an escape from a bad situation or experience: He was sentenced to death but was granted a last-minute reprieve. The injection provided a temporary reprieve from the pain.
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a white layer of pieces of ice like needles that forms on objects outside when it is very cold
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Let's wait until low tide. It would have washed away at high tide
wolno/ wartko płynąca rzeka começar a aprender
a slow / fast- flowing river
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a cloth usually made from silk or cotton with a thick, soft surface Her skin was as soft as velvet.
nastawiać (kości), manipulować, sterować, obsługiwać (urządzenie) começar a aprender
to control something or someone to your advantage, to control something using the hands often unfairly or dishonestly, to treat a part of the body, using the hands to push back bones into the correct position and put pressure on muscles: The doctor manipulated the base of my spine and the pain disappeared completely. The wheelchair is designed so that it is easy to manipulate.
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I stumbled upon it by accident
niezachwiany, niezłomnie, bezgranicznie começar a aprender
If someone's trust or belief is unswerving, it is always strong and never becomes weaker Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. unswerving loyalty/devotion/support/faith
utrzymywać, twierdzić (często fałszywie), oświadczać, wyznawać (uczucia, wiarę) começar a aprender
to state something, sometimes in a way that is not sincere She professes not to be interested in money. She continues to profess her innocence.
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gorge yourself on something
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the crime of murdering your brother, or killing members of your own group or country
szczery do bólu, mówiący bez ogródek começar a aprender
expressing strong opinions very directly without worrying if other people are offended: For a moment, she thought she had been too outspoken. outspoken comments. Mr Masack is an outspoken critic of the present government
uprawiać / pielęgnować ziemię / glebę começar a aprender
No one has tilled this land for over 50 years.
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słownik wyrazów bliskoznacznych começar a aprender
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a place where pets that are lost or not wanted are kept: We got this mutt at the pound.
ustanawiać, wszczynać, wprowadzać (np. nowy zwyczaj), zakładać, powołać, instytut, szkolenie começar a aprender
The institute will take 5 days and will end in an exam. Let's institute a new amendment. We want to institute an orphanage.
przyczyniać się, wnosić wkład, pisać do gazety começar a aprender
to help to cause an event or situation. He contributed to my problems and now he wants to help Smoking contributed to his early death. Come to the meeting if you feel you have something to contribute. Her family has contributed $50,000 to the fund. Tourism contributes substantially to the local economy.
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I felt dizzy and the whole world was spinning. My grandma spins a golden thread.
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relating to members of your family from the past
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to tell someone that they have done something wrong His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.
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the grammatical arrangement of words in a sentence small changes in syntax can cause a significant change in meaning. The examples should always illustrate correct syntax.
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to feel or express great pleasure or satisfaction because of your own success or good luck, or someone else's failure or bad luck: She's continually gloating over/about her new job. I know I shouldn't gloat, but it really serves him right."This is our fourth victory in a row," he gloated
ogromny, budzący grozę, szacunek começar a aprender
causing you to have fear or respect for something or someone because that thing or person is large, powerful, or difficult: a formidable obstacle/task/adversary/intellect
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to argue over something that is not important: an argument over something that is not important They are still squabbling over who will get the big office. Often relationships between family members are so strained that squabbles break out.
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a dried black grape
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I don't believe they repaired your car at such a short notice
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At heart, I still love you, Pamela Anderson.
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At first I didn't like the idea but on second thoughts I decided to do it.
szorstki, chropowaty, gruboziarnisty, ordynarny(język), wulgarny, grubiański começar a aprender
Linen is a coarse-grained fabric. a coarse joke coarse language
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zdziwiony, zaintrygowany, zdezorientowany, zmieszany, zakłopotać, stanowić zagadkę começar a aprender
He puzzled her with his behaviour. The findings of the survey puzzle me - they're not at all what I would have expected. Their son is a puzzle to them.
gniazdo elektryczne, wgłębienie (np. oczodół, começar a aprender
Podłącz przewód do gniazdka, the part of a piece of equipment, especially electrical equipment, into which another part fits His eye was dangling out of the socket. Plug the cable into the socket.
zagwozdka, kwestia kłopotliwa, łamigłówka começar a aprender
a problem or question that is difficult to solve or answer(informal) Who was the last woman to win three Olympic gold medals? That's quite a poser.
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Chris is a poser and is always putting on airs and graces. The White House is graced with portraits of presidents.
zeskrobać, skrobać, czyścić, zadrapać, wyryć, skrzypienie, draśnięcie, otarcie começar a aprender
I have to scrape vegetables for the soup. Evan's got a scrape, but Lieutenant Leeds patched him up. The steel door opened with a scrape. He scraped their names in wood. It's hard to scrape the old paint off the window
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You've got your sweater on inside out.
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something that connects two things or people, usually in a way that unfairly limits freedom. for my yoke is easy the yoke of marriage Both countries had thrown off the communist yoke.
odżywczy, składnik odżywczy, substancja pokarmowa, começar a aprender
any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow It's good soil - full of nutrients. Eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you need.
ziarenko(np. kawy), grosz(w przeczeniach), puknąć. głowę, walnąć, łepetyna (głowa) começar a aprender
I'd like to go to the seaside but I don't have a bean, Your stupid bean won't understand that. I want to bean him with a golf club
kij golfowy, pałować, pałka, maczuga começar a aprender
I saw the policeman clubbing some young man. He hit the thief with a club and called the police.
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the fact of containing salt of the amount of salt contained in something You should test the salinity of the water.
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what happens to you happens to me because we are sharing an experience
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some people treat their body as the temple
stosunek, proporcja (między dwoma liczbam começar a aprender
The ratio of teachers to students is about 1 to 20.
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I don't like spinach. no one bit
domniemany, dający się wywnioskować, rozumiejący się sam przez się, niezaprzeczalny(o wierze, zaufaniu), bezwarunkowy explicit- direct and clear começar a aprender
suggested but not communicated directlycomplete and without any doubts Her faith is implicit. You can't doubt it. Our friendship was implicit. We were loyal to each other. He interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the government. All her life she had implicit faith in socialism.
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a person or animal with white skin and hair and pink eyes
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having a sexual relationship or marriage with only one person at a time: a monogamous relationship I am in a monogamous marriage and we have two sons. monogamy, polygamy, polygamous
wyrównanie(w linii, edytorze itp) współpraca começar a aprender
an arrangement in which two or more things are positioned in a straight line or parallel to each other. in efect-aktywna The problem is happening because the wheels are out of alignment with each other. Our alignment with Nato remains in effect
równolegle, równoleżnik, porównanie começar a aprender
If two or more lines, streets, etc. are parallel, the distance between them is the same all along their length. used to describe an event or situation that happens at the same time as and/or is similar to another one: Draw a pair of parallel lines. Parallel experiments are being conducted in Rome, Paris and London. This parallel is inaccurate
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omnipotent-wszechmocny. omniscient-wszechwiedzacy God is not omnipotent (he cannot lie) God is not omniscient (he doesn't foreknow all future human actions and choices).
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penultimate, last but one second from the last: It's the penultimate episode of the series tonight.
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a person used in a scientific test, usually to discover the effect of a drug on humans. a small, furry animal with rounded ears, short legs, and no tail, often kept as a pet and for use in scientific experiments They're asking for students to be guinea pigs in their research into the common cold.
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this may be tipping point for remote work
znikać, rozpraszać (chmury), rozwiać (obawy), gasić (entuzjazm) começar a aprender
to (cause to) gradually disappear or waste The heat gradually dissipates into the atmosphere.
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The walls were covered with grime. sitting over the grimy keyboard
osunąć się, spaść (pod względem wartości), kryzys ekon. przygarbienie, opadać começar a aprender
(of prices, values, or sales) to fall suddenly The value of property has slumped. Car sales have slumped dramatically over the past year. She slumped into the chair, exhausted. The old man slumped in his chair, asleep.
sondaż (dotyczący wyborów przedterminowych começar a aprender
nakreślić, wytyczać, (podzielić) começar a aprender
to describe or mark the edge of something He delineated the boundaries of the state on the map. During the lockdown it's harder to delineate personal and work time. The main characters are clearly delineated in the first chapter.
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to make something stronger or more important: bolster We need to find some new players to beef up the team. The company has plans to beef up its production.
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Something that is double-edged acts in two ways, often with one negative and one positive effect: She paid me the double-edged compliment of saying my work was "excellent for a beginner."
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a rope or chain used to tie, especially an animal, to a post or other fixed place, usually so that it can move freely within a small area They tethered the dog to its kennel and went inside the house.
osiągać czas, mierzyć czas começar a aprender
He clocked while I was running. What time did you clock during the last marathon
szacować (obliczać), ekstrapolować (przewidywać wynik começar a aprender
to guess or think about what might happen using information that is already known You can't really extrapolate a trend from such a small sample.
zbytnie poleganie, nadmierne poleganie começar a aprender
And that sometimes an overreliance on meetings
na początku podchodzić sceptycznie começar a aprender
Not all at-home workspaces are created equal and employees may be held back initially
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something that someone else wants that you are willing to lose in order to reach an agreement: Missiles were used as a bargaining chip in negotiations for economic aid.
atut, trąbić, górować nad kimś, prześcigać, przezwyciężać, KARTA PRZETWRGOWA começar a aprender
She trumps over all of them, and is perfectly aware of that. And for some the convenience just doesn't trump the isolation. He saved his trump card for later. Their victory was trumpeted all over the country.
odwrócić, zmieniać, przewracać na drugą stronę começar a aprender
to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite I reversed the pillow and went on sleeping. Can I do anything that would make you reverse your decision?
dojeżdżać do pracy, zamienić começar a aprender
to make the same journey regularly between work and home: to change one thing into another: It's exhausting commuting from Brighton to London every day. People used to believe that you could commute base metals into gold.
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spike-przyprawic alkoholem, kłos, iglica wieży He bought some iron spikes for shish kabobs. You could see the spikes of wheat all over the field. She spiked my tea with rum. he spiked the meat and put it in the oven
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the person, animal, or organization that is most likely to win something: The usual suspects were the frontrunners. But about businesses in other industries such as automakers? same deal. She is one of the front-runners in the contest.
kostka(cukru) sześcian, kabina(np. prysznicowa), sześcian começar a aprender
a solid object with six square sides of equal size. If you cube a number, you multiply it twice by itself Cut the cheese into small cubes.
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a company that gives advice on a particular subject: a management/financial/recruitment consultancy
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I'm giving you a head start, Son... because I love you. Could you count to a million and give me a head start?