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questão resposta
Did you pay yesterday?
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Zapłaciłeś wczoraj?
Do you pay?
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Czy płacisz?
Do you pay your wife's bills?
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Czy płacisz rachunki swojej żony?
Are you paying now?
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Płacisz teraz?
Does he always pay?
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Czy zawsze płaci?
Is he paying for the hotel now?
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Czy teraz płaci za hotel?
Was it expensive?
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To było drogie?
Is it expensive?
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Czy jest drogie?
Were they late?
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Spóźnili się?
Are they late?
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Są spoźnieni?
Will you pay?
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Czy zapłacisz?
Will it be expensive?
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Czy to będzie drogie?
Will they be late?
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Czy się spóźnią?

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