questão |
resposta |
I'll drop you off at the bus stop i you like. começar a aprender
Llevar a alguien, repartir algo o caer dormido
After Christmas the workload generally eases off começar a aprender
Aligerar, reducir (dolor, tráfico o trabajo)
She can't get the stain off her sweater. começar a aprender
Bajar (del autobus, del tren o avión), eliminar
The football match kicked off at 3 o'clock. começar a aprender
My grandfather often nods off in front of the TV. começar a aprender
Dar cabezadas, caer dormido
The meeting was put off because of the strike. começar a aprender
Posponer, arreglar una cita para más tarde
Early Saturday morning we set off for the ski slopes. começar a aprender
Partir, comenzar un viaje
There's David showing off in his new sports car! começar a aprender
Presumir o querer ser admirado
The plane took off at 6 a.m. começar a aprender
The teacher told her off for not doing her homework. começar a aprender
Regañar, criticar severamente
The teacher asked Lee to wipe off the board. começar a aprender
Burglars broke into the house around midnight. começar a aprender
Peter bumped into his English teacher at the supermarket. começar a aprender
Encontrarse accidentalmente o inesperadamente con
How did the burglar get into the house? começar a aprender
Sophie ran into Mary at the shopping centre começar a aprender
Encontrarse accidentalmente o inesperadamente con
As regards holidays, can you carry over any days from one year to the next? começar a aprender
My grandmother had pneumonia but she got over it. começar a aprender
Superar o recobrarse de una enfermedad o decepción
I'll have to think over the proposal before I decide. começar a aprender
It's rude to butt in on a conversation like that! começar a aprender
Interrumpir maleducadamente
For security reasons you have to check in two hours before your flight. começar a aprender
Registrarse en un hotel o aeropuerto
I sometimes drop in to see my grandparents on my way home from school. começar a aprender
Visitar, dejarse caer por sorpresa
Their marriage ended in divorce. começar a aprender
How did the burglar get in? começar a aprender
Application forms must be handed in before April. começar a aprender
She was too shy to join in the game. começar a aprender
You've bought a new house? When are you moving in? começar a aprender
Mudarse a una casa o una oficina
Juilie came across some photographs of her grandparents in the attic. The candidate came across as dynamic person during the interview. começar a aprender
Cruzarse, toparse con, parecer, dar una impresion
The police have asked any witnesses to come forward. começar a aprender
I look forward to seeing you soon. começar a aprender
Anhelar, estar deseando, tener muchas ganas
Our planned boat trip fell through because of the storm. começar a aprender