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if i were you i would talk to the manager
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se eu fosse você, eu falaria com o gerente
if i had more time i would show you my office
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se eu tivesse mais tempo, eu te mostraria meu escritório
if she were my girlfriend i would buy her flowers everyday
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se ela fosse minha namorada, eu compraria as flores pra ela todos os dias
if she came by subway, she would arrive faster
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se ela viesse de metrô, ela chegaria mais rápido
if they woke up earlier, they would enjoy the day better
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se eles acordassem mais cedo, eles curtiriam o dia melhor
if you won the lottery, what would you do?
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se você ganhasse na loteria, o que voce faria?
if they wanted...
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se elas quisessem...
if they brought...
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se elas trouxessem...
if they did...
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se eles fizessem...
if they gave...
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se eles dessem...
if they only knew
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se eles soubessem
if they said...
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se elas dissessem...
if they were
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se elas fossem...
if we were
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se nós fôssemos
if i lived in a big house i would have a big backyard
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se eu morasse numa casa grande eu teria um quintal gigante
if i lived in a big house i would make a beautiful vegetable garden
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se eu morasse numa casa grande eu faria uma horta bem linda
if i lived in a big house i would hang a swing on the tree
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se eu morasse numa casa grande eu penduraria um balanço na árvore
if i lived in a big house i would put a hammock in the garden to take a nap
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se eu morasse numa casa grande eu poria uma rede no jardim para tirar um cochilo
if you could choose any other name, what name would you choose?
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se você pudesse escolher outro nome, qual nome você escolheria?
If you could choose one skill you don't have, what skill would it be?
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se você pudesse escolher uma habilidade que você não tem, qual habilidade seria?
If you were asked to recommend a book, which book would you recommend?
to point
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se pedissem a você uma indicação de livro, qual livro indicaria?
if you found out that your supervisor was violating the company's code of conduct, what would you do?
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se você descobrisse que seu supervisor está violando o código de conduta da empresa, o que voce faria?
If you were the president of your company, what would you change?
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se você fosse o presidente da sua empresa, o que voce mudaria?
if you were an animal, which animal would you like to be?
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se você fosse um animal, qual animal você gostaria de ser?
if you woke up in the middle of the night...
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se você acordasse no meio da noite...
if your house was on fire and you had the opportunity to save a single object, what would it be?
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se sua casa estivesse pegando fogo e você tivesse a oportunidade de salvar um único objeto, qual seria?
if your knowledge became, from now on, useless and obsolete and you had to start from scratch, what would you do?
obsolete - przestarzałe
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se os seus conhecimentos tornassem, a partir de agora, inúteis e obsoletos e você tivesse que começar do zero, o que voce faria?
If all people didn't see killing another person as a bad thing, we wouldn't save ourselves.
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se todas as pessoas não vissem matar outra pessoa como uma coisa ruim, nós não nos salvaríamos
if you saw an alien in front of you, what would you do?
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se você visse um alienígena na sua frente, o que você faria?
I wouldn't do that if I were you
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eu não faria isso se fosse você
if you read this book, you would like
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se você lesse este livro, você gostaria
she would get sick if she ate poorly and slept little
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ela ficaria doente se comesse mal e dormisse pouco
If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow...
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se você ficasse sabendo que o mundo iria acabar amanhã...
I wouldn't know my husband if I didn't have these experiences
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eu não conheceria meu marido se eu não tivesse essas experiências

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