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by train
na ulicy
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at street
nad mostem
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over the bridge
na zdjęciu
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in the picture
na ścianie
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on the wall
w niedzielę
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on Sunday
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in the morning
na łodzi
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on the boat
w samochodzie
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in the car
w taksówce
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in the taxi
na plaży
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on the beach
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na miejscu
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at the venue
w nocy
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at night
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sort out
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pour with rain
salon wystawowy
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na granicy
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on the border
na ślubie
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at the wedding
na strychu
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in the attic
na boisku
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on the pitch
przy tylnych drzwiach
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at the back door
w kolejce
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in the queue
na rejsie
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on the cruise
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średniowieczne miasto
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medieval town
w telefonie
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on the phone
na tarasie
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on the terrace
być na bieżąco
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keep up to date
w mieście
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in the city
w domu
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at home
w szkole
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at school
w pracy
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at work
na uniwersytecie
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at university
przy barierce
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at the barrier
w recepcji
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at the reception
na seminarium
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at the seminar
w piwnicy
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in the basement
na południu Hiszpanii
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in the south of Spain
słuchanie radia
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listening to the radio
w klasie
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in class
w szpitalu
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in hospital
w więzieniu
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in prison
w sądzie
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in court
na świecie
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in the world
na jachcie
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on the yacht
w drodze
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in the road
po lewej
começar a aprender
on the left

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