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babies, ladies, ferries, parties
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days, boys, guys, donkeys
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church, crash, bus, box, buzz começar a aprender
churches, crashes, buses, boxes, buzzes
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echo, hero, negro, potato, tomato começar a aprender
echoes, heroes, negroes, potatoes, tomatoes
radio, zoo, commando, concerto, Eskimo, kilo, logo, photo, piano, solo, soprano começar a aprender
radios, zoos, commandos, concertos, Eskimos, kilos, logos, photos, pianos, solos, sopranos
buffalo, moquito, tornado, volcano começar a aprender
buffalo(e)s, mosquito(e)s, tornado(e)s, volcano(e)s
calf, elf, half, knife, leaf, life, loaf, self, sheaf, shelf, thief, wife, wolf começar a aprender
calves, elves, halves, knives, leaves, lives, loaves, selves, sheaves, shelves, thieves, wives, wolves
dwarf, hoof, scarf, wharf começar a aprender
dwarves, hooves, scarves, wharvers
child, foot, goose, louse, man, mouse, ox, penny, person, tooth, woman começar a aprender
children, feet, geese, lice, men, mice, oxen, pence, people, teeth, women
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pennies - monety jednopensowe
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persons (in official language), peoples ('nation')
barracks, series, crossroads, species, headquarters, works (= factory), means, Swiss começar a aprender
barracks, series, crossroads, species, headquarters, works, means, Swiss
news, billards, draughts, measles começar a aprender
news, billards, draughts, measles
mathematics, physics, athletics começar a aprender
mathematics, physics, athletics
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craft, aircraft, hoovercraft, spacecraft, Chinese, Japanese (and other nationality nouns ending in -ese), sheep, deer, fish começar a aprender
craft, aircraft, hoovercraft, spacecraft, Chinese, Japanese (and other nationality nouns ending in -ese), sheep, deer, fish
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cacti (Latin) or cactuses (less common)
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formulae (Latin) or formulas
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fungi (Latin) or funguses
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court marital (= military court or military trial) começar a aprender
courts marital (more formal) or court maritals (less formal)
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the British, the Dutch, the English, the French, the Irish, the Spanish, the Welsh ARE... começar a aprender
the British, the Dutch, the English, the French, the Irish, the Spanish, the Welsh ARE...
trousers, jeans, pyjamas, pants, scales, scrissors, glasses, spectacles, binoculars, pliers ARE... começar a aprender
trousers, jeans, pyjamas, pants, scales, scrissors, glasses, spectacles, binoculars, pliers ARE...
arms, clothes, congratulations, contents, customs (at a frontier), funds, goods, groceries, manners, the Middle Ages, odds, outskirts, oats, premises, regards, remains, savings, surroundings, thanks, troops começar a aprender
arms, clothes, congratulations, contents, customs (at a frontier), funds, goods, groceries, manners, the Middle Ages, odds, outskirts, oats, premises, regards, remains, savings, surroundings, thanks, troops
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bank, the BBC, choir, class, club, committee, England (the football team), family, firm, government, jury, ministry, orchestra, party, public, school, staff, team, union começar a aprender
bank, the BBC, choir, class, club, committee, England (the football team), family, firm, government, jury, ministry, orchestra, party, public, school, staff, team, union