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the SET OF ATTITUDES, BELIEFS and SENTIMENTS that give order and meaning to a political process and which provide the underlying assumptions and rules that govern behavior in the political system"
1. PAROCHIAL 2. SUBJECT 3. PARTICIPANT basedon -level and type of political participation-the nature of people’s attitudes toward politics
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- citizens are only remotely aware of the presence of central government - they live their lives regardless of the decisions taken by the state, distant and unaware of political phenomena -they have neither knowledge nor interest in politics -typical for traditional political structure
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- citizens are aware of central government, and are heavily subjected to its decisions with little scope for dissent - t he individual is aware of politics, its actors and institutions -affectively oriented towards politics, yet on the "downward flow" side of the politics -typical for a centralized authoritarian structure
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- citizens are able to influence the government in various ways and they are affected by it -the individual is oriented toward the system as a whole, to both the political and administrative structures and processes (to both the input and output aspects) -typical for a democratic political structure
North American and European political cultures começar a aprender
- emphasize constitutional law, freedom of religion, personal liberty, and regional autonomy -these ideas stem in various degrees from the British common law and French civil law traditions, North American aboriginal government, and English civic traditions
FACTORSwhich have shaped BRITISH POLITICAL CULTURE: •GEOGRAPHY começar a aprender
Britain's position as an island nation; the traditions of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, and the impact of the British Empire
FACTORS which have shaped BRITISH POLITICAL CULTURE: •RELIGION começar a aprender
aChristian tradition, a history of clashesbeginning in the16thcentury between supporters of the Anglican (largely English), Roman Catholic (largely Irish), and Calvinist (largely Scottish) religions
FACTORS which have shaped BRITISH POLITICAL CULTURE: HISTORY começar a aprender
the gradual evolution of the political system rather than revolution; the legacyogthe British Empire
FACTORS which have shaped BRITISH POLITICAL CULTURE: SOCIOLOGY começar a aprender
earlytransitionfrom a rural and agricultural society into an urban and industrial socjety; regionalismand class system
FACTORS which shaped AMERICAN POLITICALCULTURE trzeba to znaleźć i rozpisać começar a aprender
FACTORS which shaped CANADIAN POLITICAL CULTURE trzeba to znaleźć i rozpisać começar a aprender
• GEOGRAPHY part of a greater North American and European political culture; vicinity of the United States
Canada has a tradition of ____ in the centrist context, as far right canadian political culture começar a aprender
far left politics have never been a prominent force in Canadian socjety
stated goals of the Canadian government canadian political culture começar a aprender
p eace, order, and good government are stated goals of the Canadian •individual rights, equality and inclusiveness (a just society) support for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a relatively free economy, and social liberal attitudes toward homosexuality, women's rights, and other egalitarian movements)
a sense of collective responsibility in Canadian political culture começar a aprender
general support for universal health care, multiculturalism, gun control, foreign aid