Piotrek 5th Feb 2015 (1)

 0    13 fiche    pkempkiewicz
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questão resposta
pójdźmy na dyskotekę
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to go to a night club
centrum Warszawy
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THE center of Warsaw
Mieszkam w centrum
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I live downtown.
Pojedźmy do centrum dzisiaj wieczorem
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let's go to town tonight = let's go to the centre tonight
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to quote
ona gra na bębnach
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he plays THE drums
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spotkanie inglês
a meeting (NEVER: a meet)
na moim pierwszym spotkaniu
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AT my first meeting
mam sugestię
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I have a suggestion
takie jak
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such as...
mówić po...
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speak English / German / French
powiedzieć coś po...
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to say sth IN English
jakie było twoje największe wyzwanie
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what was YOUR biggest challenge?

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