Piotrek 23rd Nov 2015

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questão resposta
Lubię muzykę klasyczną.
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I'm keen on classical music.
On chce nam pomóc.
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He's keen to help us.
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zdobyć szczyt
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to reach the summit
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the majority of sth
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the minority of sth
Mój raport przesyłam w załączniku.
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Please find attached my report.
Sprawdź proszę załącznik / załączony dokument.
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Please check the attachment.
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CV / resume
Forwarduję jego CV.
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I'm forwarding his CV to you. / I've forwardED his CV to you.
Dołaczyłem Toma do tego maila.
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I've cc'd Tom on this email.
Jeśli masz jakieś pytania, zadaj je w mailu.
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If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Do zobaczenia. (często ostatnie zdanie w emailu)
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I look forward to seeing you.

Você deve entrar para postar um comentário.