questão |
resposta |
Dzwonię w sprawie zamówienia. começar a aprender
I'm callin regarding to order.
Chciałbym uzyskać informację começar a aprender
I would like to get information
Czy możesz mi powiedzieć, czy... começar a aprender
Czy mogę rozmawiać z kimś odpowiedzialnym za... Can I speak to somebody responsible for... começar a aprender
Can I speak with someone in charge ... Can I speak to somebody Responsible for...
Czy masz/macie...? Do you have... começar a aprender
Do you have / have ...? Do you have...
Czy jest basen w hotelu Is there a swiming pool at the hotel? começar a aprender
Is there a swimming pool in the hotel Is there a swiming pool at the hotel?
Czy są jakieś... Are there any...? começar a aprender
Are there ... Are there any ...?
Ile to kosztuje How much is it? começar a aprender
How much it costs How much is it?
Jaka jest cena? What is the price? começar a aprender
What is the price? What is the price?
Czy to jest zawarte w cenie? Is it included in price? começar a aprender
Is it included in the price? Is it included in price?
Szukam taniego hotelu I am looking for a cheap hotel começar a aprender
I'm looking for a cheap hotel I am looking for a cheap hotel
Czy możesz wyjaśnić Could you clarify please? começar a aprender
Can you explain Could you clarify please?
Nie rozumiem/ nie łapię I don't get it começar a aprender
I do not understand / do not get it I do not get it
Musze to przemyśleć I have to think it over começar a aprender
I have to think I have to think it over
Dam znać tak szybko jak to możliwe I will let you know as soon as possible (ASAP) começar a aprender
Let you know as soon as possible I will let you know as soon as possible (ASAP)
Odezwę się wkrótce I will get back to you soon começar a aprender
Talk to you soon I will get back to you soon
Z niecierpliwością czekam começar a aprender
aby Cie usłyszeć I am looking forward to hearing from you
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
z poważaniem Yours Sincerelly começar a aprender
Sincerely Yours Sincerelly