Phrasal Verbs z lekcji Wojtka

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baixar mp3 Imprimir jogar verifique-se
questão resposta
zakładać np firmę
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set up
podłączać coś, włączyć coś (przy użyciu wtyczki)
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plug sth in
zredukować / zmniejszyć ilość
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cut down on
I think I need to cut down on Diet Coke - I drink too much.
jeść na mieście, jeść poza domem
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eat out
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warm up
spłacać np pożyczkę
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pay back
I need to pay back the money my father lent me.
odbierać kogoś
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pick smb up
I'll come and pick you up in the car at six o'clock.
usunąć kogoś np z boiska
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send smb off
A referee can send off a footballer by giving him a red card.
rozstać się z kimś
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split up
wyłączyć coś
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swich off
When you get on a plane you have to swich off your mobile phone.
zaprzestać, eliminować
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cut out
My doctor told me I had to cut out diary products because I have an alergy.
wychować / wychowywać
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bring smb up
Althought his parents bring him up quite strictly, Toby is a happy child.
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work out
wyjmować coś
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take sth out
I need to go to the cash machine and take out some money before we getthe train.
oczekiwać z niecierpliwością
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look forward to
I really look forward to my weekly dance class.
kłócić się
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fall out with
My brother and sister often fall out with each other.
szukać czegoś
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look for sth
If you want to find a job you could look for one on the internet or in the newspapaers.
skończyć się
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run out of
If you run out of petrol your car will stop
uważać, być ostrożnym
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watch out
podkręcać, zwiększać
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turn up
Can you turn up the music.

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