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Kipe Uprah said that a lot of English learners have trouble GOING AS FAST with conversations because they haven’t been taught idioms, collocations and phrasal verbs. Seguir al mismo nivel. to make progress or learn at the same speed as someone or something. começar a aprender
Kipe Uprah said that a lot of English learners have trouble keeping up with conversations because they haven’t been taught idioms, collocations and phrasal verbs. ---- KEEP UP. By studying hard Aleyda managed to keep up and became a scholarship pupil. --------------- KEEP UP.
Estandy Uprah said that the students PUT THEIR BODIES INTO AN UPRIGHT POSITION when their teacher comes in, and they sit down again after she sits down. Ponerse de pie. to put your body into an upright position from a sitting or lying position. (see also: get up). começar a aprender
Estandy Uprah said that the students STAND UP when their teacher comes in, and they sit down again after she sits down. --- STAND UP. In many countries, it’s customary (=es acostumbrado) to stand up for the national anthem. ------------- STAND UP.
Estandy Uprah said that the boss blamed Rosio for the mistake, but her friends DEFENDED her and said it wasn’t her fault. Defender Arriba Por algo ó alguien. Ponerse de pie Por. to defend something that you believe is important [e.g. principle, right], or to defend a person who is being criticized. (see also: back (sb) up, stick by). começar a aprender
Estandy Uprah said that the boss blamed Rosio for the mistake, but her friends STOOD UP FOR her and said it wasn’t her fault. --- STAND UP FOR. Black workers stand up for each other if anyone is accused of doing wrong. ---------- STAND UP FOR.
Estandy Uprah Tota said our son wants to learn Thai boxing so he can CONFRONT other kids at school who try to bully him. Ponersele al tu por tu con alguién, confrontar, hacer frente a, resistir algo en pie. Defender. to confront somebody, to resist somebody; to not accept bad treatment from somebody without complaining. começar a aprender
Estandy Uprah Tota said our son wants to learn Thai boxing so he can STAND UP TO other kids at school who try to bully him. ---- STAND UP TO. Dante was not afraid to stand up to his superiors if they had a difference of opinion --------- STAND UP TO.
Espeaky Uprah said, I’m sorry, but I’m a little bit deaf Robert. Would you mind SPEAK LOUDER a bit, please?. Hablar mas fuerte, subir la voz. to talk louder. começar a aprender
Espeaky Uprah said, I’m sorry, but I’m a little bit deaf Robert. Would you mind SPEAK UP a bit, please?. ----- SPEAK UP. You have to speak up. The people in the back can’t hear you. ---------- SPEAK UP.
Speedy Uprah said, we have to drive slowly around town, but when we get on the freeway we can GO FASTER. Acelerar, subir la velocidad. to move or happen faster. começar a aprender
Speedy Uprah said, we have to drive slowly around town, but when we get on the freeway we can SPEED UP. ---- SPEED UP. You see drivers speeding up in the snow when they should be slowing down. ------ SPEED UP.
Mr Splity Uprah said that the new owners want to SEPARATES the company and sell off the parts. Dividir, separar, (bananasplit Uprah). to divide into smaller parts or groups, or to divide something into smaller parts or groups. (see also: break up). split up. começar a aprender
Mr Splity Uprah said that new owners want to SPLIT the company UP and sell off the parts. ---- SPLIT UP. Can you believe it?. Ken and Barbie have split up after being married for forty years, and they’ll be getting divorced soon. -----------------SPLIT UP.
Mr Spruce Uprah said that the Convention Center has been TIDIED for the occasion. Decorar para que se vea bien. to improve the appearance of someone or something. (see also: clean up, tidy up). começar a aprender
Mr Spruce Uprah said that the Convention Center has been SPRUCED UP for the occasion. ---- SPRUCE, SPRUCE yourself UP. The council will spruce the town up to make it look nice for the queen. -------- SPRUCE. or SPRUCE UP something or somebody.
Mrs Starty Uprah said that Mike Mastruany left the company last year to INITIATE his own business. Empezar, startear Arriba un negocio con estrella. to bring a business, organization, or project into existence. (see also: set up). começar a aprender
Mrs Starty Uprah said that Mike Mastruany left the company last year to START UP his own business. ---- START UP. Voughan said, One way to get rich is by starting companies up and then selling them once they’ve started making money. ---- START UP.
Mr Wrapper Uprah said Olga tell Victor to DRESS IN WARM CLOTHES when he's going outside and cover himself with this blanket – if he donen't want to catch a cold. Abrigarse bien. to dress in warm clothing. começar a aprender
Mr Wrapper Uprah said Olga tell Victor to WRAP UP when he's going outside and cover himself with this blanket – if he donen't want to catch a cold. ---- WRAP UP. Olga said, wrap up Victor if you're going outside – you don't want to catch a cold. ---------- WRAP UP.
Mr Holder Uprah said, hey Jose please GRAB the ladder or I will fall down. Sujetar con fuerza, sostener fuertemente algo a la Altura. começar a aprender
Mr Holder Uprah said, hey Jose please HOLD the ladder UP or I will fall down. ---- Hold Up. Hey Jose please HOLD the ladder UP or I will fall down........ The dollar held up well against the yen. --------- HOLD something UP.
Mr Luis Pompa Uprah said that Morgan Marshall has cut prices in an attempt to INCREASE sales. Subir, alzar, incrementar, pumpear, levantar, subir el animo. to fill something with air using a pump, or to make something increase by a large amount. começar a aprender
Mr Luis Pompa Uprah said that Morgan Marshall has cut prices in an attempt to PUMP UP sales. ---- PUMP UP. The coach’s job is to get everyone PUMPED UP for the game. ------ PUMP UP.
Mr Luis Pompa Uprah said Essy, you should INFLATE your tyres. inflar, llenar de aire, pumpiar de aire algo, para alzar, levantar, subir el animo. to fill something with air using a pump, or to make something increase by a large amount. começar a aprender
Mr Luis Pompa Uprah said Essy, you should PUMP your tyres UP. ---- PUMP UP. My bicycle tyres need pumping up. -------- PUMP UP.