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Mr Provider Forny has a wife and three young children to (- -) FOR. ------- RAISE, PROVIDE, FEED. (Proveer Por alguién), mantener a alguién. to give someone the things they need, such as money, food, or clothes. começar a aprender
PROVIDE FOR someone. ----- Fernando has a wife and three young children to "provide for". Doctor Dyer said, If you can PROVIDE FOR yourself and your family by doing a job you love to do, you’re a very fortunate person. ------- PROVIDE FOR somebody.
Longy Forny said, it was freezing outside, and Logan was (- -) FOR a hot drink. ----- HANKER, LONG, YEARN. Ansiar por, Longiar Por, anhelar por. to want something very much. (see also: yearn for). começar a aprender
LONG FOR something/somebody. ---- It was freezing outside, and Logan was "longing for" a hot drink. Maggy "longs for" the days when it was safe in her town and she could walk around without worrying about being robbed. ------- LONG FOR something/somebody.
Gonzalo Forny said, when you're buying a computer, (- -) FOR one with a lot of memory. ------- PICK, CHOOSE, GO. Escojer, elejir, ir Por algo, decidirse por. to choose something. (see also: opt for, pick out). começar a aprender
GO FOR something. --- Pepin said, when you're buying a computer, "go for" one with a lot of memory. I think I’ll go for the steak. What are you having?. Kathy Williams went for the blue car instead of the red one... II think I’ll go for the steak. What are you having?. ------- GO FOR something.
Gonzalo Forny said, one-bedroom apartments (- -) FOR about $80,000 in this part of town. ------- SELL, DEAL, GO. Venderse algo por. Ir Porpara. to be sold for a particular amount of money. começar a aprender
GO FOR. --- Gonzalo F. said, one-bedroom apartments "go for" about $80,000 in this part of town. Lalo said, the house next door went for about $500,000 a year ago, so how much do you think this one will "go for"?. --------- GO FOR.
Feely Forny said, I really (- -) FOR Orlando having to take the exam all over again. ------- GET, HAVE, FEEL. Sentir pena o lástima por alguién, Feel Por alguién. to feel sorry or sympathy for someone because they are very unhappy or in a difficult situation. começar a aprender
FEEL FOR somebody. ---- I really "feel for" Orlando having to take the exam all over again. Teresa stays out late and comes home drunk. Her neighbours "feel for" her children, but they don’t know what they can do for them. ---- FEEL FOR somebody.
Serapio's a "smooth" talker. ----- a SMOOTH talker/guy. começar a aprender
Labioso, con mucha labia. relaxed, confident, and pleasant in a way that may be intended to deceive people. The "smooth" talk of the salesman Luis Lopez let him make good money. ------- a SMOOTH guy.
Folly Forny said that Melany Trump often (- -) FOR the extravagant claims of slimming products. ------- CARE, BELIEVE, FALL. Engañar, creerse de, Caer Porpara. to be tricked into believing something that is not true. começar a aprender
FALL FOR something. --- Foll said that Melany Trump often "falls for" the extravagant claims of slimming products. The salesman Olmedo is trying to talk you into spending more money than you really need to. Don’t "fall for" it!. ---- FALL FOR something.
Fally Forny (- -) FOR a tall, handsome Frenchman when she was on holiday in Paris. ------- ADORE, CARE, FALL. Enamorarse de, quedarse encantado con alguién. Fall in love with someone. começar a aprender
FALL FOR somebody. --- Ibanka "fell for" a tall, handsome Frenchman when she was on holiday in Paris. -------- FALL FOR somebody. Ramiro "fell for" Socorro as soon as they met. He says it was love at first sight. --------- FALL FOR somebody.
Mr Mistaker Forny said that the gunman had (- -) the candidate FOR a drug dealer. ------- CONFUSE, TAKE, MISTAKE. Confundir Por, Mistakear, a alguién ó algo con otra persona ó cosa. to think that a person or thing is someone or something else. começar a aprender
MISTAKE sth/sb FOR sth/sb. ---- The gunman had MISTAKEN the candidate FOR a drug dealer. ------- MISTAKE sth/sb FOR sth/sb. Police in Dallas "mistook an innocent man for" a terrorist they were hunting, and shot him. They said he looked like the terrorist they wanted. -------- MISTAKE sth/sb FOR sth/sb.
Itchy Forny Lozano said, by two o'clock I was (- -) FOR the game to end. ------ HANKER, YERN, ITCH. Ansiar por, anhelar por, Itchiar por. to want something very much. (see also: dying for, yearn for). começar a aprender
ITCH FOR something. ----- Irving Lozano said, by two o'clock I was "itching for" the game to end. ------ ITCH FOR something. I’m "itching for" a game of golf said Donal. I haven’t played all week and I really feel like getting out on the course and hitting a ball. ----- ITCH FOR something.
Gonzalo Forny said that she’s just (- -) FOR the kids – she’ll be back any minute. ------ FETCH, RETRIEIVE, GO. ir por algo ó alguién, lanzarse por algo o alguién. to go somewhere in order to get someone or something. começar a aprender
GO FOR someone/something. --- She’s just gone for the kids – she’ll be back any minute. ------ GO FOR someone/something. Why don't you and Phil go for some beer?. ------ GO FOR someone/something.
Gonzalo Forny said at the restaurant, ok I could (- -) FOR a cup of coffee please. ------ SHOOSE, DESIRE, GO. Escoger, Ir Por algo, decidirse por algo. Gustar algo, agradar algo. to like a particular type of person or thing. começar a aprender
GO FOR something. --- Gonzalo said at the restaurant, ok I could go for a cup of coffee please. ------ GO FOR something. I don’t really go for horror films. When I see how she looks at him, I can tell she really goes for him. ------ GO FOR something.
Gonzalo Forny said that Melania suddenly (- -) FOR Donal with a knife. -------- ATTACK, GO, FIGHT. Ir Por alguién para atacarlo, atacar, Irsele a los chingasos a alguién, atacar a alguién. to attack someone physically. começar a aprender
GO FOR someone. ----- Melania suddenly went for Donal with a knife. ----- GO FOR someone. Olmedo's dog looked as if it was about to go for me. ----- GO FOR someone.