Phrasal verbs

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questão resposta
odłożyć na później
começar a aprender
put aside
odłożyć (we właściwe miejsce)
começar a aprender
put away
przełożyć na inny termin
começar a aprender
put off
1) nakładać ubrania 2) przybierać na wadze
começar a aprender
put on
zgasić (papierosa/pożar)
começar a aprender
put out
przyjąć kogoś/przenocować
começar a aprender
put up
znieść, tolerować coś/kogoś
começar a aprender
put up with
começar a aprender
ring up
zmykać, odchodzić
começar a aprender
run along
começar a aprender
run away
wpaść na, natknąć się na
começar a aprender
run into / come accross
nie mieć już czegoś
começar a aprender
run out of sth
przejechać kogoś/coś
começar a aprender
run over
znaleźć coś przez przypadek
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come accross
começar a aprender
come into
1. wpaść do kogoś 2. odzyskać przytomność
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come round
wymyślić coś
começar a aprender
come up with
começar a aprender
call off
começar a aprender
carry on
wykonywać coś (zadanie, badanie)
começar a aprender
carry out
1. dogonić 2. nadrobić (zaległości)
começar a aprender
1. catch up (with)
dogadywać się, mieć dobre relacje
começar a aprender
get along
começar a aprender
get away
uniknąć konsekwencji
começar a aprender
get away with
She always gets away with not doing her housework. It's not fair.
przetrwać pomimo trudności
começar a aprender
get by
I find it difficult to get by on the money I earn.
1. wyzdrowieć 2. poradzić sobie z problemem
começar a aprender
get over
When did she get over the flu? Will you manage to get over this problem on your own?
zaprosić, umówić się
começar a aprender
ask out
It was my birthday so I asked my friend out to celebrate it.
1. rozstać się, zerwać
começar a aprender
break up
1. ujawnić, zdradzić sekret 2. oddać za darmo
começar a aprender
give away
1. Don't give away this information to anybody. 2. I've given away all my toys.
poddać się, przyznać się do klęski
começar a aprender
give in
Jane kept annoying her parents until they kept in to her demands.
começar a aprender
give out
The teacher gave out the copies of the test to all the pupils.
1. poddać się, przestać coś robić 2. rzucić pracę
começar a aprender
give up
The rescue team gave up the search when it got dark.
opiekowac się kimś
começar a aprender
look after
oczekiwać na coś z niecierpliwością
começar a aprender
look forward to
I'm looking forward to the concert next week.
badać coś szczegółowo
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look into
We must look into the matter before we make a decision.
sprawdzić coś (np. w słowniku, na liście)
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look up
Students should have a dictionary to look up the unknown words.
przejrzeć coś
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look over
The manager looked over the notes before the meeting.
wzrastać, zwiększać się
começar a aprender
go up
zgasnąć, przestać się palić
começar a aprender
go out
The fire went out ag=fter burning for 4 hours.
zbadać coś, przeanalizować
começar a aprender
go over
The bank manager wants to go over the details of the contract before he approves it.
kontynuować coś
começar a aprender
go on
I can't go on with this report. I need more information.
zacząć robienie czegoś
começar a aprender
go ahead
When you finish this task you can go ahead with the next one.
być częścią czegoś, współistnieć z czymś
começar a aprender
go with
The skirt goes with the vest. You can't buy them seperately.
começar a aprender
hand in
All students had to hand in their essays by Friday.
começar a aprender
hand out
pałętać się, kręcić, nie robić nic ważnego
começar a aprender
hang about
A lot of my friends hang about at the local cafe.
começar a aprender
hang on
Could you hang on a minute while I finish with this customer?
rozłączyć się
começar a aprender
hang up
When she had finished tha call, she hung up and told us the news.
liczyć na kogoś
começar a aprender
to count on
I can always count on my friends.
zmniejszyć, ograniczyć (np. spożywanie czegoś)
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cut down (on)
You must cut down on sweets.
1. odciąć (np. prąd) 2. przerwać rozmowę
começar a aprender
cut off
We hadn't paid the bill, so our water supply was cut off.
pociąć na kawałki
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cut up
Mother cut up her baby's ffood into smaller pieces to enable him to eat it easily.
skończyć gdzieś
começar a aprender
end up
I won't do it!. I don't want to end up in prison.
zostawać w tyle
começar a aprender
fall behind
I was sick last week and as a result I have fallen behind with my work.
odłączyć się, odpadać
começar a aprender
fall off
Oh no! The sign has fallen off the wall.
1. wypadać (włos, ząb) 2. pokłócić się
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fall out
John and Marry used to fall out a lot and they eventually split up.
wypełnić (np. formularz)
começar a aprender
fill in
dowiedzieć się, odkryć
começar a aprender
find out
Did you find out who sent you the package?

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