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to turn on
It's dark in here. Can you turn on the light?
começar a aprender
włączać, odkręcać (wodę, kran)
to turn off
He pulled up behind them and turned off the engine. I turned off the TV set and left the room.
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wyłączać, zakręcać (wodę, kran)
to turn down
I turned the lights down in my daughter's room, she fell asleep. She turned down my invitation.
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ściszać, przykręcać, też: odrzucać (np. ofertę)
to turn up
Can you turn up the heating? I'm cold. Look who finally turned up!
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pogłaśniać, podkręcać, też: pojawiać się (o osobie lub o rzeczy)
to turn around
Are you going to turn around and look at me?
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obracać się, odwracać się
to move in (with somebody)
He still hasn't moved in with her, even though they've been dating for 5 years.
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wprowadzić się (do kogoś)
to move on
I moved on with my life after she broke up with me. Let's move on and talk about you.
começar a aprender
iść do przodu, żyć dalej, zmieniać temat
to move on to
Are you ready to move on to the next question? We don't have much time; we should move on to the next presentation.
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przechodzić do (np. następnego punktu)
to move out
He's already 30 years old, but he doesn't want to move out of his parents' house.
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wyprowadzić się
to move over
We'll have to move over. This is not our seat. If you moved over we would all have a place to sit.
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przesuwać się
to look at
Why are you looking at me like that? Look at that girl - this is my sister.
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patrzeć, spojrzeć na
to look for
I'm looking for my glasses. Have you seen them? I've been looking for you everywhere.
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to look after
Tom needs to look after his mother because she's ill. Do you have any experience in looking after small children?
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opiekować się, dbać o, troszczy się o
to look around
I just wanted to look around. This place is amazing, look around!
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rozglądać się
to look up
Could you look up the bus to Warsaw in the timetable? I don't know the address of the hospital - can you look it up on the Internet?
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sprawdzać, wyszukiwać
to calm down
Why are you shouting? He took a deep breath to calm down.
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uspokoić się
to speed up
The government should speed up the reform, or people will be disappointed. The truck speeded up going down the hill.
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to print out
I'm going to a job interview, but first I have to print out my CV.
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to slow down
Can we slow down a bit? My feet are killing me. Push the brake pedal to slow down.
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to warm up
It's very important to warm up before a workout. She warmed herself by the fire.
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rozgrzać się (przed ćwiczeniami), podgrzać (coś)
to take away
Would you like to eat in or take away? Two hamburgers to take away, please.
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brać na wynos
to take down
During the presentation, you can take down your comments.
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zapisywać, notować
to write something that you are looking at or listening to
to take off
Don't take off your jacket, or you'll get cold. The plane took off at 12. Don't take your eyes off your oponent.
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zdejmować (np. ubranie), startować (o samolocie)
to take somebody out
Yesterday, David took me out for lunch. My boyfriend is taking me out today to a fancy restaurant.
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wychodzić z kimś, zabrać kogoś gdzieś / na randkę
to take something out of somewhere
Take the tub of ice cream out of the bag and put it in the fridge. She took out a splinter from my thumb.
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wyjmować coś skądś
to put something away
Give me a second. I'll just put the shopping away. She's putting money away for her holidays.
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odkładać, odstawiać coś, zaoszczędzić, odkładać (pieniądze)
to put off
High prices put the customers off. Nowadays, a lot of people put off starting a family because they want to focus on their careers first. He put off writing the essay until the last minute.
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przekładać (np. spotkanie), zniechęcać, odrzucać
to put something on
It's getting cold. Put on your coat. She came home from work and put the kettle on for tea. Should I put on some music? Put cream on your body after a sunbath.
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zakładać (ubranie), włączać (muzykę), nastawiać (np. wodę na herbatę), nakładać coś (np. krem, makijaż)
to put sth out
It took them a lot of time to put out the fire. He put out the cigarette and left. Put that torch out!
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gasić (np. papierosa, pożar)
to make a light stop shining by pressing or moving a switch, to make something such as a fire or cigarette stop burning
to put something down
Kate put her bag down and went to the kitchen. She had to put down her cat.
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kłaść, położyć coś (np. długopis), uśpić coś (np. zwierzę)
to put something in/into somewhere
Where's my dress? Did you put it into the wardrobe? I always put a lot of effort in preparing healthy breakfast.
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wkładać coś (gdzieś), wkładać wysiłek w coś
to spend a lot of time or effort doing something
to go away
I'm going away for the weekend. Don't call me unless it's urgent. He went away to Greece last week. I hope that my happiness won't go away tomorrow.
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wyjeżdżać; tez: znikać (np. o bólu)
to leave your home in order to spend time somewhere else, usually for a holiday, to disappear
to go through something
I'm busy right now. I need to go through all the emails I got yesterday. He's gone through a lot recently.
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przetrwać, przejść (np. wyzwanie, trudny okres), przeglądać coś (np. raport)
to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, to examine something that contains a collection of things carefully in order to organize them or find something,
to go off
The lights went off in several villages because of the storm. Children bought some sweets and went off happy. The bomb went off at 6 in the evening. I was late for work because my alarm clock didn't go off. This milk doesn't smell good, it went off.
começar a aprender
iść, wychodzić, opuszczać jakieś miejsce, wybuchnąć, eksplodować, zadzwonić (np. o alarmie, budziku), przestać działać, zepsuć się (o jedzeniu)
If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working, If a bomb goes off, it explodes, If food or drink goes off, it is not good to eat or drink any more because it is too old, If a warning device goes off, it starts to ring loudly or make a loud noise
to go on
She didn't even look up. She just went on reading. Do you need any help? What's going on here? You can go on studying, I won't bother you anymore. I hope it will not go on into the early hours.
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kontynuować, dziać się, trwać bez przerwy
to happen, to continue
to go on to something
It's getting late. Can you go on to the next slide? Let's go on to the next question.
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przejść do czegoś (np. do następnego punktu)
to come (a)round/over/by
Why don't you both come round for a drink? On our way home we came by a pub.
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przyjść, wpaść (do kogoś)
to come to a place, move from one place to another, or move towards someone; to visit a place for a short time, often when you are going somewhere else
to come across something/somebody
I was surprised when I came across him. I must say that I've never come across this kind of problem before. He comes across as a very conceited.
começar a aprender
napotkać, natknąć się na coś/kogoś, uchodzić za kogoś
to find something or someone by chance, to behave in a way that makes people believe that you have a particular characteristic
to come back
She left home and never came back. Long skirts are coming back into fashion now.
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wracać, powracać, stawać się znów modnym
to return to a place, If a style or a fashion comes back, it becomes popular again after being unpopular for a period of time.
to come down with something
I think I'm coming down with flu.
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zachorować na coś
to start to suffer from an illness, especially one that is not serious
to come out
After her death, it came out that she'd lied about her age. The clouds finally parted and the sun came out. When does their new album come out?
começar a aprender
wychodzić (np. o nowym albumie), pojawiać się (np. na ekranie)
If a book, record, film, etc. comes out, it becomes available for people to buy or see, When the sun, moon, or stars come out, they appear in the sky, to be a particular amount or number after a mathematical calculation,
to break up (with somebody)
My boyfriend said he wanted to break up with me because our relationship had gone stale. She made me promise to give up smoking, and threatened to break up with me if I didn't
começar a aprender
zrywać (z kimś)
to break down
Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road. When we gave her the bad news, she broke down and cried.
começar a aprender
zepsuć się, załamać się
If a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops working, to be unable to control your feelings and to start to cry
to break out
Cholera broke out in the city. Fighting has broken out all over the city, when war broke out in 1914
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wybuchać (np. o wojnie, o protestach, epidemii)
If something dangerous or unpleasant breaks out, it suddenly starts, If an infectious disease breaks out, people start to suffer from it and it spreads to others
to break in (to)
Thieves broke into our office downtown and stole the computers.
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włamać się (do)
to enter a building illegally, usually by damaging a door or window, esp. for the purpose of stealing something
to give away
The party was meant to be a surprise, but Sharon gave it away.
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ujawniać coś, zdradzać
to tell people something secret, often without intending to
to give back
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to give in
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ulegać, poddawać się (komuś, pokusię)
to give off
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wydzielać (np. zapach)
to give up (something)
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poddawać się, rzucać (coś)
to get back
começar a aprender
wracać, odzyskiwać (np. pieniądze)
to get in(to)
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wsiadać (np. do samochodu), dostać się do środka
to get out (of)
começar a aprender
wysiadać (np. z samochodu)
to get off
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wysiadać (np. z pociągu)
to get on
começar a aprender
wsiadać (np. do pociągu)
to get up
começar a aprender
to throw somebody out of
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wyrzucać kogoś z
to throw something away
começar a aprender
wyrzucać coś
to throw something on
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narzucić coś na siebie
to throw up
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to fall down
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upaść, spaść
to fall into
começar a aprender
wpaść w
to fall out of
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wypaść z
to fall over
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przewrócić się
to run away
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to run for
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ubiegać się o stanowisko
to run into somebody/something
começar a aprender
wpaść na kogoś/coś
to run out (of something)
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pozostać bez, kończyć się
to run up to somebody
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podbiec do kogoś
to turn back
começar a aprender
to turn into something
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przerobić na coś, przemienić się w coś
to turn out
começar a aprender
okazywać się
to turn to somebody
começar a aprender
zwracać się do kogoś
to ask somebody out
começar a aprender
zaprosić kogoś na wspólne wyjście / randkę
to check in
começar a aprender
zameldować się, odprawić się (na lotnisku)
to check out
começar a aprender
wymeldować się
to cheer (somebody) up
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pocieszyć (kogoś) – rozchmurzyć się, rozweselić (kogoś)
to find out
começar a aprender
dowiedzieć się
to sign up (for)
começar a aprender
zapisać się na coś
to make up
começar a aprender
wymyślać (np. historie, wymówkę)
to make up (with somebody)
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pogodzić się (z kimś)
to make up for something
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nadrabiać coś, rekompensować coś
to make up one's mind
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decydować się
to carry on
começar a aprender
kontynuować, dalej coś robić
to carry out
começar a aprender
przeprowadzać, wprowadzać w życie
to pick out
começar a aprender
wybrać (z grupy)
to pick up
começar a aprender
odebrać (kogoś/coś skądś), przyjechać (po kogoś)
to tell on somebody
começar a aprender
naskarżyć na kogoś
to tell somebody off
começar a aprender
nakrzyczeć na kogoś, ochrzanić kogoś
to fall out with somebody (over something)
começar a aprender
pokłócić się z kimś (o coś)
to fall behind
começar a aprender
pozostawać w tyle, mieć zaległości
to fall for something
começar a aprender
nabrać się na coś
to fall for somebody
começar a aprender
zakochać się w kimś
to fall through
começar a aprender
nie powieść się, skończyć się, fiaskiem
to work something out
começar a aprender
rozgryźć, zrozumieć coś
to check up on somebody
começar a aprender
sprawdzić, skontrolować kogoś
to log/sign in
começar a aprender
zalogować się
to log out/off
começar a aprender
wylogować się
to pass out
começar a aprender
to pass away
começar a aprender
to show up
começar a aprender
pojawić się, zjawić się
to show around
começar a aprender
to show off
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popisywać się, chwalić się (czymś)
to show through
começar a aprender
prześwitywać, przebijać (np. o kolorze)
to put (money) away – oszczędzać
começar a aprender
odkładać (pieniądze) – oszczędzać
to put something back
começar a aprender
odkładać coś na miejsce
to put forward
começar a aprender
wysuwać, przedstawiać (np. propozycję)
to put somebody through
começar a aprender
przełączać, łączyć (rozmowę)
to put up with somebody/something
começar a aprender
znosić, tolerować kogoś/coś
to look down on somebody
começar a aprender
patrzeć na kogoś z góry
to look forward to
começar a aprender
czekać z niecierpliwością na, nie móc się doczekać (czegoś)
to look into something
começar a aprender
badać, rozpatrywać, analizować coś
to look out
começar a aprender
to look through something
começar a aprender
przewertować, przejrzeć coś
to look up to somebody
começar a aprender
podziwiać, szanować kogoś
to take after
começar a aprender
być podobnym do kogoś, mieć coś po kimś
to take back
começar a aprender
zwrócić (coś do sklepu)
to take off
começar a aprender
startować (o samolocie), zdjąć (o ubraniu)
to take on
começar a aprender
zatrudnić, przyjąć do pracy
to take over
começar a aprender
przejmować (kontrole, władzę)
to take up
começar a aprender
zacząć coś robić jako hobby, zacząć się czymś interesować
to go ahead
começar a aprender
śmiało (jako zachęta do zrobienia czegoś), rozpoczynać coś, iść do przodu
to go for
começar a aprender
wybrać coś
to go into (e.g. detail)
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wchodzić, zagłębiać się (np. w kwestie, szczegóły)
to go with
começar a aprender
pasowa do siebie (np. o ubraniach)
to come into something
começar a aprender
odziedziczyć coś
to come down to something
começar a aprender
sprowadzać się do czegoś
to come round
começar a aprender
odzyskać przytomność
to come up
começar a aprender
pojawić się (np. o temacie w rozmowie)
to come up with something
começar a aprender
wpaść na coś (np. na pomysł, rozwiązanie)
to get away (from a place)
começar a aprender
wyrwać się (z jakiegoś miejsca)
to get back to somebody
começar a aprender
odpisywać komuś, odezwać się do kogoś (ponownie)
to get by on/with
How can he get by on so little money? We can get by with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive.
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poradzic sobie (z czymś), dać sobie radę
to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty, usually by having just enough of something you need, such as money:
to get on/ along with somebody
começar a aprender
dogadywać się z kimś
to get to
começar a aprender
dotrzeć, dojechać do
to get together
Shall we get together on Friday and go for a drink or something? Why don’t we all get together on Friday?
começar a aprender
spotykać się, zbierać (np. ludzi)
If two or more people get together, they meet each other, having arranged it before
to sit down
começar a aprender
to sit back
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight.
começar a aprender
usiąść wygodnie
to sit comfortably with your back against the back of a chair
to sit around
We sat around most of the evening, waiting for Jake and drinking beer.
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siedzieć bezczynnie
to spend time sitting down and doing very little
to sit up (straight)
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wyprostować się
to sit through
We had to sit through two hours of speeches. It’s hard for little kids to sit through a whole baseball game.
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wysiedzieć (np. w czasie przemowy, wykładu)
to stay until the end of an event such as a meeting or performance that is very long or boring
to stand up
começar a aprender
to stand by somebody
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wspierać kogoś (w trudnej sytuacji)
to stand for
VAT stands for 'Value Added Tax'., This party stands for low taxes and individual freedom.
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oznaczać (o symbolach, literach)
if a letter or group of letters stands for something, it is an abbreviation of a word or phrase, to support or represent a particular idea or set of ideas
to stand out
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wyróżniać się
to stand up for somebody
You have to stand up for your rights - you can't let them walk all over you. Don’t be bullied – stand up for yourself and your beliefs.
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stawać w czyjejś obronie, bronić kogoś, wstawiać się za kimś
to defend or support a particular idea or a person who is being criticized or attacked:
to pass by
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przejść/przejechać obok czegoś/kogoś
to pass something on (to somebody)
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przekazać coś (komuś)
to drop by
começar a aprender
wpaść do kogoś
to drop off
começar a aprender
wysadzić kogoś (gdzieś)
to drop out (of)
começar a aprender
wycofać się, porzucić (np. studia)
to stay away (from)
começar a aprender
trzymać się z daleka (od), nie zbliżać się do
to stay in
começar a aprender
zostawać w domu, nie wychodzić
to stay over
começar a aprender
zostawać na noc, zatrzymać się u kogoś na noc
to stay up
começar a aprender
nie kłaść się spać
to hang on
começar a aprender
to hang up (on somebody)
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odłożyć słuchawkę (w trakcie rozmowy z kimś)
to hang out
começar a aprender
to hang out (with somebody)
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spędzać czas gdzieś (z kimś), wychodzić (z kimś)
Cut it out!
Cut it out, you two – I'm tired of listening to you argue!
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Przestań! (gdy chcemy powiedzieć komuś, aby przestał robić coś, co nas denerwuje)
to cut down on something
começar a aprender
ograniczyć coś (np. spożycie czegoś)
to cut in
começar a aprender
wciąć się (w rozmowę), przerywać
to cut off
começar a aprender
odcinać (np. prąd), przerywać połączenie telefoniczne (często występuje w stronie biernej)
to be/get cut off
começar a aprender
zostać rozłączonym
to cut something out
começar a aprender
wyeliminować coś
to cut up
começar a aprender
pociąć – pociąć (na małe kawałki)
to eat out
começar a aprender
jeść na mieście
to kick off
começar a aprender
rozpoczynać (się)
to kick somebody out
começar a aprender
wyrzucić kogoś z
to pay (somebody) back
começar a aprender
spłacić, oddać (komuś) pieniądze
to pay off
começar a aprender
opłacać się
to sort out
começar a aprender
rozwiązać, załatwić
to hold back
começar a aprender
powstrzymywać, pohamować
to hold on
começar a aprender
to hold on to somebody/something
começar a aprender
trzymać się czegoś/kogoś, złapać się czegoś
to hold up
começar a aprender
opóźniać (np. proces), wstrzymywać coś/kogoś (często używany w stronie biernej)
to think over
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to think up
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to catch up (on something)
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nadrobić (coś; często używane, gdy kogoś dawno nie widzieliśmy)
to try on
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przymierzać (ubranie)
to try out
começar a aprender
wypróbować, spróbować
to see (somebody) off
começar a aprender
odprowadzić, pożegnać (kogoś)
to see somebody around
começar a aprender
zobaczy kogoś w okolicy, w danym miejscu
to see through somebody
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przejrzeć kogoś
to tear down
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to tear out
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wyrwać, wydrzeć
to tear up
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podrzeć (umyślnie)
to let somebody down
começar a aprender
zawodzić kogoś
to let somebody in
começar a aprender
wpuścić kogoś
to let somebody/something out
começar a aprender
wypuścić kogoś/coś (skądś)
to talk over
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przedyskutować, omówić
to talk somebody into something / doing something
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namówić kogoś na zrobienie czegoś
to talk somebody out of something / doing something
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odradzić komuś robienie czegoś, odwieść kogoś od zrobienia czegoś
to do away with somebody/something
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pozbyć się (kogoś/czegoś)
to do up
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to do without
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poradzić sobie bez
to grow out of something
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wyrastać z czegoś
to grow up
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to beat somebody up
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pobić kogoś
to burn down
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spalić się (doszczętnie)
to close down
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zamknąć, zlikwidować
to pack up
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spakować się
to stick to something
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trzymać się czegoś
to cross out
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to write down
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to sum up
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to rely on somebody/something
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polegać na kimś/czymś
to tidy up
começar a aprender
to point out
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wskazywać, zwracać uwagę na
to bring about
começar a aprender
to bring along
começar a aprender
przyprowadzać ze sobą
to bring down
começar a aprender
obalić, znieść
to bring out
começar a aprender
uwydatniać, podkreślać
to bring round
começar a aprender
to bring up
começar a aprender
poruszyć (temat, kwestie)
to be brought up
começar a aprender
wychowywać się, dosł. być wychowywanym
to call back
começar a aprender
to call for something
começar a aprender
wymagać czegoś
to call in sick
começar a aprender
zadzwonić z informacja, ze jest się chorym
to call off
começar a aprender
to call on (somebody to do something)
começar a aprender
zaapelować (do kogoś), wezwać (kogoś do zrobienia czegoś)
to keep on (doing something)
começar a aprender
kontynuować (robienie czegoś)
to pull over
começar a aprender
zjechać na bok, zatrzymać się
to set up
começar a aprender
założyć (np. firmę)
to settle down
começar a aprender
ustatkować się
to speak up
começar a aprender
mówić głośniej
to wear out
começar a aprender
zniszczyć się, zużyć się
to pull up
Pull up here, I want to get out of the car. We pulled up at a small café.
começar a aprender
zatrzymywać się (samochodem)
Zatrzymaj się tutaj, chcę wysiąść z auta. Zatrzymaliśmy się pod małą kawiarnią.

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