Phrasal Verbs

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questão resposta
stand by
Military nurses were told to stand by in case of attack.
I will stand by you no matter problems you may have.
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wspierać/ być w gotowości
stand up for
Even though they knew he was innocent, no one stood up for him.
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stanąć w obronie
take up a hobby
Tom has taken up fishing.
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rozpocząć hobby
stand out
Joanna really stands out with her red hair.
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wyróżniać się
take after
You take after your father, you are a lot like him.
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być podobnym
take over
The business is being taken over by a bigger company.
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take on responsibility
Tom is too young to take on such a big responsibility.
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wziąć na siebie odpowiedzialność
stand for
RAC stands for Royal Automobile Club.
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be taken aback
Everyone was taken aback when the manager stood up and walked out.
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być zszokowanym
plane takes off
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take some time off
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Weź trochę wolnego
stand in for
One of my colleagues was ill yesterday so I stood in for her.
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zastąpić na jakiś czas
be taken in
I was taken in by her, she fooled me completely.
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zostać okłamanym
take in clothes
She had to take her skirt in because she had lost a lot of weight.
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zwęzić ubranie
take in an information
This is quite complicated, so you might not take in all the information at first time.
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całkowicie zrozumieć
take on
Work is going well, we have taken on new clients.
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podjąć się pracy
stand for
I don’t know why she stands for that sort of behaviour.
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take out
If washing powder doesn’t take that spot out maybe bleach will.
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to take in sb
He had no place to sleep so we offered to take him in.
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dać zakwaterowanie
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side dish
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appreciation of sth
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uznanie czegoś
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w ciągu
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make a note
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come by
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wejść w posiadanie
off duty
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po służbie
on behalf of sb
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w imieniu kogoś
with regard to sth
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w odniesieniu do czegoś
under the impression
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pod wrażeniem
to my surprise
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ku mojemu zaskoczeniu
on the record
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off the record
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off limits
This information is off limits to all but authorised personnel.
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zakazany, zabroniony
against the law
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wbrew prawu
in a field
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w polu
on good terms with sb
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w dobrych stosunkach z kimś
off the point
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nie na temat
start from scratch
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zaczynać od zera
on account of sth
I was late for work on account of the bus strike.
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z powodu czegoś
in exchange for
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w zamian za

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