Phrasal verbs FCE 1

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questão resposta
be about to
He was about to leave when the phone rang.
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mieć coś zrobić
be after
The police were after the thief.
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be down with
be ill with
John is down with flu.
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zachorować, chorować na
be for
be in favour of
They are all for the proposal to build a leisure centre.
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być za
be against
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być przeciw
be in for
expect sth. usu sth bad
We are in for bad weather.
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przewidywać, oczekiwać
be off
be absent from school/work
John isn't in his office. He's off for two days
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być nieobecnym
be on
be shown on TV, at the cinema/theatre etc.
There's a good film on at the Metro
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być w
be out
be unfashionable/have stopped burning
Long skirts are out this season. The fire is out - that's why it's cold in here.
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wychodzić z mody, przestać się palić
be over
have come to an end
The party was over early due to a fight.
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mijać/kończyć się
Impreza skończyła się wcześnie z powodu bójki.
be through with
have ended a relationship/job etc
I'm through with Tom; he's so selfish.
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skończyć z kimś
be up to
be capable of/feel like doing usu sth wrong, be equal to, depend on
Let's take the train - I don't think I'm up to driving so far. The children must be up to sth - they're very quiet.
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być zdolnym do czegoś, zależeć od

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