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Mr Runny Araneda Withy said, my husband has been (- -) around with another woman. Juntarse con, correr y juntartse con, Correr Alrededor Con. ---- to spend a lot of time with someone, especially someone other people do not like. começar a aprender
run around with. ------ Mr Runny Araneda Withy said, my husband has been "running around with” another woman. ----- RUN AROUND WITH. Nacho "runs around with” younger women. -------- run around with.
Mr Runny Araneda said, all week I've been (- -) around getting things ready for this party we're having. Andar alrededor de aquí para allá, Correr, alrededor de un lado para el otro. ----- to be very busy doing a lot of different things. começar a aprender
run around/round. ------ Oviedo said, all week I've been "running around" getting things ready for this party we're having. --------- RUN AROUND/ROUND. Maria Ovi said, I’ve been "running around" all day for my daughter's party. ------------- run around/round.
Mrs Seer Araneda said, I’ve never actually met Jennifer Lopez, but I’ve (se - - her around). Ver a alguien por ahi alrededor. --- to see or notice someone often in places that you go to regularly. começar a aprender
SEE somebody AROUND. ----- Enrique Iglesias said, I’ve never actually met Jennifer Lopez, but I’ve "seen her around". ------ SEE somebody around. Enrique Iglesias used to hang out in the dance clubs, but no-one’s "seen him around" for a while. Does anyone know what he’s up to?. ----------- SEE somebody AROUND.
Mrs Shoppery Araneda said, before I bought my new computer I (- -) around and ended up paying $200 less than David Papily. Comparar precios en varios lugares. to compare the price and quality of the same item or service from different shops or companies before deciding which one to buy. (see also: look around). começar a aprender
shop around. ---- Before I bought my new computer I "shopped around" and ended up paying $200 less than David Papily. ------------- shop around. Kaz said If you need a new phone, "shop around" to find the best price. Don’t just buy one from the first shop you come to. ------------ shop around.
Tossandro Araneda said, we haven't decided on our next trip yet - we're just (- -) some ideas AROUND. Tossdiscutir opciones e ideas Alrededor, tosser Alrededor opciones e ideas. to discuss an idea or suggestion, without considering it in a serious way. (see also: kick around). começar a aprender
TOSS something AROUND/ABOUT. - - - - Tossandro Araneda said, we haven't decided on our next trip yet - we're just TOSSING some ideas AROUND. ------ TOSS something AROUND/ABOUT. When Batman and Robin were students, they’d stay up all night "tossing around" new ideas about politics, the arts, and the meaning of life. -------- TOSS something AROUND/ABOUT.
Mrs Turner Araneda said that the $400 million loan will help (- -) the Russian economy around. - - - - TURN, SWING, SPIN. Cambiar alrededor para mejorar turnear, por completo. to change and become better or more successful. começar a aprender
TURN AROUND. - - - - Ms. Turner said that the $400 million loan will help turn the Russian economy around. ------ TURN AROUND. Daniel said, my brother Failo doesn’t drink at all, has "turned his life around"... The company’s new president claims he’ll be able to "turn the company around" and make it profitable again within two years. ---------- TURN AROUND.
Waitty Araneda said, I had to (w. - -) AROUND for ages till someone could see me. Esperar alrededor por un buen rato. --- to stay in one place without doing anything while you are waiting for something to happen. (see also: hang around, sit around). começar a aprender
WAIT AROUND. ---- Waitty said, I had to "wait around" for ages till someone could see me. ------- WAIT AROUND. WAIT AROUND. ----- Doctors sometimes get behind schedule and their patients have to "wait around" for a long time before seeing them. ------ WAIT AROUND.
Winny Araneda said, It took a lot of persuasion, but we finally (W - -) George Barriga AROUND and he’s agreed to help us out. Convencer a alguién. Winnear ó Bringear Alrededor/overgar. to persuade someone to support you or to agree to do something, often when they did not agree with you before. (see also: talk round, bring around). começar a aprender
WIN/BRING AROUND/OVER somebody. - - - - It took a lot of persuasion, but we finally "won George Barriga around" and he’s agreed to help us out. -------- WIN/BRING AROUND/OVER somebody. The lawyer Peter Limps used charm and clever arguments to "win around" the jury. --- WIN/BRING AROUND/OVER somebody.
Mrs Bangy Abas Araneda said, I could hear the kids (- - about/around) in the backyard. Hacer ruido Abas/Alrededor, Bangear Abas/Alrededor, bangear, hacer ruido con algo. to move around a place, making a lot of noise. começar a aprender
BANG ABOUT/AROUND. (UK). - - - - Bange said, I could hear the kids "banging about/around" in the backyard. ------- BANG ABOUT/AROUND. (UK). I could hear Ceci "banging about/around" in the kitchen. ---------- BANG ABOUT/AROUND. (UK).
Mr Bringer Abas said that Trump promised that he would (- -) about change. Causar algo, probocar algo, bringear abas algo, causar, provocar algo. to make something happen. (see also: bring on (for sth bad only). começar a aprender
BRING ABOUT something. ----- Trump promised that he would BRING ABOUT change. --- BRING ABOUT something. AMLO said, Improving access to information would not be enough to bring about poverty reduction. ---- BRING ABOUT something.
Mr Fiddler Araneda Abas said that Mike and Rene spent hours just (- -) around when they should have been working. Perder el tiempo con el violin, entretenerse para matar el tiempo. to to spend your time doing things that are not important. começar a aprender
FIDDLE AROUND/ABOUT. ---- Mike and Rene spent hours just "fiddling around" when they should have been working. ----- FIDDLE AROUND/ABOUT. Emy began to "fiddle around" doing crossword puzzles, but soon noticed his English was improving. ---------- FIDDLE AROUND/ABOUT.
Mr Bringer Araneda said that Briones asked, why don”t you (- -) the family ROUND one evening. We'd love to meet them. ----- come, bring, ask. Traer a alguién de Visita, bringear de visita Arededor. to take someone or something somewhere, especially to someone’s house. começar a aprender
BRING somebody ROUND/AROUND. ----- Briones said, why don”t you bring the family round one evening. We'd love to meet them. ----- BRING Somebody ROUND/AROUND. (UK). He Why don't you bring your friend around (to my house) after work today? ----- BRING somebody ROUND/AROUND.
Mr Bringy and Winy Araneda said, I'm sure we can (- -) her AROUND to our way of thinking.- - - - - CONVINCE, WIN, BRING. Convencer a alguién, Winear ó Bringear a alguien Alrededor,. to persuade someone to agree with you. começar a aprender
BRING/WIN AROUND. ----- Britny said, I'm sure we can bring her around to our way of thinking. ----- BRING/WIN AROUND. She still says she won't support us, but we'll bring her around eventually... Samy was sure she could bring them round to the deal. --- BRING/WIN AROUND.
The Governor Swingy Araneda has just (- -) AROUND to supporting the idea of the construction of a new airport Swingear de opinion, cambiar de opinión. to change your opinion about something. começar a aprender
SWING AROUND. - - - - The Governor. Swingy has just swung round to supporting the idea of the construction of a new airport... ------- SWING AROUND. Public opinion has swung round to supporting the strike. The Governor has swung round to supporting the strike. ------- SWING AROUND.
Mr Tosser said that Failo (- -) the ball into Oscar. Tirar, lanzar., tossear. to throw something somewhere gently or in a slightly careless way. começar a aprender
to TOSS. ----- Failo tossed the ball into Oscar. ------ to TOSS. She tossed the paper at/into the recycling bin. He tossed his dirty socks onto the floor. The two friends couldn't decide which film to watch, so they tossed a coin... Brendon tossed the ball into the air. ------ to TOSS.
Gonzalo Araneda said, I'lm just GOING (- -) to Martha's for half an hour. ------ ABOUT, ROUND, AROUND. Ir Alrededor a visitar, ir a darse una vuelta por, ir a visitar alrededor... to go to somebody's house to visit them. começar a aprender
GO AROUND. ----- Gonzalo Araneda said, I'lm just going round to Martha's for half an hour. ------ GO AROUND. I'll go round to your place when I'm done... On our trip, we went around many monuments. ------ GO AROUND.