Paula 28th June

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To niedopuszczalne.
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It's unacceptable.
w zeszły weekend
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last weekend
Mieliśmy szalony weekend.
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We had a crazy weekend.
Mieliśmy dużo zajęć.
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We had a lot of activities.
weekend był pełny
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the weekend was full on
Nie chciałem nic robić.
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I didn't want TO do anything.
Chcę zadać pytanie.
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I want TO ask a question.
Chcę z tobą porozmawiać.
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I want TO speak to you.
I want TO talk to you.
Chcę bawić się z moją córką.
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I want TO play with my daughter.
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to doze off
I dozed off while watching tv.
była nadmiernie pobudzona
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she was overstimulated
Zasypianie zajęło jej około 3 godzin.
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It took her around 3 hour to fall asleep.
Zasnęła o północy.
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She fell asleep at midnight.
Zwykle zajmuje to 20 minut.
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W zeszłym tygodniu dotarcie do Suwałk zajęło nam 3 godziny.
arrive AT + place e.g. the airport
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Last week it took us 3 hours to arrive IN Suwalki.
arrive + IN + city / country
dotrzeć do domu
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to arrive home
What time did you arrive home?
idź do swojego pokoju
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go to your room
randka dla dzieci;D
My daughter WANTS to have a playdate with Alba.
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a playdate
Let's organise / have a playdate, shall we?
Odebrałam Różę z imprezy urodzinowej.
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I picked Róża up from the birthday party.
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Idziemy do kina na Małą Syrenkę.
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We're going to the cinema to watch The Little Mermaid.
Naprawdę jej się podobało.
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She really enjoyed it.
Podobało ci się?
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Did you like it? / Did you enjoy it?
Kiedy jesteś wolny?
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When are you free?
A może piątek wieczór?
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How about Friday evening?
Która godzina by Ci pasowała?
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What time would work for you?
Czy pasowałaby 5?
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Would 5 work for you?
Mam nadzieję, że wkrótce się odezwiesz.
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I hope to hear from you soon.
być może to zrobimy
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we might do it
Kilka dni temu ona poszła na przyjęcie urodzinowe.
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She went to a birthday party a few days ago.
Jesteś wolny w piątek wieczorem?
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Are you free on Friday evening?

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