Pakalpojumi - Services

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questão resposta
personīgais treneris
Mans personīgais treneris izstrādā manas ikdienas treniņu sesijas.
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a personal trainer
My personal trainer designs my daily workout sessions.
Man ir rezervācija uz Bonda vārda.
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a reservation
I have a reservation in the name of Bond.
Izstāde būs pieejama apskatei Modernās mākslas muzejā.
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a museum
The exhibition will be available for viewing at the Museum of Modern Art.
padomes loceklis
Kā padomes loceklis, es pārstāvu mūsu rajona intereses.
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a councillor
As a councillor, I represent the interests of our district.
Dīķī nav tik daudz pīļu, cik tur bija pagājušo gadu.
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a pond
There aren't as many ducks in the pond as there were last year.
Izstādē bija apskatāmi romiešu sudraba artefakti, piemēram, monētas un rokassprādzes.
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an artefact
arī: ancient object
The exhibition featured Roman silver artefacts, such as coins and bracelets.
ieejas maksa
Lai iekļūtu muzejā, nepieciešams samaksāt ieejas maksu.
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an entrance fee
uzņemšanas maksa
In order to enter the museum you need to pay an entrance fee.
+57 fiche
A aula faz parte do curso
(no total 1.251 fiche)

Experimente o curso gratuitamente

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