Neregulārie darbības vārdi 2 - Irregular verbs 2

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Ekonomiskā krīze ir skārusi mūsu kabatas.
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hit - hit - hit
The economic crisis has hit our pockets.
Viņi katru dienu strīdējās.
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fight - fought - fought
They fought every day.
Tev jātur mana roka, kas šķērsojam ielu.
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hold - held - held
You must hold my hand when we're crossing the street.
Viņa iedeva man dāvanu, iesaiņotu sarkanā papīrā.
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give - gave - given
She gave me a present wrapped up in red paper.
Šobrīd viņas šeit nav, viņa ir aizgājusi uz menedžera biroju.
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go - went - gone
She's not here at the moment, she's gone to the manager's office.
Vai esi dzirdējis jaunākās runas?
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hear - heard - heard
Have you heard the latest gossip?
Viņš vēl nav izracis caurumu kokam.
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dig - dug - dug
He hasn't dug a hole for the tree yet.
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