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questão resposta
to extol the virtues of sth
to praise sth highly
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wychwalać zalety czegoś
staying in bed longer than usual
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wylegiwanie się
to snooze
to sleep lightly or nap
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drzemać, zaspać
to harbour ambitions
to have strong desires or aspirations
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mieć ambicje
overly self-satisfied
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zadowolony z siebie, arogancki
to mull over sth
to think about sth carfully
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rozważać coś
a fierce or sudden attack
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natarcie, atak
with full awareness
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to lack scientific rigour
to not be based on strict scientific methods
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nie mieć naukowej rzetelności
worth or value
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zaleta, wartość
active at night
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to weigh on sth
to have a negative effect
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ciążyć na czymś
to entice
to attract or persuade
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kusić, zachęcać
to be frowned upon
to be disapproved of
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być źle widzianym
to pile on
to add more (often negative) criticism
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dokładać, potęgować
relating to old age
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geriatyczny, dotyczący osób starszych
a person's natural sleep-wake pattern
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having tired or unfocusedd eyes
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z przekrwionymi oczami, niewsypany
nap room
a designed space for sleeping at work
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pokój do drzemek w pracy
To kick off a week of sth
To begin or start a specific week dedicated to something
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Rozpocząć tydzień czegoś
A suspected case of sabotage
A situation where someone is believed to have intentionally damaged or disrupted something.
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Podejrzany przypadek sabotażu
To sever (a cable)
To cut or break a cable completely
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Przeciąć (kabel
A Telecom cable
A cable used for telecommunications, such as internet or phone connections.
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Kabel telekomunikacyjny
The economic zone
A designated area where economic activities are regulated, often referring to an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
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Strefa ekonomiczna
The continuous transmission of digital media (such as video or audio) over the internet.
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Transmisja strumieniowa
A vast network of sth
A large and extensive system of interconnected elements.
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Ogromna sieć czegoś
A host of factors
A large number of contributing elements or reasons.
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Wiele czynników
Be tasked with sth
To be assigned a specific responsibility or duty.
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Mieć powierzone zadanie dotyczące czegoś
Be laid on the seabed
To be placed or installed on the bottom of the sea or ocean.
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Być położonym na dnie morskim / oceanu
To raise concern over sth
To express worry or alarm about something.
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Podnieść obawy dotyczące czegoś
Beyond physical vulnerability
Extending past mere physical weakness or susceptibility
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Poza fizyczną podatnością
Be susceptible to surveillance
To be at risk of being monitored or watched.
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Być podatnym na inwigilację
To intercept communications
To secretly listen to, block, or capture messages between people.
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Przechwytywać komunikację
A communication
A message, transmission, or exchange of information.
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Komunikat / wiadomość
You’re so money!
A slang phrase meaning "You are very successful, confident, or impressive."
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Jesteś świetny! / Masz to coś!
The large-scale removal of trees from forests.
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Deforestation rates
The speed or extent at which forests are being cut down.
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Wskaźniki wylesiania
To lead a raid to combat sth
To organize and direct an attack or operation against something.
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Przeprowadzić nalot w celu zwalczania czegoś
Illegal loggers
People who cut down trees without permission or in violation of the law.
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Nielegalni drwale
A sawmill
A factory or place where logs are cut into lumber.
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Tiny wood particles produced when cutting or sanding wood.
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To carry out a goal
To achieve or complete an objective.
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Zrealizować cel
To curb illegal logging
To limit or reduce unauthorized tree-cutting.
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Ograniczyć nielegalne wyręby drzew
Indigenous lands
Territories traditionally inhabited by native or indigenous peoples.
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Ziemie rdzennych mieszkańców
To kick off a major campaign
To start a significant promotional or activist effort.
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Rozpocząć dużą kampanię
Processed or unprocessed wood used in construction.
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Drewno budowlane / kłody drewna
A truckload of illegal timber
A large quantity of unlawfully harvested wood transported by truck.
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Ciężarówka nielegalnego drewna
To surge
To increase suddenly and dramatically.
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Gwałtownie wzrosnąć
To plunge 66% year on year
To decrease by 66% compared to the previous year.
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Spaść o 66% rok do roku
Offshore oil drilling
The extraction of oil from beneath the ocean floor.
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Wydobycie ropy na morzu
A bio diverse region
An area rich in different species of plants and animals.
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Region o dużej bioróżnorodności
Heating pollution
Air contamination caused by heating systems.
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Zanieczyszczenie spowodowane ogrzewaniem
Urban transport
Transportation systems in cities, such as buses or trains.
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Transport miejski
Producing little sound.
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Cicho działający
Producing no harmful pollutants.
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Be nimble
To be quick and agile.
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Być zwinnym
To test sth out
To try something to see how it works.
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Przetestować coś
The quality of having a lot of space.
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A propeller-driven airplane
A plane powered by spinning blades.
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Samolot śmigłowy
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body clock
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zegar biologiczny
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zwłaszcza / szczególnie
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myriad of sth
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niezliczona ilość
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To level up sb’s vocabulary
To improve someone's word knowledge.
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podnieść poziom słownictwa
To dawdle
To waste time or move slowly.
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ociągać się
An anglerfish
A deep-sea fish that uses bioluminescence to attract prey.
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An encounter
A meeting, often unexpected.
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To fill sb in on sth
To provide someone with missing information.
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wtajemniczyć kogoś w coś
To lure sb
To attract or trick someone into coming closer.
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zwabić kogoś
Fats and oils found in living organisms.
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lipidy, tłuszcze
An Ursidae creature
A member of the bear family.
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To come in handy
To be useful in a situation
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przydać się
An icy domain
A frozen, snow-covered area.
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odowa kraina
A hollow core
An empty or hollow center.
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wydrążony rdzeń
Done by one side only, without agreement from others.
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To round down
To decrease a number to the nearest whole uni
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zaokrąglić w dół
To round up
To increase a number to the nearest whole unit.
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zaokrąglić w górę
To round a transaction to the nearest nickel
To adjust the total amount to the closest five-cent increment.
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zaokrąglić transakcję do najbliższego pięciocenta
To mint coins
To produce new coins officially
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bić monety
A cup holder on a street
A small structure where people can place their drinks.
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uchwyt na kubek na ulicy
A pest
An annoying person or small animal that causes problems.
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szkodnik, natręt
A nuisance
Something or someone that is annoying or bothersome
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utrapienie, uciążliwość
You’re so money (and you don’t even know it)
You’re awesome and don’t even realize it
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Jesteś świetny, a nawet o tym nie wiesz
A trade war
An economic conflict between countries involving tariffs and restrictions.
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wojna handlowa
To retaliate with sth (like tariffs of their own)
To respond with a similar action, like imposing counter-tariffs.
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odwetowo odpowiedzieć czymś, np. swoimi cłami
They won’t want to...
They will not have the desire to...
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nie będą chcieli...
To utilize the infrastructure
To make use of the system of roads, buildings, and services.
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wykorzystać infrastrukturę
To cut into the profits
To reduce the amount of money a business earns.
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zmniejszyć zyski
Electrical power lines
Wires that transmit electricity over distances
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linie energetyczne
Canned goods
Food preserved in metal cans.
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żywność w puszkach
Holy moly
An expression of surprise or amazement.
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o rany!, o kurczę!
A key component
An essential part of something.
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kluczowy składnik
A lightweight metal used in construction and packaging.
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Tens of millions of tons of steel
More than ten million metric tons of steel.
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dziesiątki milionów ton stali
A manufacturing-focused economy
An economy mainly based on producing goods in factories.
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gospodarka nastawiona na przemysł wytwórczy
A steel mill
A factory where steel is produced
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huta stali
Then-candidate Trump
Trump at the time when he was running for office.
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ówczesny kandydat Trump
An exemption
Official permission to not follow a rule or pay a required amount.
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zwolnienie, np. z podatku
An exception
A special case where a rule does not apply.
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To suspend tariffs
To temporarily stop or delay the application of tariffs
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zawiesić cła
To impose a (25%) tariff on
To officially introduce a tax of (25%) on imported goods.
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nałożyć cło w wysokości 25% na
An executive order
A directive issued by the President of the U.S. that has the force of law.
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rozporządzenie wykonawcze
A round of tariffs
A set or series of import/export taxes imposed on goods.
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runda ceł
A brain teaser
A tricky question or puzzle that requires thinking.
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łamigłówka, zagadka logiczna
To ruminate
To think deeply about something.
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rozmyślać, zastanawiać się
Be pesky
To be annoying or bothersome
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być upierdliwym, natrętnym
The US Mint
The official government agency that produces coins in the U.S.
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mennica USA
To lay out some of the pros and cons of sth
To explain the advantages and disadvantages of something.
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przedstawić zalety i wady czegoś
To jingle in the pocket
To make a ringing sound while being carried, like coins.
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brzęczeć w kieszeni
A convenient store
A small store selling everyday items, usually open late.
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sklep spożywczy, całodobowy
A fish sighting
Seeing a fish in the water.
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widok ryby
Being innovative or pioneering in a particular field
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Przecierający szlaki, pionierski
To quiet the noise
To reduce distractions or chaos
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(Uciszyć hałas / wyciszyć zamieszanie
To persevere
To continue despite difficulties.
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Wytrwać, nie poddawać się
To take off (an idea)
To become successful or popular.
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Zyskać popularność / wystartować (o pomyśle
Highly desired or sought after.
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Pożądany, upragniony
Courageous, confident, or striking.
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Śmiały, odważny
To break barriers in gender norms
To challenge traditional expectations regarding gender roles
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Przełamywać bariery związane z normami płciowymi
Floral elements
Decorative features inspired by flowers.
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(Elementy kwiatowe
To give sb a path to do sth
To provide an opportunity for someone to achieve something.
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Dać komuś drogę do zrobienia czegoś
To spray pesticides
To apply chemicals to kill pests.
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Spryskiwać pestycydami
To empower sb
To give someone confidence or control.
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Wzmacniać / dawać komuś siłę
In its goal to do sth
As part of an effort to achieve something.
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W dążeniu do czegoś
To pioneer
To be the first to develop or explore something.
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Być pionierem / przecierać szlaki
A pioneer
A person who is the first to do something.
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An uncrewed mission
A space mission without human crew.
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Misja bezzałogowa
A mishap
A minor accident or mistake.
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Niepowodzenie, wypadek
Be under investigation
Being examined or studied by authorities.
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Być w trakcie śledztwa
To spin out of control
To become uncontrollable.
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Wymknąć się spod kontroli
Intense, burning, or passionate.
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Ognisty, płomienny
To rain debris down on
To cause scattered fragments to fall from the sky
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Zasypywać gruzem / odłamkami
A repeat
Something that happens again.
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To go into a spin
To start rotating uncontrollably or to experience distress.
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Wpaść w korkociąg / panikę
To divert (a flight)
To change the direction of an aircraft.
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Przekierować lot
To deviate
To move away from a set path or norm.
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Zboczyć, odbiegać
To wash up on shore
To be carried by water onto land.
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Wyrzucić na brzeg
To oversee sth
To supervise or manage a process.
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(Nadzorować coś
A thorough enough investigation
A sufficiently detailed inquiry.
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Wystarczająco dokładne śledztwo
To sneak a bite of a snack
To secretly take a small piece of food.
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Ukrycie ugryźć przekąskę
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To octuple
to multiply something by eight
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zwiększyć coś ośmiokrotnie
Share-price surge
a rapid increase in the value of a company’s stock
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gwałtowny wzrost ceny akcji
Paper profits
profits that exist on paper but have not yet been realized through a sale
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zyski papierowe, niezrealizowane
To adopt a technology
to start using a new method or innovation
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wdrożyć technologię
Financial executives
high-ranking employees responsible for financial decisions
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dyrektorzy finansowi
Unproved gizmos
new, untested devices or technologies
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niesprawdzone gadżety
Historical examples abound
there are many past instances
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liczne są historyczne przykłady
To bounce around
to move from place to place or change frequently
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zmieniać się, skakać z tematu na temat
To pinpoint
to identify something precisely
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dokładnie określić
In the doldrums
in a state of stagnation or inactivity
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w zastoju, stagnacji
Labour market
he supply and demand for workers
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rynek pracy
To dip below
to decrease to a level lower than a certain point
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spaść poniżej
Surplus to requirements
no longer needed
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zbędny, niepotrzebny
To bank on something
to rely on something happening
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liczyć na coś
Capital spending
money spent by businesses on assets like buildings or equipment
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wydatki kapitałowe
Disconnect between X and Y
a lack of connection or inconsistency between two things
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rozbieżność między X a Y
Your p’s and q’s
Twoje maniery / dobre maniery
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A phrase used to remind someone to be polite and well-mannered.
Economic anxiety
Niepokój ekonomiczn
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A feeling of worry or fear about the economy and financial future.
Be at all-time highs
Być na najwyższym poziomie w historii
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To reach the highest level ever recorded.
To grow at a solid pace
Rosnąć w solidnym tempie
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To increase steadily and strongly.
On hardly anyone’s minds
Prawie nikt o tym nie myśli
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Not something people are thinking about.
A decline
Spadek, obniżenie
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A decrease or reduction.
To decline
Spadać, zmniejszać się
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To become lower in amount or quality.
Across multiple sectors
W wielu sektorach
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Involving many different industries or fields.
For a prolonged period of time
Przez dłuższy czas
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For an extended or lengthy duration
A foreclosure
Przejęcie nieruchomości przez bank
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The legal process of taking possession of a property when the owner fails to pay a loan.
Many and varied reasons why...
Wiele i różnorodne powody, dla których...
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Numerous different causes for something.
A driving factor
Czynnik napędzający
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A main reason or influence behind an event.
To pull financial markets down
Obniżyć rynki finansowe
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To cause the value of financial markets to decrease.
To raise one’s concerns over sth
Wyrazić obawy dotyczące czegoś
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To express worry about something.
Fast-paced economic changes
Szybkie zmiany gospodarcze
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Rapid and significant shifts in the economy.
Federal spending cuts
Cięcia wydatków federalnych
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Reductions in government expenses.
Mass layoffs
Masowe zwolnienia
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Large-scale dismissals of employees from their jobs.
To show signs of sth
Wykazywać oznaki czegoś
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To exhibit indications or evidence of something.
A chilling effect
Efekt mrożący
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A discouraging impact, often causing fear or hesitation.
Economic confidence
Zaufanie do gospodarki
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Trust in the stability and growth of the economy.
A full-blown recession scare
Pełnowymiarowy strach przed recesją
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A serious fear of an economic downturn.
In the span of three weeks
W ciągu trzech tygodni
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Within a three-week period.
Fragile confidence
Kruche zaufanie
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Weak or easily shaken trust in something.
To shake sb’s confidence
Zachwiać czyjeś zaufanie
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To cause someone to lose trust or belief.
In the blink of an eye
W mgnieniu oka
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Very quickly, almost instantly.
To crave sth
Pragnąć czegoś
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To have a strong desire for something.
Zadany samemu sobie
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Caused by oneself, often in a harmful way.
To push up prices
Podnosić ceny
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To cause prices to increase.
To push down growth
Hamować wzrost
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To reduce the rate of economic growth.
On again off again approach
Podejście włącz-wyłącz / niestabilne podejście
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An inconsistent or intermittent method.
Resilient economy
Odporna gospodarka
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An economy that can recover quickly from difficulties.
To withstand chaos
Przetrwać chaos
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To endure or survive disorder or turmoil.
A trade route
Szlak handlowy
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A path used by traders for the exchange of goods.
To evaporate
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To turn from liquid into vapor
Presumed dead
Uznany za zmarłego
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Believed to be dead without confirmed evidence.
To have sb scratching their head
Sprawić, że ktoś się drapie po głowie
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To confuse or puzzle someone.
to spark fears of sth
Wywołać obawy dotyczące czegoś
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To cause anxiety or worry about something.
Off the coast of England
U wybrzeży Anglii
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Near the shoreline of England.
Niewiskozyjny / mało lepki
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Having low resistance to flow, like water.
To spread out in a very thin layer over a large area
Rozprzestrzenić się cienką warstwą na dużym obszarze
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To cover a vast space in a thin film.
to submit
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myriad of sth
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niezliczona ilość
listen up
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excemption from sth
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zwolnienie z czegoś
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mutual fund
used by private investors to hold a basket of stocks
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fundusz inwestycyjny
the original amount / the principal
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oryginalna kwota
over a fixed period of time / the term of the loan
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na określony okres czasu / okres trwania pożyczki
treasury bond
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bon skarbowy
tracker fund
An index fund that tracks a broad market index or a segment there
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fundusz śledzący
high-risk corporate bond / junk bond
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obligacje korporacyjne wysokiego ryzyka / obligacje śmieciowe
it means having a 2nd position in a market, so that if the market moves against your first position your losses are minimized.
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risk management
a booming / rising / stron / bull market
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rynek rozwijający się / rosnący / silny
a bear / depressed / falling / weak market
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rynek depresji / upadku / słabości
to acquire / buy / purchase shares
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nabyć / kupić / nabyć akcje
to have / hold / own shares
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mieć / posiadać / posiadać akcje
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spadek, dziedziczenie
used to generate an income for non-commercial purposes, in particular to run a university or provide for charity
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insurance company
to protect yourself against risks
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firma ubezpieczeniowa
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capital requirements - how much money is needed to run this type of business
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wymogi kapitałowe – ile pieniędzy potrzeba na prowadzenie tego typu działalności
to compete
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market capitalization
share price multipled by total number of issued shares
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kapitalizacja rynkowa
earning per share, compounded over several years
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zysk na akcję, naliczany przez kilka lat
return on equity
how much profit is generated in relatio to the money shareholders have invested
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zwrot z kapitału
p/e ratio - current share price compared to its earnings per share
profit per earing
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wskaźnik p/e – bieżąca cena akcji w porównaniu do zysku na akcję
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a price level which has stopped an advance on previous occasion
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poziom cen, który poprzednio zatrzymał wzrost
a price level which has stopped a decline on previous ocasion
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poziom cen, który poprzednio powstrzymał spadek
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ilość, wielkość
the strenght of a trend, as measured by speed and lenght of time
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wzrost / zwiększenie
backed by
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wspierane przez
to repay
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credit rating
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ocena zdolności kredytowej
among the
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associated with
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związany z
to carry
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