Ola 30th Jan (45 min)

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Z niecierpliwością czekam na spotkanie z Tobą/nasze spotkanie.
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I look forward TO meeting you / TO our meeting.
We're looking forward to seeing you next week.
Niezależnie od tego, co powiedział, jadę na wakacje do Hiszpanii.
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Regardless OF what he said, I'm going on holiday to Spain.
Moja rodzina i ja spędzamy dużo czasu poza domem.
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My family and I spend a lot of time out and about.
dbać o kogoś / coś
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to take care of sb / sth
Who's taking care of the children while you're away?
Miałem to zrobić, ale nie miałem czasu.
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I was supposed to do it but I didn't have time.
mój dobry przyjaciel
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a good friend of mine
dyskutować o czymś
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to discuss sth
The verb "discuss" already includes the idea of talking about something, so adding "about" is unnecessary and incorrect. (We need to discuss the new project.)
do NOT say: discuss + about
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dziś rano
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this morning
rozmawiać z kimś
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to speak with sb / to speak to sb
Powiedz mi prawdę.
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Tell me the truth.
czas przed ekranem
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screen time
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W tym samym czasie
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AT the same time
don't say: in the same time
zwracać uwagę na
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to PAY attention to
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spróbować zasnąć
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to try TO fall asleep
Ona śpi.
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She's asleep.
Is she asleep?
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to fall - fell - fallen
Ona zasnęła o 9:00.
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She fell asleep at 9:00.
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to cuddle
Give me a cuddle.
pogodzić się z czymś
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to make peace with sth
It took me a while to make peace with the fact that some things are out of my control.
to jest wyczerpujące
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it's exhausting
Jak to się nazywa?
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WHAT is it called?
Do NOT say: HOW is it called?
Nie wiem jak to się nazywa.
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I don't know what's called.
Jaki jest Twój adres?
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What's your address?
Czy możesz mi podać swój adres?
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Can you please tell me what your address is?
Nie pamiętam, jaki jest jej numer telefonu.
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I don't remember what her phone number is.
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a discussion

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