Odmiana "Have got"

 0    19 fiche    Dominika2003
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questão resposta
I have
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Ja mam
You have
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Ty masz / Wy macie
He has
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On ma
She has
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Ona ma
It has
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Ono ma
We have
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My mamy
They have
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Oni mają
Have you been here for long?
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Czy jesteś tu od dawna?
What has she got in her pocket?
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Co ona ma w kieszeni?
Have I ever told you that I love?
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Czy mówiłem Ci kiedyś, że Cię kocham?
How much money have we got?
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Ile mamy pieniędzy?
How long have they been talking on the phone?
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Jak długo oni rozmawiają przez telefon?
Did you have many friends when you were a child?
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Czy miałeś dużo przyjaciół, kiedy byłeś dzieckiem?
How many cats does she have?
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Ile ona ma kotów?
Do you have any questions?
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Czy macie jakieś pytania?
Will they have time to help us?
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Czy oni będą mieli czas nam pomóc?
What time does your mother have breakfast?
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O której godzinie Twoja mama je śniadanie?
Has she got a cat?
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Czy ma kota? - Czy ona ma kota?
I have not got a cat (She hasn`t got a cat). – Nie mam kota. (Ona nie ma kota.)
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Nie mam kota (ona nie ma kota). - Nie mam kota. (Ona nie ma kota.)

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