Norse magic

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dziewucha, dziewka
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a young woman
wooing the most beautiful wench in the village may make you enemies around.
oszpecenie, zniekształcenie
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teeth disfigurement and their crooked appearance.
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What is resin used for? What can be made from resin?
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food that you need to grow and stay healthy:
Young babies obtain all the nourishment they need from their mother's milk.
wycinek, fragment, podcinanie
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nail clipper. a piece that has been cut off something: an article cut from a newspaper:
nail clipping, grass clippings. A friend sent me a newspaper clipping about someone we were at school with. This hedge could use a little clipping.
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the belief that something is true
I'm not prepared to give credence to anonymous complaints. His bruises added/lent credence to his statement that he had been beaten.
wierni, parafianie (zbiór i wspólnota chrześcijańska)
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a group of people who have come together in a religious building for worship and prayer:
The priest asked the congregation to kneel. Furthermore, there are churches which do not address the issues of contraception to their congregation.
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either of the two occasions in the year when the centre of the sun is directly above the Equator, and day and night are approximately equal in length
the spring/ autumn equinox
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a small pile of stones made, especially on mountains, to mark a place or as a memorial
This cairn over there look as something of a tribal religious center.
wróżbiarstwo, guślarstwo
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miot, lektyka(noszę), śmieci
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a group of animals that are born at the same time and have the same mother
a litter of kittens
chorobliwie pedantyczny, przesadnie pedantyczn
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I am a little anal about some things. an anal stickler
wieśniak (mieszkający daleko w dziczy), z amerykańska
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obraźliwie. a person from a mountainous area of the US who has a simple way of life and is considered to be slightly stupid by people living in towns and cities
Thoreau is one of those who pioneered the style of living today associated with hillbillies
napuszona mowa, tyrada, wygłaszać tyradę
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to speak, write or shout in a loud, uncontrolled, or angry way, often saying confused or silly things
He's always ranting (on) about the government. I get fed up with my mother ranting and raving (about my clothes) all the time.
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a thin piece of skin that covers or connects parts of a person's or animal's body
a cell membrane
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Healthy dietary habits are very important. dietary fiber
Zakres, obejmować, trwałość, zasięg, rozpiętość
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wing's span. His presidency spanned 8 years. Her research spanned much of the continent.
zdegradować, pomniejszyć status, ważność
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to reduce someone or something to a lower rank or position, or to cause something to be considered less important or valuable
My job's been downgraded to that of ordinary editor. We can't let the management downgrade the importance of safety at work.
wyjący, straszliwy, budzący grozę, groźny (np. burza)
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(of the wind) blowing hard and making a lot of noise:
Once we played crazy golf in a howling gale. The hurricane's howling destructive winds just missed the island. howling success. The wolves howl to the moon.
cmoknąć, odgłos klapśnięcia, klaps, walnąć się
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to hit someone or something forcefully with the flat inside part of your hand, producing a short, loud noise, especially as a way of punishing a child:
I never smack my children. I'll smack your bottom if you don't behave yourself. I smacked my head on the corner of the shelf. to hit something hard against something else:
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spoken or written words that have no meaning:
I was so nervous, I just started talking gibberish. At some point she started to blither gibberish
miejsce pobytu, gdzieś (mniej więcej)
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the place where a person or thing is:
Trupin is thought to be in the Caribbean, although his exact whereabouts are/is a mystery.
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to feel for
"I can't go out because I'm grounded." "I feel for you." I feel for the gingers because in the couple of years they will fully extinct.
slipy, majtki
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My girlfriend thinks boxer shorts are sexier than briefs.
obracać coś w perzynę, zrównać z ziemią
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lay to waste
to completely destroy something:
The bomb laid the city centre to waste.
tłoczyć się, trzymać się w ciasnym pomieszczeniu
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coop up
keep someone or something in a closed space:
I feel like I've been cooped up in this flat for days.
wydalać (substancje z ciała), wydalać kał
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to get rid of material such as solid waste or urine from the body
human excrement. Most toxins are naturally excreted from the body.
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drops of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outside during the night
morning dew. My lawn is shining with dew
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I want her only to make a good show on the gallows
para wodna
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gas or extremely small drops of liquid that result from the heating of a liquid or solid:
The hollow glass tank contains hot mercury vapor. Poisonous vapors burst out of the factory during the accident.
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a feeling or character that a person or place seems to have:
The woods have an aura of mystery. There's an aura of sadness about him.
żwawy, rześki
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He was amazingly spry for a man of almost 80...(especially of older people) active and able to move quickly and energetically:
nieczysty, skalany (seksualnie)
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In the past, a woman needed to be chaste to make a good marriage. They exchanged a few chaste kisses (= not expressing sexual desire).
uzda, założyć uzdę, unieść się
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a set of leather straps that are put around a horse's head to allow its rider to control it. to show sudden anger
She bridled at the suggestion that she had been dishonest. Polly saddled and bridled her favourite horse.
psuć (komuś szyki), krzyżować możliwości, nie umożliwiać
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to stop something from happening or someone from doing something:
Our holiday plans were thwarted by the airline pilots' strike
aktywny i pasywny partner w związku homoseksualnym
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pitcher and catcher
ból dupy, przesadnie obrażony
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"Expectations vs. reality" types of videos are like instant butthurt to him
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the quality or state of being vigilant
wgłębienie, wgniecenie; wcięcie (w akapicie)
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the action of indenting. a paragraph set out by indentation. dent
a coastline with many indentations
głaz, uprawiać wspinaczkeybez zabezpieczen
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a very large rock
Every time he reached the top, the boulder would roll back down.
być na równi
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be on a par
He's grammatical language competence is not on a par with those related to communicational language skills.
podgłówek, wzmocnić
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a long pillow or cushion. to give a boost to
news that bolstered his spirits. lay bolstered up in bed. He adjusted his bolster and went to sleep. His speech bolstered the morale of the army.
rzemień, niewyprawiona skóra, używać pejcza
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a whip of untanned hide untanned cattle skin
a strict disciplinarian, the rancher would rawhide his disobedient sons until they were black and blue
optymalny punkt, przynoszący najlepsze efekty, najlepsze miejsce do kopnięcia piłki
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sweet spot
the part of a surface that gives the most power for the least effort, for example when hitting a ball: the particular situation, quality, combination of things, etc. that is the best or most effective possible:
Every restaurant wine list has a sweet spot where you'll find the best bottles at the fairest prices.
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a small, round, red fruit with a sour taste
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the crime of killing a child
niebezpieczeństwo, zagrożenie
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in danger of being damaged or destroyed: peril
The lives of thousands of birds are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spill.
scypul (warstwa skórna na porożu)
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Deer velvet contains multiple substances including the female sex hormones estrone and estradiol. It also contains substances that might help cells grow and function.
pozory czegoś
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some semblance of
tajemniczy, zagadkowy, enigmatyczny, tajny; maskujące ubarwienie
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engimatic, mysterious. mysterious and difficult to understand. arcane
cryptic colouring of some animals enables them to stay unnoticed by predators. I got a cryptic text message from Sam.
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One more piece of cherry cheesecake, please.
napakowany dzięki sterydom
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roided-out strawberries
używać czegoś dużo (np. paliwa)
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be/go heavy on sth
My new car is heavy on gas, I wasn't expecting that. Her old laptop is heavy on energy.
traktować kogoś surowo
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be heavy on somebody
to treat or punish someone severely
I think his parents are being a bit heavy on him.
przedmiot, który ocieka, np. krwią, przeciekający przedmiot
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These two types are usually referred to as asexual and cyclically parthenogenetic, respectively.
ofiarować coś komuś (oficjalnie), przetarg
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tender sth to sb
to give or offer something(formal)
Please tender the exact fare. The health minister has tendered her resignation (= has offered to leave her job). The council has invited tenders for the building contract. to invite tender
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He always parrots what she says.
zmiana płci
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gender reassignment
zagorzały(zwolennik), oddany (przyjaciel), tamować krew, hamować łzy
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always loyal in supporting a person, organization, or set of beliefs or opinions. commited, dedicated. to stop something happening, or to stop liquid, especially blood, from flowing out:
a staunch friend and ally He gained a reputation as being a staunch defender/supporter of civil rights. The country's asylum laws were amended to staunch the flow/flood of economic migrants. Mike pressed hard on the wound and staunched the flow of blood.
koagulować, skrzepnąć, krzepnąć; ŚCINAĆ SIĘ
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curdle. to change from liquid to a more solid state, or to cause something to do this:
The sauce coagulated as it cooled down. The venom of this snake coagulates the blood.
zmniejszać/zwiększać stopniowo. klucz z grzechotką
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to change an activity, amount, or feeling by degrees. a part of a machine that allows movement in one direction only. a tool consisting of a metal handle and a socket, used for turning objects in one direction only:
Critics are trying to ratchet up public pressure on lawmakers. Presidential power often acts like a one-way ratchet: It can be increased far more easily than it can be reduced. The bolts can be removed with a ratchet.
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roślina strączkowa
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a plant that has its seeds in a pod, such as the bean or pea
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strąk, Strączek
kapsuła ratunkowa
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a long, narrow, flat part of some plants, such as beans and peas, that contains the seeds and usually has a thick skin:
seed pods
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get laid
you may make jokes of astrology or get laid. Do you seriously think you'll get laid today?
suszona śliwka
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a dried plum
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podniecać kogoś, interesować
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turn somebody on
He doesn't turn me on. I hope I can turn the board on with my idea.
skopanie tyłka
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ass whooping
tracić czas na zbędne sprawy
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fiddle around
to spend time doing small things that are not important or necessary: to spend time in aimless or fruitless activity: PUTTER, TINKER. to make minor manual movements especially to adjust something
I was just fiddling around in the kitchen. fiddled around with the engine for hours. fiddled with the radio knobs
przestać istnieć
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cease to exist
natchnąć, tchnąć (np. optymizmem); zaparzać
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to fill someone or something with an emotion or quality. If you infuse a drink or it infuses, you leave substances such as tea leaves or herbs in hot water so that their flavour goes into the liquid:
The pulling down of the Berlin Wall infused the world with optimism. The arrival of a group of friends on Saturday infused new life into the weekend. Allow the tea to infuse for five minutes.
dekorowanie, ozdabianie, ozdoba, lamówka, wykończenie
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extra things that complete or improve the appearance of something:
a big wedding celebration with all the trimmings the traditional trimmings of fame/success. I bought a new set of trimmings for Christmas.
Leszczyna; piwny(kolor oczu), orzechowy, laskowy
Hasselslekten er en slekt i bjørkefamilien
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a light brown to strong yellowish brown
Her hazel eyes must be the exact shade — one that hardly any camera could capture right
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powołać się na kogoś, przyzywać (Bóstwo)
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In case of trouble, invoke me
meszek, słaby zarost (np. na brodzie nastolatka)
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peach fuzz
pasternak (Ala marchewka)
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nacinać drzewo; podkładać podsłuch
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She tapped the Christmas tree with an axe. you may barley tap the surface of the bark to extract a sap out from a birch tree. You can't tap me. It's illegal.
sprzeczka, zwada (official)
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altercation. altercate
a loud argument or disagreement
According to witnesses, the altercation between the two men started inside the restaurant. altercation betweens many family branches, all descending from the royal dynasty.
"otwarta furtka"
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wiggle room
latitude, leeway(freedom of action or choice)
a contract with wiggle room for further negotiations. students are allowed considerable latitude in choosing courses
prowizoryczny, chwilowy; namiastka
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a usually crude and temporary expedient: SUBSTITUTE
when his belt broke, he was forced to use string as a makeshift. EXPEDIENT may apply to any device or contrivance used when the usual one is not at hand or not possible.
bezwarunkowo, bezwarunkowy (poddanie się)
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in a way that is complete and not limited in any way:
He thanked his mother for being unconditionally supportive. She apologized unconditionally. the unconditional love that parents feel for their children unconditional surrender
zagroda dla zwierząt, styl pisania
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an enclosed area of the homestead where animals are kept.
I really admire his pen because it's so professional. My father built a new pen for our pigs. Take the cows to the pen and lock it.
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behaviour that is careful and avoids risks
The firm was commended for its financial prudence. Everyone agreed that panic wasn't called for, prudence was.
brać się do rzeczy, wziąć się do roboty; zapinać się, zapinać pasy
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buckle up
knuckle down. strap in
You'd better buckle up. I don't want to get a ticket. The study said 52 percent of motorists in the states still do not buckle up.
zwrotka, stanca
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stanza, stave
a group of lines of poetry forming a unit
chuderlawy, kościsty, mizerny
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unpleasantly thin, often with bones showing: underweight
He came home after three months at college looking terribly scrawny.
górować nad czymś, kimś, prześcigać
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outdo surpass
She trumps over all of them, and is perfectly aware of that.
bajka(p zwierzętach), parabola
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a short story that tells a general truth or is only partly based on fact, or literature of this type:
the fable of the tortoise and the hare
wznosić się, opadać po spirali, szybować się w górę
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surge. If costs, prices, etc. spiral, they increase faster and faster:
A corkscrew is spiral-shaped. With one wing damaged, the model airplane spiralled downwards. Spiralling costs have squeezed profits.
grabież, rabunek
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pillage, plunder
If his decades-long track record is any indication, Sanders would be inclined to make excuses for our adversaries and look on the bright side of their repression and rapine.
hojność, szczodrość
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very liberal in giving or bestowing (
munificent donors. suggests a scale of giving appropriate to lords or princes. a munificent host who has presided over many charitable events at his mansion
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the activity of lending someone money with the agreement that they will pay back a very much larger amount of money later
usurer. usurious interest rates Store cards may charge usurious rates, but they are not designed for taking extended credit.
dźwięczny, donośny (literacki)
nie obstruanty
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having a deep, pleasant sound:
She had heard the sonorous voice in the next room. "I am happy to be here," he said in his sonorous voice.
przeciwstawny kciuk
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opposable thumb
z jajami
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oszczerca, dawać oszczerstwa
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calumniator, calumniate
to make statements about someone that are not true and that are damaging to their reputation:
He has tried to calumniate and destroy everyone whose opinions differ from his. Calumny
powalić kogoś z nóg, rzucić na kolanach, wywrzeć wrażanie
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blow Somebody away
to surprise or please someone very much. to impress somebody very much
The ending will blow you away.
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the material, including the placenta, that is pushed out of a woman's or female animal's body soon after she has given birth
oczywisty problem, o którym się nie mówi, oczywista prawda, która jest ignorowana,
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the elephant in the room
(Ich dziwny związek to coś, o czym się wie, ale o czym się nie mówi
No one wants to admit it, but this issue is the elephant in the room. Their strange relationship is an elephant in the room.
psuć się, pogarszać się (o stanie zdrowia, o sytuacji)
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go downhill
After John had found out the truth about Alex, it all went downhill.
pulchny, pełny, tłusty.
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slightly fat
I was a pudgy child.
gwałtownie rosnąć
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go through the roof
As a result, the campaign's cost has gone through the roof.
pogarszać (np. sytuację) potęgować, powiększać, zwiększać
związek chemiczny
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to make a problem or difficult situation worse:
Many fertilizers contain nitrogen compounds. Her terror was compounded by the feeling that she was being watched. His financial problems were compounded when he unexpectedly lost his job.
środek znieczulający
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the quality of being unable to feel heat, cold, pain, touch, etc. a substance that makes you unable to feel pain:
This requires adequate time for topical anaesthesia of the airway. The operation is performed under anaesthetic. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic (= a substance that makes you unable to feel pain in part of your body).
smuga (plama), rozmazywać (tusz, brud) smużyć
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a mark with no particular shape that is caused, usually by accident, by rubbing something such as ink or a dirty finger across a surface: smear
Her hands were covered in dust and she had a black smudge on her nose. The gardener smudged her dungarees. Smoke smudged in the distance
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a herb used in cooking
lekarstwo na wszystko
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cure-all for
something that people think will solve any problem or cure any illness
a cure-all wonder drug
nastroić, nastawić (kogoś w stosunku do kogoś innego)
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to make someone feel a particular way towards someone or something:
His rudeness when we first met didn't dispose me very kindlyto/towards him
niedostatek, niedobór,
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scarceness. a situation in which something is not easy to find or get:
The scarcity of skilled workers worries the government. There are food scarcities in most regions of Africa. the scarcity of skilled workers
"błyskawiczny, gwałtowny", meteoryczny
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used to describe something that develops very fast and attracts a lot of attention: The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.
The group had a meteoric rise to fame in the 70s. Her political career has been meteoric.
napalony, zrogowaciały
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made of a hard substance, like horn:
She'd had a couple of drinks and was feeling horny. Birds have horny beaks. horny skin of a tortoise
nieużytek, pustkowie, ziemia leżąca odłogiem
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a land that lies fallow
A nuclear war has turned the world into a wasteland.
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winter squash
any of several types of squash (= large vegetables with a hard skin and a lot of seeds inside) that are picked later in the year:
Winter squash are actually harvested in autumn rather than winter, but can be kept for several months. The best known by far of the winter squashes is the pumpkin.
Gałązka oliwna
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olive branch
tania, łatwa, zdzirowata
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przysadka mózgowa
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pituitary gland
a small organ at the base of the brain that controls the growth and activity of the body by producing hormones
osoba pobudzona seksualnie
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a man who wants to have sex a lot
His best friend is a horndog who's been married several times.
walić konia, marszczyć freda, onanizować się,
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choke the chicken
Choking the chicken is a classic.
groźnie patrzeć, rzucać groźne spojrzenie; oślepiające światło
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a long, angry look. unpleasantly bright or strong light
She gave me a fierce glare. Tinted windows will reduce the glare/the sun's glare. give off glare This screen gives off a lot of glare. The sun was glaring right in my eyes.
zabezpieczenie; w linii bocznej, drugorzędny, podrzędny
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a guarantee for the bank in the form of a property in case there are difficulties with the loan repayment
She used her house as collateral for a loan. collateral senses of a word a collateral branch of the family

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