gwałtownie, wykładniczo wzrastać começar a aprender
An exponential rate of increase becomes quicker and quicker as the thing that increases becomes larger: We are looking for exponential growth in our investment. There has been an exponential increase in the world population this century.
rzędem, po kolei (przysłówek) começar a aprender
If something is done in tandem, two people develop or work on it together or during the same period of time: This director and composer have worked in tandem on several films. they rode tandem on the horseback.
mówiący za dużo, gadatliwy começar a aprender
using or containing more words than are necessary: circumlocutory a verbose explanation/report/speech/style He was a notoriously verbose after-dinner speaker. The introduction is rather hard going, being extremely verbose.
powściągliwy (w słowach i w czynach), z dystansem começar a aprender
not friendly or willing to take part in things. not interested or involved, usually because you do not approve of what is happening. offhand, detached, distant, temprate She seemed rather aloof when in fact she was just shy. Whatever is happening in the office, she always remains aloof. She kept herself aloof from her husband's business. RESERVED
niedający się wyprowadzić z równowagi começar a aprender
extremely calm. not likely to get worried, nervous, or angry even in difficult situations birds flap their wings. She's totally unflappable - you have to be when working in such a high-pressure environment.
nacierać uszu, ostro krytykować começar a aprender
to criticize someone or something severely His first novel was well and truly lambasted by the critics.
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arguing and complaining a lot He's getting a bit cantankerous in his old age.
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brave, GUTSY(informal) It was plucky of you to chase after the burglar.
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to gradually start to be noticeable. If mistakes creep in or creep into a piece of text, they are included despite efforts not to include them: It is inevitable that some unwanted mistakes may creep in during the editing process. Doubts began to creep into my mind about the likely success of the project.
wysiedlać, ale również wykorzeniać começar a aprender
to remove a person from their home or usual environment: The war has uprooted nearly two thirds of the country's population. The Displaced folk had to be looking for the refuge in the contiguous countries.
piętrzyć się, nagromadzać się (np. o problemach), organizować, montować começar a aprender
to gradually increase, rise, or get bigger. to organize and begin an activity or event The children's excitement is mounting as Christmas gets nearer. Don't let your problems mount and overwhelm you. Queen Elizabeth II mounted the throne (= became queen) in 1952. to mount an attack/campaign/challenge/protest
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You have no faith in the essential decency of the white man's culture. Decency and simplicity is of no use in this world. Let us have the decency, as we do tonight, not to blame the weather.
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in a way that shows strong dislike or a lack of respect for someone or something. scornful The waiter smiled contemptuously at anyone who didn't know which wine to order. He was very contemptuous of "popular" writers, whom he described as having no talent.
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the act or ceremony of making someone a priest or other religious leader
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follow up words with actions to materialize the thing you are saying, so that it doesn't just bear en empty information but is followed by your endeavors to fulfill your words and bring them to fruition.
trochę, w niewielkim stopniu; na odludziu; zdalnie começar a aprender
in any way; to a remote degree a remotely situated farmhouse. He isn’t even remotely like his brother. a remotely operated car
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to like something so much that you cannot refuse it or judge its real value I have to confess I'm a sucker for musicals.
efektowny, robiący wrażenie, WIELKI começar a aprender
He was as well the grand prince of Lithuania. She organised a dinner in grand style. This is a grand figure of the fashion industry.
pochopnie, porywczo, impulsywnie começar a aprender
We acted impulsively, that I cannot deny. But what would you do if you were in our shoes?
mozolny chód, brnąć, iść ociężale começar a aprender
to walk slowly with a lot of effort, especially over a difficult surface or while carrying something heavy: You can't trudge through this snow. It's too deep. Their trudge was for nothing, they didn't survive the storm.
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I'm afraid we will have to spend north of $1000 trip
robić unik, podtapiać się (w czasie zabawy), dać nyra (w boczną ścieżkę) começar a aprender
to move your head or the top part of your body quickly down, especially to avoid being hit: to push someone underwater for a short time: to move quickly to a place, especially in order not to be seen I saw the ball hurtling towards me and ducked (down). Duck your head or you'll bang it on the doorframe. The boys were splashing around and ducking each other in the pool. When he saw them coming, he ducked into a doorway.
podawać się za, utrzymywać; sens, wymowa czegoś começar a aprender
to pretend to be or to do something, especially in a way that is not easy to believe: to claim to have done sth The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer. They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school. I didn't read it all but I think the purport of the letter was that he'll stay.
tęsknić za kimś czymś, pragnąc czegoś z utęsknieniem começar a aprender
to wish very strongly, especially for something that you cannot have or something that is very difficult to have: He yearns for the advent of long-awaited winter. Despite his great commercial success he still yearns for critical approval.
zrobić kiepskie wrażenie, nie zrobić wrażenia começar a aprender
to fail to make someone, or people in general, feel any excitement or admiration, or to make them feel less excitement or admiration than expected I have to say that stories of superheroes almost always underwhelm me. His speeches never fail to underwhelm (= they are never impressive or exciting). The food was good but unfortunately we found the rest of the experience distinctly underwhelming.
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to be involved with something or have influence on something: Who planned the party – I bet you had a hand in it, didn't you? tinker
prawda; kwintesencja i istota; znaczenie começar a aprender
the most important part of what someone has said or written. importance, seriousness, or relationship to real facts: Later that year, the substance of their secret conversation appeared in a newspaper article. There is no substance in/to the allegation. Did you grasp the substance of this film? The substance has come to light.
skrupuł, ukłucie, nagłe poczucie (niepokoju), começar a aprender
an uncomfortable feeling when you doubt if you are doing the right thing: She had no qualms about lying to the police. Unfortunately, he said, there are people who have no qualms about bringing in replacement workers for strikers.
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The girl had been molested frequently by her stepfather from the age of eight. United Nations premises were looted and personnel were molested by demonstrators. leave somebody unmolested
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Miscellaneous Sundry distant relatives, most of whom I hardly recognized, turned up for my brother's wedding. The hotel sent a bill for food, drinks, room service, newspapers and other sundry items.
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A sequestered place is peaceful because it is far away from people I found a sequestered spot in the park and lay down with my book.
wieńczyć (coś), być na szczycie (czegoś) começar a aprender
to get to the top of. to stay or lie at the top of. an Olympic swimmer who surmounted endless obstacles to achieve her goals Our verb mount, meaning "ascend, get up onto", comes from the same Latin root as mountain, and we keep those images in mind when using surmount, since climbing up or over a mountain is a symbol of achievement. The word almost always refers to human effort
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I took a canteen of water for the journey.
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The report will be ready by the end of the month, I'll see to it
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The apple pie is amazing. You have outdone yourself.
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I'll come and rescue you on the double.
pokaż swoje prawdziwe oblicze começar a aprender
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Your father compels respect... She didn't want to help them but conscience compelled her to. I felt compelled to tell her the truth. Your father compels respect.
zdolność do przypadkowych odkryć, szczęśliwy zbieg okoliczności começar a aprender
the fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance There is a real element of serendipity in archaeology.
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the care and control of God or of a force that is not human in origin: He trusts in divine providence.
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the pale yellow liquid that forms 55% of human blood and contains the blood cells Intensive care beds are running out, and blood plasma is needed urgently.
źrebię, oźrebić się (o klaczy) começar a aprender
a young horse
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COALESCE implies an affinity in the merging elements and usually a resulting organic unity.
wyrzeczenie się, abnegacja começar a aprender
the act of not allowing yourself to have something, especially something you like or want: the act of not accepting something, or of saying that you do not have something: They believe it is the duty of women to live for others in complete abnegation of themselves. It is a heart-warming tale of courage and abnegation. To ignore these issues would be a serious abnegation of responsibility. to abnegate responsibility/guilt
prescient começar a aprender
a person who says they have powers to see the future or see things that other people cannot see: claiming to have powers to see the future or see things that other people cannot see, or relating to these powers She went to see a clairvoyant who said he could communicate with her dead husband. One of her aunts is clairvoyant. People are claiming to have had clairvoyant visions of the murder or murderer.
bierny, bezwolny, na wznak. ryggleie começar a aprender
prone≠supine We walked along the beach, past the rows of supine bodies soaking up the l. The photograph showed a man lying prone on the pavement, a puddle of blood around his head. There seemed nothing to do but stand supinely and await my end
wyjąwszy, o ile, z wyjątkiem começar a aprender
except if a particular thing happens: We should arrive at ten o'clock, barring any unexpected delays.
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I put a beggar off who asked me for some money to buy a wine.
zmarły (gatunek); wygasły (o prawie), zlikwidowany (o przedsiębiorstwie), niefunkcjonujący (o urządzeniu) começar a aprender
no longer existing, living, or working correctly: members of a now defunct communist organization. I think this TV is defunct!
zalety (cechy, które nakłaniają ludzi do kupna czegoś), mocny punkt começar a aprender
In fact, the great selling point may be the staff. It's now a major selling point for a new phone?
Zakładać, nieść za sobą znaczenie, insynuować, dawać do zrozumienia começar a aprender
This sentence implies a riddle. This policy implied even further implementation of coercive measures attempting to curb any possible dissensions.
opierać się na czymś, warunkować começar a aprender
it implies that. If an idea or argument is predicated on something, it depends on the existence or truth of this thing: The sales forecast is predicated on the assumption that the economy will grow by four percent.
kichać na coś, mieć coś w nosie, forakte começar a aprender
Jim said he sneezed at school.
nieprzejednany, nieustępliwy começar a aprender
refusing to change your opinions or behaviour: adamant Unions claim that the management continues to maintain an intransigent position. intransigence
słabostka, dziwny. nawyk; słaba część klingi começar a aprender
a strange habit or characteristic that is seen as not important and not harming anyone: We all have our little foibles.
błagalny, wyrażający błaganie começar a aprender
a person who asks a god or someone who is in a position of power for something in a humble way The supplicant hand seemed not to be a part of him. I don't accept at all that we are a supplicant nation.
wypadać (np. gdy wypada, żeby ktoś coś zrobił lub powiedział começar a aprender
If the system did indeed turn out to be important, did it not behove him to take a little more care over the process?
przemawiać komuś do rozsądku começar a aprender
I can't convince him, maybe you will reason with him. I wanted to invite her to the cinema today but I couldn't reason with her.
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Then unlatch the door and move to the other side.
wyznaczyć do wykonania zadania começar a aprender
My mother tasked me with baking a cake.
wystawiać (np. drużynę, zespół) 2. odpowiadać (na trudne pytania), odbierać (liczne telefony) começar a aprender
to have or produce a team of people to take part in an activity or event. to deal with a question, often by not answering it directly The company fielded a group of experts to take part in the conference. The President fielded questions on the conflict in Africa.
ocierać, drażnić! zirytować się, zdenerwować się começar a aprender
But he has been chafing in the relationship for the last few years.
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Each had 20 to 25 members from all walks of life. People from all walks of life live in this area.
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The two tables were set square. He is squarely to blame for this.
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to annoy someone What really grinds my gears is when people talk behind your back.
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He got my goat and then boldly asked me for a favour.
niskich lotów, przyziemny nie dla aspirujących intelektualistów começar a aprender
(of entertainment) not complicated or demanding much intelligence to be understood: He regards the sort of books I read as very lowbrow. I like a lowbrow action movie once in a while.
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We all know that small business is the lifeblood of the economy
na czołowym miejscu, priorytetowy começar a aprender
very easy to see or notice, or getting the most attention in a situation: prominent The economy will be front and center in his address tomorrow. For now, her career is front and center. Bonnie has been a front-and-center presence in the series.
koniec, rezultat, wynik, skutek começar a aprender
something that happens as a result of other actions, events, or decisions: The upshot of the discussions is that there will be no layoffs.
przeogromny, ponadwymiarowy começar a aprender
outsized profits, payments, etc. are extremely large and are considered too large by many people: outsized trousers/shoes. Companies can't just ramp up their production capacity and expect to earn outsized profits.
forsować przeliczyć się, stracić więcej pieniędzy niż się ma, começar a aprender
No wonder she overextended herself - she spends money like water. The family struggled to make ends meet because of overextending their mortgage
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very twisted, Convoluted sentences, explanations, arguments, etc. are unreasonably long and difficult to understand: His grammar explanations are terribly convoluted. Her book is full of long, convoluted sentences.
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to walk in a slow and relaxed way He was ambling along the beach. She ambled down the street, stopping occasionally to look in the shop windows.
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using only a few words or lasting only a short time: His essays are models of clarity and brevity. Brevity is, in almost everything, a virtue.
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not telling the truth Some of these statements are misleading and some are downright mendacious
nie do podrobienia, niezrównany, niedościgniony começar a aprender
He takes care of things in his own inimitable manner.