questão | resposta | |||
معلم خصوصی someone who gives private lessons to one student or a small group, and is paid directly by them
چشم انداز a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences
شهرت، آبرو the opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the past
اشتغال iob
کک و مک
تفسیر a spoken description of an event, given while the event is happening, especially on the television or radio
وظیفه a piece of work that is given to someone as part of their job
حیاتی something that is crucial is extremely important, because everything else depends on it SYN vital crucial to
قدردانی to understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what someone’s feelings are SYN realize