monia 22nd May 2014

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co słychać?
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How are you doing? how are you?
a Ty? (jak się masz)
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how about you? and you?
czym się zajmujesz?
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what do you do?
patrzę na ciebie
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I'm looking AT you.
Jaki to czas gramatyczny?
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What tense is it?
Marcin jest w kuchni.
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Martin is in the kitchen.
Marcin robi kolację.
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Martin is making supper.
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Moja mama odpoczywa.
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to have / take a rest
My mum is taking a rest.
Ula pracuje teraz.
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Ula is working now.
czy czytasz teraz?
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Are you reading now?
Czy siedzisz teraz?
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Are you sitting now?
Czy on teraz je?
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Is he eating now?
Nie oglądam teraz telewizji.
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I'm not watching tv now.
brać kąpiel
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to take a bath
on nie myje teraz zębów
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he isn't cleaning his teeth now
szczotkować zęby
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to brush your teeth
Biorę prysznic wieczorem lub rano.
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I take a shower in the evening or in the morning
ubierać się
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to get dressed
zawsze ubieram się w sypialni.
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I always get dressed in the dressing room.
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to prepare
robić makijaż
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to apply make-up / to put on make-up
Jem śniadanie w pracy.
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I eat breakfast at work.
Marcin nie je śniadań.
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Marcin doesn't eat breakfast.
Moja mam zawsze je śniadanie w pracy.
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My mum always eatS breakfast at work.
Raz dziennie mój tata jeździ do pracy.
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Once a day my dad drivES to work.
trzy razy dziennie
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three times a day
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robić zakupy
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to do the shopping
iść na zakupy
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to go shopping
co jeszcze?
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what else?
Jak często myjesz zęby?
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how often do you clean your teeth?
Kiedy bierzesz prysznic?
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When do you take a shower?
O której godzinie wstajesz w soboty?
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What time do you get up on Saturdays?
Jak często chodzisz do kina?
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How often do you go to the cinema?
Skąd jesteś?
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Where are you from?
Zawsze skupiaj się na pozytywnych aspektach życia.
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Always look on the bright side of life.

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