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questão resposta
Listen and draw lines.
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Słuchaj i rysuj linie.
There is one example.
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Jest jeden przykład.
Read the question.
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Przeczytaj pytanie.
Listen and write a name or a number.
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Słuchaj i zapisz imię lub liczbę.
There are two examples.
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Są dwa przykłady.
What is the new girl’s name?
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Jak ma na imię nowa dziewczyna?
How old is the new girl?
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Ile lat ma nowa dziewczyna?
What is Kim’s family name?
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Jakie jest nazwisko Kim?
Where does Kim live?
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Gdzie mieszka Kim?
What number is Kim’s house?
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Jaki numer ma dom Kim?
What is the name of Kim’s horse?
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Jak ma na imię koń Kim?
How old is Kim’s horse?
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Ile lat ma koń Kim?
Listen and tick (✓) the box.
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Słuchaj i zaznacz (✓) w kratce.
What animal has Alex got in his bedroom?
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Jakie zwierzę ma Alex w swoim pokoju?
Which picture are May and Sam looking at?
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Na który obrazek patrzą May i Sam?
What are Mrs Good’s class doing this afternoon?
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Co robi klasa pani Good dzisiaj po południu?
What is Mum’s favourite fruit?
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Jakie jest ulubione owoc mamy?
Which dog is Anna’s?
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Który pies należy do Anny?
What is Lucy wearing?
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Co ma na sobie Lucy?
Listen and colour.
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Słuchaj i koloruj.
Colour balloon in boy’s hand – yellow.
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Pokoloruj balon w ręce chłopca – na żółto.
Colour balloon between boxes – pink.
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Pokoloruj balon między pudełkami – na różowo.
Colour balloon under table – green.
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Pokoloruj balon pod stołem – na zielono.
Colour balloon on chair – brown.
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Pokoloruj balon na krześle – na brązowo.
Colour balloon behind cat – orange.
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Pokoloruj balon za kotem – na pomarańczowo.
Girl behind tree.
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Dziewczynka za drzewem.
Girl feeding ducks.
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Dziewczynka karmiąca kaczki.
Boy with kite.
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Chłopiec z latawcem.
Boy on bike.
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Chłopiec na rowerze.
Here’s a photo of me and my friends in the park.
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Oto zdjęcie mnie i moich przyjaciół w parku.
The boy with the cats.
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Chłopiec z kotami.
He’s holding one cat in his arms.
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Trzyma jednego kota w ramionach.
Pat loves animals.
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Pat kocha zwierzęta.
Can you see the line?
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Czy widzisz linię?
There’s a girl here, too. She’s behind the pear tree!
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Jest tu też dziewczynka. Jest za gruszą!
What’s Lucy doing behind that tree?
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Co Lucy robi za tym drzewem?
Playing a game.
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Gra w grę.
She’s got some bread in her hand.
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Ma chleb w ręku.
Is she giving it to the ducks?
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Czy daje go kaczkom?
Jill loves ducks.
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Jill kocha kaczki.
That’s a great kite!
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To świetny latawiec!
That’s Dan’s kite.
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To latawiec Dana.
Is Dan the boy in the red T-shirt?
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Czy Dan to chłopiec w czerwonej koszulce?
One person is reading.
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Jedna osoba czyta.
The girl with the book.
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Dziewczyna z książką.
Reading is Ann’s favourite hobby.
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Czytanie to ulubione hobby Ann.
And what’s that boy’s name?
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A jak ma na imię tamten chłopiec?
The boy on the bike.
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Chłopiec na rowerze.
Nick’s in my class at school.
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Nick jest w mojej klasie w szkole.
He’s got a nice bike!
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Ma fajny rower!
Hello. I’m new in class.
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Cześć. Jestem nowa w klasie.
What’s your name, please?
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Jak masz na imię?
How old are you, Kim?
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Ile masz lat, Kim?
What’s your family name, please?
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Jakie jest twoje nazwisko?
Where do you live, Kim? In Sun Street.
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Gdzie mieszkasz, Kim? Na Sun Street.
What number’s your house?
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Jaki numer ma twój dom?
Oh, is it that house with the big garden?
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Och, czy to ten dom z dużym ogrodem?
And it’s got a pink door!
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I ma różowe drzwi!
What have you got in your bag?
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Co masz w torbie?
Apples for my horse. I go to see him with my friend.
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Jabłka dla mojego konia. Idę go zobaczyć z moim przyjacielem.
What’s your horse’s name?
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Jak ma na imię twój koń?
It’s a funny name for a horse but I like it.
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To zabawne imię dla konia, ale mi się podoba.
How old is your horse?
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Ile lat ma twój koń?
And he can run and jump.
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I potrafi biegać i skakać.
Alex has got an animal in his bedroom.
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Alex ma zwierzę w swoim pokoju.
What is it? A fish?
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Co to jest? Rybka?
Can I have one?
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Czy mogę mieć jedną?
But please don’t ask for a snake!
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Ale proszę, nie proś o węża!
This picture’s nice.
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Ten obrazek jest ładny.
Who’s in it?
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Kto na nim jest?
They’re not in this picture.
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Nie ma ich na tym obrazku.
Where are your class this afternoon?
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Gdzie jest wasza klasa dzisiaj po południu?
At their swimming lesson?
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Na lekcji pływania?
No, they’re in the playground.
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Nie, są na placu zabaw.
Are they playing football?
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Czy grają w piłkę nożną?
They’re taking photos for our class book.
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Robią zdjęcia do naszej książki klasowej.
Mum, can we have this coconut?
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Mamo, możemy wziąć ten kokos?
Well, they’re very nice but I can’t open them.
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No cóż, są bardzo miłe, ale nie mogę ich otworzyć.
What about these oranges?
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A co z tymi pomarańczami?
They’re my favourites.
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To moje ulubione.
And let’s have this pineapple too.
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I weźmy też tego ananasa.
Is that your dog, Anna?
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Czy to twój pies, Anna?
No, my dog’s dirty.
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Nie, mój pies jest brudny.
My brother’s dog is that old one.
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Pies mojego brata to ten stary.
Lucy, your skirt’s on the bed.
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Lucy, twoja spódnica jest na łóżku.
Thanks, Mum but I don’t want it.
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Dzięki, mamo, ale jej nie chcę.
I’m wearing my jeans.
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Noszę swoje dżinsy.
And your new T-shirt?
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A twoja nowa koszulka?
Now colour the balloon under the table.
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Teraz pokoloruj balon pod stołem.
You can choose the colour!
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Możesz wybrać kolor!
Green! I love that colour!
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Zielony! Uwielbiam ten kolor!
There’s a balloon on the chair.
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Jest balon na krześle.
Find that one, please.
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Znajdź ten, proszę.
Make that balloon brown.
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Zrób ten balon brązowy.
And which balloon can I colour now?
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A który balon mogę teraz pokolorować?
The one behind the cat.
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Ten za kotem.
Can I make it orange?
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Mogę go zrobić pomarańczowym?
Colour the balloon in the small boy’s hand now.
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Teraz pokoloruj balon w ręku małego chłopca.
Have you got a yellow pencil?
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Masz żółty ołówek?
And can you see a balloon between the boxes?
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A widzisz balon między pudełkami?

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