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questão English resposta English
Historically and culturally speaking, which country may be divided into Lowland and Highland?
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England was a republic in...
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17th century
Scotland and England joined together in year...
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Ireland joined Britain in year...
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The battle of Somme took place in year...
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Which king resigned from the throne?
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Edward VIII
Thomas Becket was killed in result of conflict with...
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King Henry II
church of England was established by
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Henry VIII
Which king is known to have stated English Reformation
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Henry VIII
England first became a naval power with an empire under
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Henry VIII
The king who lost America
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George III
Who did William the Conqueror defeat to become King of England
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Harold II
The idea that people as a society would operate and own the means of production was claimed by
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Karl Marx
Which English philosopher is the founder of Utilitarianism?
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Jeremy Bentham
First PM in Britain was
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Sir Robert Walpole
In what part of the UK Easter Rising took place?
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Boer Wars took place in
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South Africa
Riots in 1964 took place in
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Surwey of much of England and parts of Wales compeated in 1086
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Domesday Book
The conflict after II WW was called
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The Cold War
The subculture which was imitating Italian style
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The conflict which took place during M. Tatchers ministry
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The Falklands War
What was the main reason of Irish immigrtation to USA in 19th?
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Religious conflicts, lack of optical autonimy and economic conditions
Name chronologically the invaders on Britannia Isles
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Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Normans
The chronological order of British dynasties
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The Normans, Plantagenents, The House of Lancaster, The House of York The Tudors The Stuarts, The House of Hanoverians, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, The Windsors
In world terms, Britain has ... summers and cold winters
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London is Larger than any other city in Britain. About how much larger?
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6 times
Where in England is Birmingham
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The midlands
Which of these political parties is sometimes known as the 'Tories'
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which of these political parties had not been in government in the last 50 years?
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Liberal Democrat
Which of these political parties traditionally draws its support from the working class?
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What is the name of the arrangement whereby two MPs from opposing parties each agree not to participate in a parliamentary vote?
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The pairing system
what is the name of the money given to the royal family to perform their public duties
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The Civil List
What is the title of most senior civil servant in a government department
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permanent secretary
What phrase is commonly used to denote the PM, his or her closest advisers, and the cabinet office?
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Downing street
what phrase is commonly used in the British media to denote senior civil servants and other government administration?
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On what is the tax which local government authorities collect based?
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Which of these people has not been PM of UK?
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Ken Livingstone
For which institution are general elections held in Britain?
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House of Commons
At which of these places could you not study for A-levels?
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grade school
What is the total number of subjects studied at school but students in their second year for A-levels?
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