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 0    9 fiche    Mother knows best
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questão resposta
What do you think of my new phone?
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Co sądzisz o moim nowym telefonie?
Do you like these jeans?
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Podobają ci się te jeansy?
Do you enjoy cycling?
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Czy lubisz jeździć na rowerze?
Do you think that he is going to win?
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Czy myślisz, że on wygra?
Did you like the book?
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Czy podobała Ci się książka?
What do you prefer: PE or IT?
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Co wolisz: wf czy informatykę?
Do you agree with me?
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Czy zgadzasz się ze mną?
What is your opinion?
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Jakie jest Twoje zdanie?
Don't you think there should be more shops in our neighbourhood
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Nie sądzisz, że w naszej okolicy powinno być więcej sklepów

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