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The main character of the novel reminds me of the author himself. começar a aprender
Główna postać powieści przypomina mi samego autora.
If you want to have a good laugh you should see the latest comedy with Jim Carrey. começar a aprender
Jeśli chcesz się zdrowo pośmiać, powinieneś zobaczyć najnowszą komedię z Jimem Carrey.
In spite of his troubles he never gives up hope começar a aprender
Mimo jego kłopotów on nigdy nie traci nadzieji
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All our efforts proved futile. Trying to find the winners is futile if victory is determined largely by luck. /ˈfyutaɪl/
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np. zatrąbić samochodem; zawyć syreną
Saudi Arabia exports oil. começar a aprender
Arabia Saudyjska eksportuje ropę.
He lost a large sum of money. Do you know the sum of these two numbers? começar a aprender
On stracił dużą sumę pieniędzy. Znasz sumę tych dwóch liczb?
And that's because this doll has irregular facial features and twisted arms of someone with a disability começar a aprender
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This painting is typical of his work. começar a aprender
Attitude to work is most important! começar a aprender
Postawa i podejście do pracy są najważniejsze!
William Golding’s classic novel Lord of the Flies começar a aprender
a classic song, book, play, television programme etc is very good and has been popular and had a lot of influence for a long time
Luckily, New Year's Day is a holiday - most people are tired after the party começar a aprender
Na szczęście Nowy Rok jest świętem - większość ludzi jest zmęczona po imprezie
We set up camp near the river. começar a aprender
Rozbiliśmy obóz niedaleko rzeki.
My favourite subject has always been maths. começar a aprender
Moim ulubionym przedmiotem zawsze była matematyka.
My earnings are just above the tax threshold. começar a aprender
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Jestem mu winny 50 funtów
She's the main character of the book. começar a aprender
Ona jest główną postacią w książce.
A cracker contains a small toy, a paper hat and a piece of paper with a joke. começar a aprender
Niespodzianka świąteczna zawiera małą zabawkę, papierowy kapelusz i karteczkę z żartem.