MH 25.11.2013

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questão resposta
He knows his stuff.
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On zna się na swojej robocie.
He doesn’t know his stuff.
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On nie zna się na swojej robocie.
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bright future
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jasna przyszlość
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fairy tales
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iść i przynieść
pass the salt
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podaj sól
do something
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robić coś
What are you doing?
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Co robisz?
I didn’t do it.
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Ja tego nie zrobiłem.
Don’t do it / this!
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Nie rób tego.
Just do it.
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po prostu zrób to
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Shall I help you?
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Pomóc ci?
Shall I do it for you?
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„Mam to zrobić dla ciebie?”
Shall I sign it?
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Mam to podpisać? (sign)
Shall we dance?
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Shall we sit (down)?
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Może usiądziemy?
Shall we start?
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Zacznijmy (np. lekcję). (?)
Shall we go to the ciemna?
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Pójdziemy do kina?
What shall we do now?
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Co my teraz zrobimy?
What shall I do now?
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Co ja mam teraz zrobić?
Where shall we go?
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Gdzie mamy pójść? / Gdzie sobie pójdziemy?
Shall we have some wine/coffee?
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Napijemy się wina?
Shall I make / get you some coffee?
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Zrobić ci kawy?
Who shall I call?
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Do kogo mam zadzwonić?
What shall I tell you...
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No co ci mam powiedzieć...
so far
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jak dotąd, jak narazie
I have saved $1mln so far.
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Zaoszczędziłem 1mln.

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