MH 03.02.2014

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questão resposta
sharpen ski edges
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na ostrzyc krawedzie
grease the ski
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nasmarowac narty
adjust the ski bindings
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wyregulowac wiazania
I have mistaken the trails.
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Ja pomylilem trasy
How can I get to the green trail.
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Jak dostac sie do zielonej trasy
IS this trail diffcult / icy / wide?
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Czy trasa jest trudna / zalodzona / szeroka
Is there a slope with moguls here?
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czy na stoku sa muldy
Where can I safely ski in the deep snow / in the field off piste?
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Gdzie mozna bezpiecznie pojezdzic w glebokim sniegu?
The ski lift is closed until the further notice.
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Wyciag zamkniety za do odwolania
My ski delaminated.
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Narta mi sie rozwarstwiła.
My ski is unfastening.
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Marta mi się wypina.
Will you get by on your own?
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Dasz sobie radę sam?
Call the ski emergency, please.
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Wezwij pogotowie
I would like to get to upper ski lift station number.
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Chcialbym sie dostac do gornej stacji wyciagu
Am I going the right way to the ski lift upper station?
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Czy dobrze ide w kierunku gornej stacji wyciagu
How far is it to the top?
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Jak daleko jest do szczytu?
What can we do after skiing?
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Co bedziemy robic po naratach

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