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Ostre jak żyletka, cięty (o humorze) começar a aprender
extremely sharp These animals have razor-sharp teeth.
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to calculate the total of something: If the game's over I'll tally up.
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not very good. ordinary Parents don't want their children going to mediocre schools. The film's plot is predictable and the acting is mediocre. Your composition was rather mediocre - you certainly could do better.
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the act of giving your opinion or judgment about the good or bad qualities of something or someone, especially books, films, etc.: the act of saying that something or someone is bad The designs for the new mosque have attracted widespread criticism. I have a few criticisms to make about your speech. If you have any constructive (= helpful) criticism of the project, I'd be glad to hear it.
poduszczeczka (na łapce zwierzęta) começar a aprender
The cat has black pads on his paws
lądowisko, gaza, cicho stąpać, cicho chodzić começar a aprender
I want Eagle 1 in the air above the pad. He padded quietly across the room.
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relating to the author of a book, article, play, etc. Marking books was a way in which a reader created an understanding of authorial intention both for themselves and possibly for others.
tandetny, w złym guście; czwpliwy começar a aprender
of cheap quality or in bad style(informal) The shop sold tacky souvenirs and ornaments.
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the action or the fact of deterring people from doing something No means of deterrence can distract me from my goal. They believed in the principle of nuclear deterrence. New security measures are being introduced to deter thieves
Niewiedza/ignorancja często wywołuje agresję. começar a aprender
Ignorance often invites aggression.
przechylenie (szklanki, głowy), przychylnie się w stornie czegoś, atak słowny (krytyka), nieprzemakalna płachta, plandeka(na namiot) começar a aprender
to (cause to) move into a sloping position He covered his car with a tilt. Tilt your head a bit to the left. This essay has a tilt towards Western philosophies. His speech resulted in an unexpected tilt from the press.
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legal theory. the study of law and the principles on which law is based They were a part of a living, evolving tradition of jurisprudence which accepted contradictions within its fold.
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We all take it in turns to take the children to school. The boys decided to take turns keeping watch all night.
zbudowany, szalony (slang) começar a aprender
go bananas. drives me bananas the crowd went bananas
pościel, ściółka (dla zwierząt) começar a aprender
They shredded the cardboard and sold it to equestrian centers as horse bedding. Jamie, go upstairs and get the bedding for Suzy.
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to become very angry: People who don't finish a job really make me see red. I crashed the car and my father will see red when he finds out about that.
napad złości; dostać napadu złości começar a aprender
(to have, throw,) temper tantrum Your child is older than 4 and still has temper tantrums often.
reszta, pozostali, końcówka começar a aprender
the part of something that is left after the other parts have gone, been used, or been taken away: I ate most of it and gave the remainder to the dog. It rained the first day but the remainder of the trip was fine.
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at the maximum speed, level, rate, etc. that is possible When you're working flat out, that's when relationships can suffer. Many factories are running flat out, so new investment is needed.
podlizywać się, mydlić oczy começar a aprender
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a system for naming and organizing things, especially plants and animals, into groups that share similar qualities the taxonomies of various plant groups
popychać do przodu, wprawiać w ruch começar a aprender
to push or move something somewhere, often with a lot of force. to cause someone to do an activity or be in a situation The film propelled him to international stardom... a rocket propelled through space The Kon-Tiki sailed across the Pacific Ocean propelled by wind power.
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He left home after falling out with his parents.
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pleasantly or comfortably warm felt snug and toasty by the fire
przepuścić coś, przegapić coś começar a aprender
to fail to take advantage of an opportunity I can't believe she passed up the chance to go to South America. He's never one to pass up a free meal.
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something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, courage, etc. to achieve it: deed, exploit, The Eiffel Tower is a remarkable feat of engineering. She performed remarkable feats of organization for the company.
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A time that is far-off, is a long time before or after the present. A far-off place is a great distance away some point in the far-off future. a far-off land
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having a very harmful effect or influence. baneful The cuts in government funding have had a pernicious effect on local health services.
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causing hallucinations: LSD is a hallucinogenic drug.
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katalizator (coś powodujące ważna zmianę) começar a aprender
an event or person that causes great change: something that makes a chemical reaction happen more quickly without itself being changed The high suicide rate acted as a catalyst for change in the prison, carceral system. The bombing attack was the catalyst for war. catalyzer, fuel, spark activator, driver
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at a stage when the level of activity is at its highest: When we got there, the party was in full swing. The economic recovery is now in full swing.
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a person who helps to carry a coffin at a funeral or who walks at the side of the people carrying it
nieść się, roznosić się (wieść, zapach); proponować, sugerować, spławik do ryb começar a aprender
The logs are cut and floated down the local river. The glider floated in the air.
ulżyć (w cierpieniu, bólu), koić (żal), zagłuszać (poczucie winy, gasić głód começar a aprender
to make unpleasant feelings less strong The government has tried to assuage the public's fears.
próba zdobycia czegoś; oferta przetargowa; começar a aprender
someone bids to do something, they compete with other people to do it: an offer to do something when you are competing with other people to do it: Paris is bidding to host the next Olympics. Sydney made a successful bid to host the Olympic Games. His bid to rob a bank ended in a fail.
nakładać(jeden obraz na drugi), narzucać i obciążać começar a aprender
to put especially a picture, words, etc. on top of something else, especially another picture, words, etc., so that what is in the lower position can still be seen, heard, etc The book cover had a picture of a dove superimposed on a battle scene.
mega szybkie (podsumowanie) começar a aprender
used to describe questions or jokes that come very quickly one after another I'm gonna to relay it in a rapid-fire abridgement
pozbawiony skrupułów, niewybredny, bezmyślny começar a aprender
not showing careful choice or planning, especially so that harm results: unscrupulous an indiscriminate terrorist attack on civilians The indiscriminate use of fertilizers can cause long-term problems.
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to preserve something, especially food, by freezing and then drying it:
pierwotny, w idealnym stanie, w nienaruszonym stanie começar a aprender
not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted (as by civilization. belonging to the earliest period or state: ORIGINAL a pristine forest. used books in pristine condition. the hypothetical pristine lunar atmosphere
przejmować się, zadręczać; wyzyskiwać w pracy; ciężko pracować começar a aprender
After Tom had sweated at work, he came home and took care of the children. You'll pass the exam, don't sweat. They don't pay the workers enough money, they're sweating them. He appreciated my sweat and gave me a promotion.
załączyć (coś do wiadomości), odgradzać, tworzyć kąt, okrążać começar a aprender
to surround something: The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged. Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
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to move employees, soldiers, equipment, etc. to a different place or use them in a more effective way. to use money or other assets for a different purpose from the one they were originally intended for Our troops, that were not busy at that time, had been redeployed and sent to the area of fierce fights. The government should be thinking about redeploying assets and resources to those areas of the economy that are doing well.
person not named começar a aprender
used instead of a particular name to refer to someone or something, especially when the real name is not important or you have forgotten it: She always keeps me up to date with the latest gossip - you know, so-and-so from down the road is having a baby and so-and-so's just bought a car.
zabrać głos; wyjść na parkiet começar a aprender
Sara was too shy to take the floor. I would like to take the floor.
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house of commons/ house of lords
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get some briquette and charcoal and can finally inflame a grill
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obszar, przestrzeń ziemi; traktat, rozprawa; przewód pokarmowy, drogi oddechowe começar a aprender
a short piece of writing, especially on a religious or political subject, that is intended to influence other people's opinions: a large area of land. a system of connected tubes and organs with a particular function inside the body the urinary/respiratory/digestive tract. The house is surrounded by vast tracts of woodland. Karl Marx have written the ill-famous socialist tract where he put a cornerstone for the emerge of the community movement.
rozluźniony, niesurowy; pobłażliwy; niedbały começar a aprender
opposite: strict; without much care, attention, or control. not severe or strong enough The subcommittee contends that the authorities were lax in investigating most of the cases. He took a gun through baggage control to highlight the lax security.
wykastrować, pociaxy, ocenzurować (film) começar a aprender
to deprive of emotional or intellectual vitality a movie version that castrates the hard-hitting novel
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a piece of equipment with straps and belts, used to control or hold in place a person, animal, or object a safety harness a baby harness. There is a great deal of interest in harnessing wind and waves as new sources of power. Harness a horse and go on a sled ride
powtarzać wielokrotnie w celu podkreślenia czegoś começar a aprender
to say or state again with purpose of putting an emphasis on sth no matter how many times I iterate that this so-called prank is a bad idea, no one listens
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looking or seeming dishonest He has shifty eyes. There's a couple of shifty-looking people standing on the street corner.
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a garden tool with a long handle and a short blade used to remove weeds and break up the surface of the ground I need a spade and a hoe to work in the garden. You use a hoe to weed a bed.
dłubać w czymś, jeść bez apetytu; czepiać się kogoś começar a aprender
She has an eating disorder and she always picks at her meals. The kids are picking at me because I'm fat.
zrzucać skórę (zwierzęta), zsyłać (na Syberię, do piekła) começar a aprender
to shed skin Some animals cast their skin. They cast him to Siberia for 25 years. He died before they were able to cast him to an exile.
opatrzyć komentarzem, wyjaśnić começar a aprender
to add a short explanation or opinion to a text or image Annotated editions of Shakespeare's plays help readers to understand old words. an annotated bibliography/manuscript/edition
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having many different parts or sides. complex It's a multifaceted business, offering a range of services.
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I don't want to work but I need the dough
odłożyć słuchawkę, potocznie, przestać wykonywać jakaś czynność começar a aprender
She hung up cleaning and answered the door. I hung my bathrobe up and went to bed. He gave his greeting to my family and hung up
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a type of verb, of which the most common is "be", that joins the subject of the verb with a complement: In the sentence "You smell nice", "smell" is a copula.
wzór, przykład, model, paradygmat começar a aprender
a model of something, or a very clear and typical example of something: Some of these educators are hoping to produce a change in the current cultural paradigm. His ruthless accumulation of wealth stands as a paradigm of greed in the business world. This paradigm is the most important thing in physics.
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to stop rising or falling, and stay at the same level: It flattens out the language's grammar rule paradigm. If the housing market continues to flatten out or even decline, we're in for some tough times.
obeznany z czymś, doskonale się czymś posługujący, biegły começar a aprender
to be familiar with, and have knowledge or experience of the facts or rules of something: familiar I'm not conversant with the rules of chess. She’s conversant with US foreign policy.
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You gave us a case in point.
dyglosja (podział na dwa istniejące w obrębie jednej społeczności i dopełniające się wzajemnie w swej funkcji języki) começar a aprender
Because many languages exist in China, they also have problem regarding diglossia. Many Jewish communities were in a state of diglossia.
niezależnie od, tym niemniej, Chociaż começar a aprender
preposition, adverb. despite the fact or thing mentioned: Notwithstanding some members' objections, I think we must go ahead with the plan. Injuries notwithstanding, the team won the semifinal.
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to (cause a seed to) start growing. to start developing The beans will only germinate if the temperature is warm enough. I felt an idea germinating in my head/mind.
related to french word meaning beautiful começar a aprender
to add to the interest of by including made-up details. color, elaborate (on), embroider, exaggerate, hyperbolize embellish a page with floral borders. Although the words adorn and embellish have much in common, adorn implies an enhancing by something beautiful in itself. embelish a story to make it sounds more appealing.
1) piaszczysty 2) wytrwały i zdeterminowany 3) realistyczny, brutalnie szczery nitty, small granules começar a aprender
plough, courageously determined, plucky. rough and course gritty texture. It's still gritty, but you'll certainly have some stories to tell.
wytyczną, dyrektywa, zlecenie sterujące começar a aprender
Our prime directive is to do no harm