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przedprzedostatni, 3 od końca começar a aprender
third from last: X is the antepenultimate letter of the alphabet.
działać (o programie komputerowym), być publikowanym, być granym começar a aprender
Help me, please. This program isn't running. these game has tremendous requirements so you will doubtfully launch it on your computer. It will just don't run even on the lower graphic settings.
opieka nad dziećmi (przyznana po rozwodzie rodziców, piecza, kuratela (np. nad tajnymi dokumentami), areszt śledczy começar a aprender
Three of the men were remanded in custody. She got custody of Daisy after the divorce.
trapezy, kaptury (mięśnie czworoboczne); manatki começar a aprender
He's been working on his traps lately. Sell my traps and send the money to my brother.
płyta chodnikowa, kamień brukowy começar a aprender
a large, flat piece of stone or concrete used for paths, floors, etc He began climbing, taking the flagstone stairs two at a time.
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a creature
chaos, zamieszanie; okaleczenie(prawnicze) começar a aprender
a situation in which there is little or no order or control: gavoc With 20 kids running around and only two adults to supervise, it was complete mayhem. The tornado caused mayhem in the country Murder and mayhem were one thing, bad language was quite another.
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a fixed sum of money paid periodically for services or to defray expenses He receives a small stipend for his work as a research fellow. the stipend you'll receive as an intern will just barely cover your housing costs
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After he offended Sally, her eyes welled up with tears. A feeling of disgust welled up inside Tom.
kadencja, okres piastowania jakiegoś stanowiska; stały etat wykładowcy começar a aprender
term I am working hard to get tenure at this university. We were a prosperous country during his tenure.
udzielać, wyświadczać, przyznawać; zgadzać się na começar a aprender
to treat someone specially, usually by showing respect: accord a privilege The massed crowds of supporters accorded him a hero's welcome. Certainly in our society teachers don't enjoy the respect that is accorded to doctors and lawyers. Other members have also overrun slightly, and we must accord the same treatment to everyone.
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a traveler who makes a long arduous journey (as hiking through mountainous country)
zakrzywienie (rzeczywistości) krzywizna, skrzywienie (kręgosłupa), zagięcie, zaokrąglenie (powierzchni czegos) começar a aprender
the state of being curved or bent: the curvature of the earth's surface a pronounced curvature of the spine
wystrzałowy, odjechany, gadżeciarski, nowoczesny, wystrzałowy começar a aprender
used to describe a style of music, usually for dancing to, with a strong rhythm based on jazz and a tune that repeats: fashionable in an unusual and noticeable way Have you heard their new record? It's really funky. She has some really funky clothes.
łączyć się(idee obrazy), stapiać (dwie rzeczy w jedną); LONT começar a aprender
merge. to join together physically, or to join things together physically.(of ideas, cultures, musical styles, etc.) to combine or be combined together The atoms of hydrogen fuse to form helium atoms. Genes determine how we develop from the moment the sperm fuses with the egg. In Istanbul, East and West fuse together in a way that is fascinating to observe. The fuse is attached to the stick of dynamite.
zawiadomienie, notatka służbowa começar a aprender
a short written report prepared specially for a person or group of people that contains information about a particular matter. an informal legal agreement Michael Davis has prepared a memorandum outlining our need for an additional warehouse. The three countries have signed a memorandum pledging to work together.
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stadig i endring. constantly changing the key is adapting to the ever-changing conditions"
nagabywać (np. klientów), nakłaniać (do kupna), reklamować começar a aprender
to advertise, talk about, or praise something or someone repeatedly, especially as a way of encouraging people to like, accept, or buy something: hype The minister has been touting these ideas for some time. He is being widely touted as the next leader of the party. There were hundreds of taxis at the airport, all touting for business/custom
charakterystyczne danie, specjalność (kucharza) começar a aprender
His signature dish is seafood.
niezdrowo zdeterminowany, na złamanie karku começar a aprender
to be extremely determined to do something, without considering the risks or possible dangerous results He was hell-bent on revenge.
orientacyjny, szacunkowy (cena) começar a aprender
being or relating to a sign that something exists, is true, or is likely to happen Resumption of the talks is indicative of an improving relationship between the countries.
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(scientific) facilities, base The research and development base is working with the automobile industry. Is the needed equipment in the base? The government spent a lot of money on the new sports facilities. hinterlane
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to confuse or shock someone or cause difficulty for them I wasn't expecting a visitor. I was really thrown. The news of the coup threw them into a state of panic. the differences in the tone pitches in Norwegian really threw me in the beginning of my learning.
burzliwy (np. okres wyborów), gromki (o oklaskach), hałaśliwy (np. tłum começar a aprender
the tumultuous period before the country's president election.
wzbudzić, podburzyć, pobudzić começar a aprender
to wake someone up or make someone more active or excited, awake He roused himself (from a pleasant daydream) and got back to work. The speaker attempted to rouse the crowd with a cry for action.
zrelacjonować (coś komuś), zdawać sprawę (z czegoś), nawiązać kontakt (z kimś)- ROZUMIEĆ KOGOŚ, identyfikować się z começar a aprender
I related to him how the meeting had gone. Our children need a teacher who would relate to them. They relate to each other. I can't relate to the main character in the book
pogodzić, ułagodzić sytuację, MEDIOWAĆ começar a aprender
placate If they had known about us, you might have felt yourself called upon to conciliate them. An independent adviser has been brought in to conciliate between the two sides involved in the conflict. Outraged minority groups will not be placated by promises
sens, wydźwięk(wypowiedzi) começar a aprender
the general meaning of someone's words or actions: I didn't read it all but I think the purport of the letter was that he will not be returning for at least a year.
poczucie własnej wartości começar a aprender
believing in your own abilities and worth; respecting yourself. self-respect He's a bit overweight and he has low self-esteem.
wpływowa osoba, który czerpie swoją siłę z pokładów finansowych começar a aprender
a person whose power derives from their wealth. derogatory champagne-swilling plutocrats. There are 13 words for women, all but two derogatory.
pić łapczywie, żłopać; płukać (np. po wizycie u dentysty) começar a aprender
to cause a liquid to flow around or over something, often in order to clean it: to drink, especially alcohol, quickly and in large amounts champagne-swilling plutocrats. The dentist handed me a glass of water to swill my mouth out with.
wystawny, syty (o uczcie), przepyszny, okazały (pałac) começar a aprender
impressive in a way that seems expensive. opulent, grand, luxurious The celebrity guests turned up dressed in sumptuous evening gowns. sumptuously decorated rooms
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extremely unpleasant and causing or deserving hate: odiousness. an odious crime an odious little man
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contentment, satisfaction
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buzz term. a word or expression from a particular subject area that has become fashionable by being used a lot, especially on television and in the newspapers Diversity" is the new buzzword in education.
podskakiwać, hasać, brykać; się, podskok, sus começar a aprender
to run and jump about in an energetic, happy way. romp, frolic She never saw where certain other people came from who were soon capering about among the trees. For about ten minutes we capered around on the ice.
1) biust,2) rozwalić, 3) zapuszkować (potocznie), nalot(policyjny) Będziemy musieli otworzyć to siłą começar a aprender
bosom, We'll have to bust it open. Get down from there before you bust your head. My bust size is 34B. The cops busted him for possession of drugs.
szarmancki(rycerski), eskortować kobietę, zalecać się do kobiety começar a aprender
(of a man) polite and kind towards women, especially when in public. showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things: That wasn't very gallant of you, Paul, pushing a young lady out of the way like that! Despite fierce competition, she made a gallant effort to win the first medal of the championships.
perfectly done: exactly right: EXCELLENT começar a aprender
very attractive; as good as it could be This is a look that is totally on fleek!
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snop, promień (światła), trzonek, drzewiec (strzały, włóczni), szyb começar a aprender
a pole or rod that forms the handle of a tool or weapon: a beam of light. a long, either vertical or sloping, passage through a building or through the ground the shaft of an axe/ golf club. A shaft of (sun)light came through the open door. a lift shaft a ventilation/air shaft a well shaft
szkoła wyższa(po gimnazjum) começar a aprender
uzyskiwanie odpowiedzi. sposób pozyskiwania czegoś od kogoś começar a aprender
the process of getting or producing something, especially information or a reaction: the practice of getting a student to provide or remember a fact, response, etc. rather than telling them the answer We discussed the elicitation of confessions in murder investigations. He was charged with fraudulent elicitation of sensitive information. Many language tests rely on the elicitation strategies described in chapter 7.
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to hem and haw But while some nations haver in their commitment to fighting climate change
przekształcalny, przemienny, możliwy do przekształcenia; KABRIOLET começar a aprender
able to be arranged in a different way and used for a different purpose. a car with a soft roof that can be folded back: a convertible sofa bed. a Volkswagen convertible
brew, czoło; grań, grzbiet (w górach) começar a aprender
the forehead (= part of the face above the eyes): the top part of a hill or the edge of something high such as a cliff or rock: She wrinkled her brow as she thought. He paused at the top of the hill and mopped his brow (= rubbed the sweat away). the brow of the hill
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saying exactly what must happen, especially by giving an instruction or making a rule: Most teachers think the government's guidelines on homework are too prescriptive.
podpowiedź, sugestia, bamowa podszept começar a aprender
the act of trying to make someone say something: Kids of that age really shouldn't need prompting to say thank you for things. Amazingly - without any prompting - my husband actually said how nice I looked in my new dress!
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Something that is porous has many small holes, so liquid or air can pass through, especially slowly: not protected enough to stop people going through: porous soil with good drainage porous brick walls. The border in this region is porous and many refugees have simply walked across.
wychodzenie za mąż za mężczyznę z wyższych sfer społecznych, bądź lepiej usytuowanego ekonomicznie começar a aprender
the action of marrying or forming a sexual relationship with a person of a superior sociological or educational background.
nie do pogodzenia, nieprzejednany começar a aprender
impossible to find agreement between or with, or impossible to deal with: irreconcilable differences of opinion They have become irreconcilable, with both sides refusing to compromise any further.
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a layer of plants and bushes that grows under the canopy (= the thick, high roof formed by branches and leaves) of a forest There are many old plants, as well as a thriving understorey of seedlings. The article examines the effects of surface fires on understorey in central Brazilian Amazonia.
tajniki, szczegóły czegoś começar a aprender
the detailed or complicated facts of something: I know how to use computers, but I don't really understand the ins and outs of how they work.
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to become four times as big, or to multiply a number or amount by four The number of students at the college has quadrupled in the last ten years. We expect to quadruple our profits this year.
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run into a snag. fire officials have also hit snags as they try to keep up
kundel, ale również wytwór, indywidum o różnych cechach começar a aprender
an individual resulting from the interbreeding of diverse breeds. a cross between types of persons or things She owns several dogs, one of which is a mongrel. the cinema is ... a mongrel of virtually all the other arts. mongrels often suffer fewer health problems than purebreds
rechotać (o żabie), krakać(jak kruk), rechot começar a aprender
When animals such as frogs and crows croak, they make deep rough sounds. If you croak, you speak with a rough voice because you have a sore or dry throat She tried to say something, but her voice was just a croak.
majątek ruchomy(czasami o osobach jako słudzy) old use or formal começar a aprender
a personal possession. an item of tangible movable or immovable property except real estate and things (such as buildings) connected with real property. an enslaved person held as the legal property of another: BONDMAN He treated his wife as little more than a chattel. goods and chattels. He had struck down my personality, had subjected me to his will, made property of my body and soul, reduced me to a chattel...
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a shrewish, ill-tempered woman. a female fox When Arabella called her a treacherous vixen and a heartless, profligate hussy, she spoke out freely, and said that she wasn't going to be abused.
pospieszyć się z robieniem czegoś idiom, j. mówiony começar a aprender
I want the strong ones. Get on with packing them on the ship.
chory, niezdrowy - archaizm powiązany z chorobą zwierząt começar a aprender
a type of infectious disease that can be caught by animals, especially dogs. archaic: derange, unsettle disordered or abnormal bodily state especially of quadruped mammals. vice and folly are situated not in human nature ... but in distempers of intellect
ładunek (papierosów), przesyłka, transport (ładunku) começar a aprender
a large amount of goods sent together to a place, or the act of sending them: cargo A shipment of urgent medical supplies is expected to arrive very soon. You get free shipment if your order is big enough.
zachwycać, zachwycić, oczarować, começar a aprender
to give someone very great pleasure The performance enraptured adults and children alike. She listened, enraptured, without moving for days.
wyplątywać, wyciągać. wydobywać (się z ciężkiej sytuacji) disentangle, untangle começar a aprender
to remove something or set something free with difficulty: It took hours to extricate the car from the sand. I tried to extricate myself from the situation. Specially trained firefighters perform vehicle extrications. the extrication of their troops from the conflict
jędzowaty, swarliwy(o kobiecie) começar a aprender
(of a woman) unpleasant, easily annoyed, and arguing a lot: He plays a loving father who finds himself increasingly alienated from his shrewish wife. She's unafraid of seeming unsympathetic or a bit shrewish.
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Horses, lions and dogs are quadrupeds, but humans are bipeds.
rzucać piaskiem w czyjeś oczy(oszukiwać) começar a aprender
throw dust in somebody's eyes To delude or deceive someone. He threw dust in our eyes by pretending to be a jeweler and then disappeared with the diamonds
podjechać wolno (na biegu zerowym, bez dodawania gazu) começar a aprender
powszechnie akceptowany, główny nurt começar a aprender
considered normal, and having or using ideas, beliefs, etc. that are accepted by most people: the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people: The new law should allow more disabled to enter the mainstream of American life. This is the director's first mainstream Hollywood film. Many youngsters have been out of mainstream education for so long that they cannot adapt to a learning environment.
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Take a look at the map, find the nearest railway spur to our location.
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a person who directs a ship or boat, using a handle or wheel
wrak (statku), włóczęga, bezdomny, opuszczony (np. budynek), porzucony (o rzeczy) começar a aprender
a derelict site The theatre has been left to stand/lie derelict. I saw some derelicts near the waste dump. Most road accidents are caused by derelict drivers.
nadawać się, być odpowiednim, spełniać wymagania começar a aprender
to be exactly what is needed: be suitable A dress that would fit the bill wasn't on the market.
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zazębiający się, łączący się jak pierścienie começar a aprender
to fit together firmly The edges interlock to form a tight seal. interlocking rings
utvannet começar a aprender
not having a strong taste or character, or having no interest or energy: a pale insipid wine He's an insipid old bore. Why anyone buys music with such insipid lyrics is a mystery.