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[] she is old, she can still run far. começar a aprender
[Although/even though] she is old, she can still run far. cel: kontrastowanie | mimo że, pomimo że, choć, chociaż, aczkolwiek | Although she is nice, I don't like her that much. | He couldn't go to the party, even though he wanted to go very much.
I would do it [] they didn't pay me. começar a aprender
I would do it [even if] they didn't pay me. cel: coś się stanie niezależnie od tego, czy warunek zostanie spełniony czy nie | zwykle (zawsze?) występuje z II conditionalem | Even if he was ill, she wouldn't care.
You might want to take flat shoes; [] you want to dance later. começar a aprender
You might want to take flat shoes; [in case] you want to dance later. cel: We use in case to talk about things we should do to be prepared for possible future situations | na wypadek gdyby | Let’s take our swimming costumes in case there’s a pool at the hotel. (nie wiemy, czy jest basen, weźmy kostiumy na wszelki wypadek)
[] the fact she was busy, she still made time to volunteer. começar a aprender
[In spite of / despite] the fact she was busy, she still made time to volunteer. cel: kontrastowanie | pomimo czegoś, wbrew czemuś | znaczenie takie jak although/even though, ale inne użycie; po "despite" dajemy rzeczownik, po "although" dajemy zdanie podrzędne | In spite of all his hard work, he got fired.
He took a large umbrella [] if it rained, he wouldn’t get wet. começar a aprender
He took a large umbrella [so that] if it rained, he wouldn’t get wet. cel: wprowadzić uzasadnienie, pokazać cel | tłumaczenie: żeby, po to, aby, dzięki czemu; dlatego, że; i dlatego | She came here so that we could finish our task; I bought an extra cheese so that we wouldn’t run out of it while making pizza.
He must be about 60, [] his wife looks about 30. começar a aprender
He must be about 60, [whereas ] his wife looks about 30. cel: porównywanie | tłumaczenie: podczas gdy, natomiast | She likes pizza whereas I love tomato soup. / He is a globalist, whereas we are nationalists who will put our country first. / I have to work hard whereas you are sitting at home.
The company is growing. [], there will be more jobs on offer. começar a aprender
The company is growing. [In consequence/Therefore/Consequently/As a result], there will be more jobs on offer. cel: pokazanie skutku | tłumaczenie: wskutek tego; w rezultacie; w konsekwencji; a co za tym idzie | We had a huge fight, and consequently we don't speak to each other. / He found German grammar difficult. Therefore, he quit studying it.
The holiday is too expensive. [], I don’t really want to go. começar a aprender
The holiday is too expensive. [Besides/Furthermore/Moreover/In addition], I don’t really want to go. cel: wprowadzenie dodatkowego argumentu wzmacniającego poprzedni | tłumaczenie: poza tym, do tego | She won't mind if you're late - besides, it's hardly your fault. / It's too late, besides, I'm sleepy.
The shop was open. [], nobody came to the kiosk. começar a aprender
The shop was open. [However/Nevertheless/Nonetheless], nobody came to the kiosk. cel: wprowadzenie argumentu zaskakującego lub innego niż poprzednie | This is easy to do. However, there are catches. / The disease is extremely unpleasant, however, easy to treat. / The region was beautiful. Nonetheless he doesn't want to live there.
Cars must stop at red traffic lights: [], bicycles have to stop too. começar a aprender
Cars must stop at red traffic lights: [similarly/likewise], bicycles have to stop too. cel: pokazanie podobieństwa, analogii | tłumaczenie: podobnie, w ten sam sposób | Sales of existing homes went up 2% last month. Similarly, construction of new homes rose as well. / The clams were delicious. Likewise, the eggplant was excellent.