lingo 1

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questão English resposta English
a language, especially a foreign one
. informal
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Learning the real local lingo can be a child’s play
If you give a lot of attention to sth and do not think about anything else, you ____ it.
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lose yourself in
she loves to lose herself in a fascinating book.
A person whose job it is to cut, prepare and use stone for building;
Pol. kamieniarz
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a translator and stonemason
to choose one thing or do one thing instead of another;
Pol. wybrać, optować za x1
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she has recently opted to do hers in French
(formal) except.
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whereby all lessons, bar English, are taught in Breton.
to cause to join an organisation or a group
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enrol sb in
They enrolled them in Brittany's educational system
by which, in which;
It's put me in a position ... I can't afford to take a job.
Pol. przez co, dzięki któremu, wskutek czego
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They have opted not to bring up their three children bilingually in French and English, but trilingually, by enrolling them in Brittany's educational sys tem, Diwan, whereby all lessons, bar English and French, are taught in Breton
whereby all lessons are taught in Breton.
by means of; through;
Pol. przez/poprzez
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children are educated via this immersion method
To involve completely in something, or to put (something or someone) completely under the surface of a liquid;
Pol. zanurzyć
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immersion method
the act or an instance of reviving or the state of being revived;
Pol. powrót, odrodzenie się
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it has played an important role in the revival of the Breton language
Pol. jak śmiesz to robić?
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how dare you do that
to agree to do some work or be responsible for something;
p. verb x2
Pol. wziąć, brać na siebie, podejmować się czegoś
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take on
Don't your children have enough to take on?
To make very wet, or (of liquid) to be absorbed in large amounts. To become gradually and clearly understood;
Pol. wsiąkać, wsiąknąć
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soak in
Breton just soaked in
If you correct sb or sth, or scold sb, you _______ (for sth);
Pol. poprawiać kogoś
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pick up
Multilingual children pick up other languages quickly
When an event or situation has a_____, it indirectly causes other events or situations;
Pol. efekt domina
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knock-on effect
That has obvious knock-on effects.
a particular style of cooking;
Pol. kuchnia (jako sposób gotowania)
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the word cuisine in French means cooking,
(of people and animals) to gather together in a large group.
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the family congregate in a kitchen
showing that something is true about a situation;
Pol. odbijający, odzwierciedlający
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reflective of sth
it is also reflective of French culture

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