let's agree to disagree

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questão resposta
to accommodate
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to accept sb's opinion and consider doing it, particularly when it differs from one's opinion
to compromise
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iść na kompromis
to concede
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przyznać - to reluctantly admit that sth is true after denying it first
to intervene
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interweniować - to intentionally become involved in a difficult siyuation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
to interfere
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przeszkadzać - to take part or get involved in sth when it is not necessary or without invitation, in a way that is annoying to others
to seal
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to finalize a contract, deal or agreement
to talk into
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to convince sb to do sth they do not want to do
to undertake
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to accept or promise to do sth particular
to violate
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naruszać - to disobey or break a regulation, an agreement
to raise hell
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to complain about or object to sth angrily and loudly
to wrap up
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to complete a meeting, task
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começar a aprender
the act of following rules or regulations
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an agreement reached by all members of a group
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behavior and actions that most members of a society expect and consider appropriate
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an agreement between two people or a group of people, based on which they do sth particular for one another
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an act that violates an agreement
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zobowiązanie / obowiązek - the state of being dedicated to sb or sth
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zamieszanie - an argument about unimportant things
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an official agreement that puts an end to a dispute
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the state or act of accepting defeat and not having a choice but to obey the perso in the position of power
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wzajemny - (of actions or feelings) done to or shared by either of two indiviuals or more for each other
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involving, done, or shared by all members of a group
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completely different
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controlled, done, shared, or owned by two or more people
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agreed upon, decided or resolved
to come to terms with sb
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to reach a mutual understanding, agreement or resolution with sb
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niespójny - lacking uniformity or coherence in quality of behavior
off the table
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(of a proposal, topic) unavailable or incapable of being considered

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