Lesson - 03.04.2023

 0    14 fiche    jessehandley
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questão resposta
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copyright infringement
It is a copyright infringement.
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naruszenie praw autorskich
To naruszenie praw autorskich.
flammable gas
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palny gaz
near future
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bliska przyszłość
speak of the devil
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o wilku mowa
pork chop
Nastia likes pork chops.
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kotlet schabowy
sail your boat close by
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popłyń swoją łodzią w pobliżu
You're in for it!
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You are in trouble!
I managed something.
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I was the manager
I managed to do something.
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Udało mi się coś zrobić.
no pain, no gain
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bez pracy nie ma kołaczy
team work makes the dream work
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praca zespołowa sprawia, że marzenie działa
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everything that is distilled
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wszystko, co jest destylowane

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